How to Get the Thorn Catalyst in Destiny 2

One of the most beloved Exotic hand cannons in Destiny 2 receives a catalyst in Season of the Wish. Here’s how to get it.

Destiny 2 Season of the Wish is finally here, and along with it, a new treat for all Thorn-loving Guardians. As announced in a past TWID, Season of the Wish sees the arrival of the Thorn catalyst, which grants several bonuses to an already fan-favorite hand cannon. Here’s how to get the catalyst, how to level it up, and what bonuses it grants to the Thorn.

Thorn catalyst, Thorn, catalyst, Destiny, hand cannon, Exotic

How to Get the Thorn Catalyst

To get the Thorn catalyst, you will have to complete playlist activities. In other words, you will have to wait for it to drop during strikes (including Nightfall), Gambit, and Crucible matches. As with past catalysts for reprised weapons — like the Monte Carlo — drops are entirely based on RNG. Also, if you don’t own the Destiny 2 version of this hand cannon, you can get it from the Exotic Archive at the Tower under the Forsaken Exotics tab (you will need the Forsaken expansion to purchase it).

How to Level up the Thorn Catalyst

Leveling up the Thorn catalyst is as simple as farming kills with it. No bonus kills are connected to specific PVP matches or PVE activity types, so you can play whichever mode suits you best. While farming seasonal activities like Riven’s Lair for top-tier gear, you can also use the Thorn for combatant kills and level up your catalyst.

Since we are revisiting the Dreaming City during the Season of the Wish, you can also run the Last Wish raid to defeat enemies at the well-known Shuro-Chi encounter.

What Does the Thorn Catalyst Do?

The Thorn Catalyst will add the Refined Soul perk to the Thorn. This perk will grant both a range (+20) and a stability (+10) bonus. Not only that, but if you deal a final blow or absorb a Remnant, your weapon’s range, mobility, and handling will be increased for a short time. This will ultimately make the Thorn an even greater choice for PVP.

About the Author

Alejandro Josan

Alejandro Josan is a video game guide and review writer and has been covering Destiny 2 for Fanbyte since June 2023. He has covered Destiny 2 for sites such as Gamer Journalist and PC Invasion. In every game that features class selection, tanks have always been his class of choice, making him the ideal Titan Guardian. Tier lists, seasonal content, and weapon god rolls are his main focus, and you will find him grinding for Pinnacle Gear every week.