Already looking to upgrade your new Grand Overture exotic machine gun? Well, we have some good news for you! Bungie has, in fact, added a catalyst alongside the release of The Witch Queen expansion. Whether you’re a Destiny 2 catalyst collector or someone who wants to make your favorite weapon stronger, read on to see what this new catalyst does and how you can unlock it for yourself via the Destiny 2 Heavy Does It quest.
Grand Overture Machine Gun – Season of the Risen Pass Unlock
- Wrath of the Colossus: Heavy slug launcher that charges then fires full auto while the trigger is held
- Omega Strike: Land hits with the slug launcher to load missiles, Press R, and then fire to launch all missiles in a single volley
- RPM: 100
- Magazine: 20
Heavy Does It Quest – How to Get the Grand Overture Catalyst
Once you’ve unlocked the Grand Overture via the Season of the Risen season pass (rank 1 for the premium tier, rank 35 for the free tier), head over to Banshee-44 in the Tower. He’ll give you the Heavy Does It quest to earn the catalyst. The tasks are straightforward enough, if just time-consuming.
Step 1: Defeat Cabal, Defeat Targets With Power Weapons, and Rapidly Defeat Targets
This is self-explanatory. You need to complete three tasks for the first step of Heavy Does It, which are as follows:
- Defeat Cabal (50 total)
- Defeat targets with Power weapons (50 total)
- Rapidly defeat targets (15 total)
Completing a couple Strikes should be enough for this step. The second one, however, is a bit more troublesome in terms of time.
Step 2: Complete Activities, Defeat Targets Using the Grand Overture Exotic Machine Gun
While it wasn’t necessary for the previous step, one of the tasks asks you to use the Grand Overture to defeat enemies. There isn’t a specific amount, so keep an eye out on the progress bar.
Then, the Catalyst Calibration task requires 200 points. The measurement for it is a bit arbitrary, but here are the activities that can help you with that:
- Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit playlists: They’re the slow burn of the bunch, but remain consistent. If you’re planning on tackle them, do so after a weekly reset so you can get yourself some bounties.
- Higher tier Nightfall completions: If you’re up for Nightfall Strikes, especially those on higher difficulty tiers, you’re getting additional progress.
- Crucible and Gambit wins: Actually winning Crucible and Gambit matches grants you additional progress.
- Defeating Guardians: Across both Crucible and Gambit, defeating order Guardians also gives you bonus points.
All in all, expect for activities to give you anything from 3 to 5 points in the regular. Again, it’s a long process, so make sure to grab those bounties and, if you really want the catalyst, aim to group up with people so you can complete the additional objectives that give you bonus progress.
Step 3: Report Back to Banshee-44
And that’s it! Again, Heavy Does It isn’t a hard Destiny 2 quest, but it’s going to take some time, so plan accordingly.
What Does the Grand Overture Catalyst Do?
The Grand Overture catalyst gives you 20 additional Stability and 20 Handling. It also enables a perk that causes your missile explosions to blind combatants. In addition, any enemies defeated by missile impacts explode, damaging those around them. Sounds like a pretty significant upgrade to me! Certainly something worth chasing down if you plan on using the weapon for a while. Sadly, Masterworked weapons, even exotics, no longer generate Orbs of Power from multikills. Instead you need to equip one of the new Siphon mods to enable this.
How to Level up the Grand Overture Catalyst
You can level up the Grand Overture catalyst by completing three objectives with it: Defeat 50 Cabal, kill 50 targets with Power weapons, and rapidly defeat 15 targets. There does not appear to be any kind of bonus for certain game modes or from the season pass catalyst progress buffs. You can just use the gun a whole bunch or grind it out quickly. Keep in mind that not everything needs to be done with Grand Overture itself, but it certainly is easier to do all three with it at the same time.
There are many places where you can complete this catalyst, but you should note that the old Thrall hallway in the Shattered Throne dungeon has been patched to no longer grant any kind of XP. You can use the beginning of the Shuro Chi encounter or Grasp of Avarice as an alternative.
Now we recommend activities like the Blind Well and Altars of Sorrow as terrific alternatives. The latter throws huge numbers of weak Hive enemies at you, making it easy to complete this catalyst. Sadly, our other recommendation, the Kingship Dock Lost Sector in The Tangled Shore, has been vaulted with the launch of The Witch Queen. This was an extremely short Lost Sector packed with enemies you could swiftly go through in a couple of minutes. We’re working on finding new places to farm foes — in the meantime, use what you can of the information above.