Destiny 2 Warlord's Ruin Loot Table - Weapons & Armor by Encounter

Season of the Wish’s new dungeon is a castle full of powerful treasure. Here’s what to expect from each encounter.

Season of the Wish, the last season before Destiny 2: The Final Shape, is all about Ahamkaras, the functionally extinct wish dragons crucial to the game’s lore. Players will spend much of the season hunting down Ahamkara eggs across the multiverse, but the game’s latest dungeon released December 1 sends them hunting for Ahamkara bones in a remote castle overrun by Scorn. 

If you’re up for climbing deep in the mountains of the European Dead Zone and fighting a ton of Scorn in a Dark Age castle, all for some pretty sweet loot, then keep reading to learn more about the loot pool for Warlord's Ruin.

Warlord's Ruin Loot Table

This is a complete infographic of all possible rewards players can obtain from completing each encounter in the Warlord's Ruin dungeon. 


Rathil, the First Broken Knight of Fikrul - 1st Encounter

Vengeful Whisper Bow

Vengeful Whisper Bow

Indebted Kindness Sidearm

Indebted Kindness Sidearm

Dragoncult Sickle Sword

Dragoncult Sickle Sword

Dark Age Helmet

Dark Age Helmet

Dark Age Arms

Dark Age Arms

Dark Age Legs

Dark Age Legs

Locus of Wailing Grief - 2nd Encounter

Vengeful Whisper Bow

Vengeful Whisper Bow

Indebted Kindness Sidearm

Indebted Kindness Sidearm

Naeem’s Lance Sniper Rifle

Naeem’s Lance Sniper Rifle

Dark Age Arms

Dark Age Arms

Dark Age Chest

Dark Age Chest

Dark Age Class Item

Dark Age Class Item

Hefnd’s Vengeance, Blighted Chimaera - 3rd Encounter

Buried Bloodline Exotic Sidearm

Buried Bloodline Exotic Sidearm

Any Warlord's Ruin Weapon

Any Warlord's Ruin Weapon

Any Dark Age Armor Piece

Any Dark Age Armor Piece

Warlord’s Ruin Weapons

Warlord’s Ruin has an exclusive loot pool of four legendary weapons and one exotic a Void sidearm called Buried Bloodline.






Destiny 2 Buried Bloodline Icon.jpgBuried BloodlineVoidSidearmNo
Destiny 2 Indepted Kindness Icon.jpgIndebted KindnessArcSidearmNo
Destiny 2 Vengeful Whisper.jpgVengeful WhisperStrandBowNo
Destiny 2 Dragoncult Sickle Icon.jpgDragoncult SickleStrandSwordNo
Destiny 2 Naeems Lance Icon.jpgNaeem's LanceStrandSniper RifleNo

Warlord’s Ruin Armor Sets


The armor sets for Warlord’s Ruin each incorporate “Dark Age” into the name of each item, and they fittingly have a modern-day Arctic survivalist vibe with fur linings, climbing rope, and spiked climbing boots. This makes sense because the castle itself is deep within the European Dead Zone. Various signage across the EDZ includes German words, particularly “Zervreilahorn,” the name of a mountain in the Swiss Alps. Could that be where Warlord’s Ruin takes place?

In any case, it makes sense that the armor set would prepare Guardians for frigid weather.

Warlord's Ruin Triumphs

Buried Bloodline_fanbyte_destiny2.jpg

Historically, completing the Triumphs associated with a dungeon increases the chances that the Exotic will drop from the final encounter. Here’s a rundown of every Warlord’s Ruin triumph that boosts your chances of getting the Buried Bloodline Exotic sidearm.

  • Heed The Whispers, O Vengeance Mine: Find 10 Ahamkara Bones strewn throughout the Warlock’s Ruin dungeon and hear their accompanying story.
  • She Stood Alone, O Vengeance Mine: Complete the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon solo without leaving the activity.
  • Withstand The Siege, O Vengeance Mine: Complete each encounter of the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon on Master difficulty.

Also, collecting a full set of armor and all the weapons from the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon checks off the Warlord's Ruin triumph for the Wrathbearer title

Good luck farming the coldest Destiny 2 activity since Europa!

About the Author

Corey Plante

Corey Plante is a writer and editor currently freelancing while raising his future gamer daughter. A Day One Destiny Guardian, Corey is a Hunter main who loves tirelessly researching all the best Destiny 2 gear and drumming up theories. Corey has bylines at Kotaku, IGN, Vulture, Fanbyte, Inverse,, and more.