Destiny 2 Double-Edged Answer God Roll Guide - PVE, PVP, & How to Get

We're really looking forward to this new Destiny 2 sword in PVE once we have its god roll.

Season of the Wish is upon us in Destiny 2! With it comes a slew of new weapons to collect and naturally that means everyone is itching to get their hands on the best possible roll. But early on it can be really hard to know what will perform the best. In this guide, we tell you how to obtain Double-Edged Answer and make some early god roll recommendations for the latest Destiny 2 sword.

We’ve teamed up with Stardust, one of the people behind Clarity - D2 Research, a Destiny 2 project which provides highly trusted explanations of perks, mods, and more for websites like Destiny Item Manager (DIM),, Foundry, and more! With his extensive knowledge and experience studying weapons in depth for thousands of hours and keeping a close eye on the meta at all times at every level, he’s more than qualified to make these selections.

How to Obtain

Double-Edged Answer drops from strikes and Vanguard rankup packages. That means you'll primarily be getting it from playing the Vanguard playlist.

About Double-Edged Answer

Double-Edged Answer is a Legendary Void Sword of the Adaptive Frame archetype. This means it has a heavy uppercut attack and its heavy attacks are stronger when your sword has full energy. It sports both the Vanguard's Vindication Origin Trait which makes it so Final blows with grant a small amount of health, and Nadir Focus which makes it so repetitive swings increases lunge distance. This is the one we want for Double-Edged Answer.

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Double-Edged Answer PVE God Roll

Our recommended PVE god roll for this new Void sword is below. As a reminder, One For All is just Surrounded but worse when it's on a sword so don't fall into that trap. It's also worth noting that Nadir Focus is literally a budget version of Eager Edge. We're really looking forward to this sword.

In the third column you can use Repulsor Brace with any void subclass for synergy or Destabilizing Rounds in the fourth column. And if you're someone who actually guards with your swords, Duelist's Trance isn't a bad perk selection either.

Best PVE Perks by Column Number

  1. Enduring Blade (for add-clear) or Jagged Edge (for DPS)
  2. Balanced Guard
  3. Relentless Strikes or Unrelenting or Repulsor Brace (with void subclass synergy or Destabilizing Rounds) or Duelist’s Trance (for those that don’t forget that you can actually guard)
  4. Surrounded or Destabilizing Rounds (see above)

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Double-Edged Answer PVP God Roll

Because Double-Edged Answer isn't an Eager Edge sword, it's automatically not going to be a fantastic sword in Crucible. At the very least, Nadir Focus can provide a lunge increase that combines well with Unrelenting for a really interesting synergy around multi-kills.

Best PVP Perks by Column Number

  1. Jagged Edge
  2. Balanced Guard
  3. Duelist’s Trance or Unrelenting (for multi-kills) or Demolitionist or Energy Transfer (the class ability energy gains are literally insane)
  4. Valiant Charge (synergizes with DT in the third column) or Assassin’s Blade

About the Authors

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.


Stardust is one of the people behind Clarity - D2 Research, a Destiny 2 project which provides highly trusted explanations of perks, mods, and more for websites like Destiny Item Manager (DIM),, Foundry, and more!