Filling out your Paldeck isn't the most difficult thing to do in Palworld, but it can be daunting when you don't know where to find different Pals. You won't know a Pal's location until you've come across at least one of its kind, making the matter even more confusing. This especially rings true if your desired Pal's location is in a secluded or secret spot like a Wildlife Sanctuary.
Palworld's Astegon is one such elusive Pal, but there's no need to fret. We've got you covered here with an in-depth guide on the draconic Pal's location, how to catch it, and more.
Some Palworld resources and where to find them:
Astegon Location in Palworld
If you're wondering about Astegon's location, there are two different areas on the map where you can find the Dark and Dragon Element Pal. The first spot is near the southwest corner of your map within Mount Obsidian. You'll want to have some heat-resistant armor on hand before heading here. Once you're ready, you can mark -580, -415 on your map and search for a Destroyed Mineshaft entrance near the coordinates.

This spot is just west of the Mount Obsidian Midpoint fast travel point, making it easily accessible for players who have the teleport statue unlocked. You'll have to head into the mines to find and take on the Alpha Pal form of Astegon. For those of you not looking to pick a fight with bosses in Palworld, there's thankfully a second location for you to try your luck at.

You can find Astegon's normal variant over at the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary. This relatively hard-to-find location around coordinates 660, 625 is up in the very northeast corner of your map, making it quite difficult to access. If you already have a flying mount handy or a Pal that can swim, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting there.
How to Catch Astegon in Palworld
Now that you know where to find Astegon in Palworld, you'll probably want to get your hands on the winged Pal for keeps. While you can always opt to make Cake and hope to produce the correct Huge Dragon Egg when breeding, it's quicker to take your chances at catching Astegon directly after coming across it in the wild. This big Pal isn't easy to capture though, so we recommend having Legendary Spheres on hand. You should also make sure and spend all of your saved-up Lifmunk Effigies at a Statue of Power for an increased catch rate.

It may seem minute, but every extra percent counts when trying to capture higher-level Pals like Astegon in Palworld. Aside from Spheres and passive percentages, you'll want to gear up properly before taking this Pal on. We're talking Assault Rifles, Pump-action Shotguns, and other high-end weaponry. Don't forget to slot a Hyper Shield in for protection, either. As for your accompanying party, you're best off bringing Ice Pals with you as Dragon Pals are weak against them. Avoid using Dark or Neutral-type Pals.
Whether you choose to take on the Alpha Pal variant or plain old Astegon at the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary, all of the above advice applies. Once you get the menacing beast down to less than 100 health points or so, take your shot with a Legendary Sphere and hope for the best. You may not capture Astegon instantly, but as the saying goes, try, try again.