Preview of All Season of the Wish Shaders in Destiny 2

Look your best for those pesky Ahamkara.

Any time a new season arrives, there’s a whole new batch of shaders to make sure Guardians look their best as they fight off the forces of Darkness. The Destiny 2 Season of the Wish is no different, and any Guardian worth their Ghost knows there’s no point in making deals with untrustworthy Ahamkara if you aren’t going to look. We’ve researched, cataloged, and modeled them all; here’s a preview of every shader added in the Season of the Wish. 

Earnable Shaders

Many shaders are earned through playing Destiny 2. That might mean spending time in a particular playlist, or increasing your season rank, depending on the particular shader. 

Valor at Dusk

Valor at Dusk comes from the paid season pass for Season of the Wish. This is unlocked at Rank 6.  



This is also part of the paid season pass. This time you will need to reach Rank 40 to access the shader. 


Biochrome Oasis

Iron Banner’s shader for this season is Biochrome Oasis. You’ll need to participate while Iron Banner is active, and open rank-up packages in order to earn it. 


Envious Gaze

This one is for the Gambit players out there. Invest time Drifter’s featured activity, and at Rank 7 you will be given Envious Gaze.



Speartip is the Vanguard shader for Season of the Wish. You’ll need to grind out Rank 7 in the Vanguard strike playlist or Nightfalls to unlock it. 


Full-Throated Roar

The Crucible shader is Full-Throated Roar. Shaxx offers this for Guardians who reach reputation Rank 7 by playing his PVP focused modes. 


Event Shaders

Destiny 2 features special events throughout the year, and they often feature shaders of their own that can be unlocked by participating. These tend to be available for limited times, so it’s best to grab them sooner rather than later if you want them.

Rime Keepsake

The first event-specific shader of the Season of the Wish is Rime Keepsake. This will be available as part of The Dawning beginning in mid December. It looks like you will need to earn a special Memento during the event in order to earn the shader. 

rime keepsake, shader, memento, dawning

Eververse Shaders

Most new shaders are exclusive to the Eververse. There’s a rotation assortment of goods you can buy for either Bright Dust, which you earn in game, or Silver, which you buy for real money. Visit Tess Everis in the Tower or open the Store tab in the menu to see what’s currently for sale. Some will be sold as individuals, others in bundles, be sure to check every week to see what your options are.

Here are all shaders that will become available at the Eververse store:

Neon Splash


Princely Presence


Spark of Joy


Long Journeys




Cloudstriding Couture




Special Offer Shaders

Deceptive Markings

This one is the most mysterious. According to the item description this comes from a “special offer.” This might mean a code will be released, or a future product tie-in. For now, this remains an open ended question without a firm answer. 


If you're looking for more Season of the Wish gear, we have a guide on all seasonal weapons and armor.

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