Destiny 2 Decrypted Data Guide - How to Get Decrypted Data

Tales from Decrypt

Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is here and it’s time to elevate your fashion game. Along with new weapons, a 6 player activity, exotics, story missions, and season pass, the heavily requested armor transmogrification feature is finally arriving. In this season, players will team up with the Fallen Captain Mithrax to stop the Vex from plunging Earth into total darkness. Unlike last season where you used Hammer Charges to decrypt Umbral Engrams, players will need to farm Decrypted Data. Not only will this be used for focusing all the new Umbral Engrams, but it’s also tied to upgrading your Splicer Gauntlet. This makes it the most important currency this season, so you’ll want to amass as much as possible.

How to Get Decrypted Data

At the time of writing this, there are only three ways you can obtain Decrypted Data in Season of the Splicer. Before we breakdown each of these methods, here’s a quick overview of how to obtain this consumable item:

  • Complete specific Weekly Challenges
  • Reach levels 2, 12, and 32 in the Season Pass
  • Open up the Conflux Chest in the Override activity

The biggest source of Decrypted Data will come from completing specific Weekly Challenges. For example, the Hallo, World, and Maximum Override will each award 150 Decrypted Data, but can only be completed once per account. While this isn’t a consistent method to farm Decrypted Datan it is an essential one that you’ll want to ensure you complete. Buying upgrades for the Splicer Gauntlet can be expensive (especially as you move down the tiers) so it’s critical you complete these challenges as soon as possible. Remember, new challenges will arrive every week for ten weeks each Tuesday.

Your second method is simply by hitting level 2, 12, and 32 in the Season Pass. This is tied to the premium tier (bottom row) and can only be obtained once per level. Similar to the Weekly Challenges, these will offer a nice amount of Decrypted Data. The only problem is this can only be redeemed once, so use this as a way to supplement your main grind for this consumable.

Conflux Chests is the core way you will farm Decrypted Data. Opening up the chest will grant you a total of 35 Decrypted Data, but it has to be the Conflux Chest otherwise you won’t earn any. To open up a Conflux Chest you need to create a Key Code in the Splicer Gauntlet. This costs 50 Ether, which is obtained by completing playlist activities, killing enemies, and doing Public Events. Once you have enough Ether, make a key via your gauntlet and head into the Override activity. Once you get to the end, approach the chest with the hologram above it and use your key to unlock it. Not only will you earn 35 Decrypted Data, but some loot tied to the Season of the Splicer.

Right now there are no additional ways to increase the amount of Decrypted Data you earn. However, there are two upgrade trees that have not been revealed yet and could be tied to improving your Decrypted Data intake. If this happens, I will update this guide with the upgrade you’ll want to purchase.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.