
Destiny 2 Discerptor Title Guide – All Duality Dungeon Triumphs

Yeah, that's a real word.

At long last, Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted has arrived. As expected, there’s a whole new seasonal quest to follow through, as well as new armor sets, weapons, and a haunting atmosphere in every corner. Considering how much is there to unpack, from Solar 3.0 to yet another list of weapon ornaments, we’re diving into all things Destiny 2. This guide focuses on the Destiny 2 Discerptor seal title, which is related to the newly released Duality dungeon.

Destiny 2 Discerptor Title Required Triumphs

There are 10 Triumphs required for the Discerptor title in Destiny 2:

  • Thoughtstealer: Complete the “Duality” dungeon.
  • Solo Thoughtstealer: Complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon solo.
  • Master Thoughtstealer: Complete the “Duality” dungeon on Master difficulty.
  • Mind Heist: Steal Calus’s repressed memories (there are 12 in total, and we have a guide for them right here.)
  • Assassin’s Lament: Earn the Exotic Sword Heartshadow.
  • United in Secrecy: Complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon with a full fireteam of clanmates. The encounters include: Sorrow Bearer defeated, Vault unlocked, and Calus’s greatest shame defeated.
  • Arc Fireteam Completion: Complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon with a full fireteam of Arc subclasses. The encounters include: Sorrow Bearer defeated, Vault unlocked, and Calus’s greatest shame defeated.
  • Solar Fireteam Completion: Complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon with a full fireteam of Solar subclasses. The encounters include: Sorrow Bearer defeated, Vault unlocked, and Calus’s greatest shame defeated.
  • Void Fireteam Completion: Complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon with a full fireteam of Void subclasses. The encounters include: Sorrow Bearer defeated, Vault unlocked, and Calus’s greatest shame defeated.
  • United in Class: Complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon with a full fireteam of the same class. The encounters include: Sorrow Bearer defeated, Vault unlocked, and Calus’s greatest shame defeated.

That’s it! Bear in mind that, aside from the Discerptor title, some Triumphs have their own specific rewards. Thoughtstealer drives you a profile banner that looks kinda cool, while Solo Thoughtstealer, Master Thoughtstealer, and Mind Heist increase the Heartshadow drop rate. In addition, Master Thoughtstealer also rewards you with the Mandate of Strength ship.

Destiny 2 Discerptor 1

All in all, I hope you’ve enjoyed the dungeon, cause you’re going to be replaying it for a long while in order to get all of these Triumphs. But if you’re used to running past dungeons in Destiny 2, you’re probably already used to the process. Best of luck!

If you’re looking for more help, we have guides covering how to unlock the Solar 3.0 fragments and grenades, how to get the new Jotunn catalyst, how to farm Vestiges of Dread and Opulent Umbral Energy, all Exotics, new weapon Patternsseasonal mods, and Season of the Haunted triumphs. In addition, we’re covering all patch notesbugs and top issuesBound in Sorrow quest steps, and Calus Bobbleheads. We’ve covered how to get Opulent KeysBound Presence in Containment, Crown of Sorrow H.E.L.M. upgradesIron Banner Seal Triumphs, and the Trespasser Catalyst. And lastly, we’ve written on how to find a Loyalist Commander for Battles Lines Triumph and the Cek’ik Boss.

About the Author

Diego Arguello

Featured contributor at Fanbyte focusing primarily on guides. Always procrastinating on Twitter.