Destiny 2 features a lot of different emblems, which are available from a number of different sources. You can get them by completing in-game challenges, they can come with certain purchases from the Bungie store, and sometimes Bungie makes universal emblem codes available to everyone. By inputting these codes at Bungie’s redemption page, you can get some free emblems in Destiny 2. Just remember that after you put in the code, you have to pull the emblem from the General page of your Collections.
A Classy Order
Notes: Reference to Cayde-6 and the Spicy Ramen Coupon.
Destiny 2 Emblem Code —Be True
Code: ML3-FD4-ND9
Notes: Related to the Trans at Bungie initiative.
Countdown to Convergence
Code: PHV-6LF-9CP
Notes: Code originally found in the Witch Queen Collector’s Edition.
Crushed Gamma
Code: D97-YCX-7JK
Notes: Originally posted in a TWAB.
Destiny 2 Emblem Code — Cryonautics
Code: RA9-XPH-6KJ
Notes: Found in the Beyond Light Collector’s Edition.
Future in Shadow
Code: 7LV-GTK-T7J
Notes: Found in the Beyond Light Collector’s Edition.
Galilean Excursion
Notes: Found in the Beyond Light Collector’s Edition.
Heliotrope Warren
Code: L7T-CVV-3RD
Notes: Found in images attached to tweets from the Destiny Twitter account.
Destiny 2 Emblem Code — Liminal Nadir
Code: VA7-L7H-PNC
Notes: Code originally found in the Witch Queen Collector’s Edition.
Sequence Flourish
Code: 7D4-PKR-MD7
Notes: Found in a puzzle leading up to the release of Season 14.
Shadow’s Light
Code: F99-KPX-NCF
Notes: Code originally found in the Witch Queen Collector’s Edition.
Destiny 2 Emblem Code — Sneer of the Oni
Code: 6LJ-GH7-TPA
Notes: Originally found in the Witch Queen Collector’s Edition. Possibly a reference to one of Bungie’s earlier projects, Oni.
Stag’s Spirit
Code: T67-JXY-PH6
Notes: Announced in a TWAB to celebrate the unlocking of new Solar Fragments.
Tangled Web
Code: PKH-JL6-L4R
Notes: Originally found in a TWAB post.
The Visionary
Code: XFV-KHP-N97
Notes: Originally found in an online comic accompanying the release of Curse of Osiris.
Notes: Released to show solidarity with Ukraine. The name means “sunflower,” which is Ukraine’s national flower.
If you’re looking for more help with Destiny 2, we have guides covering how to unlock the Solar 3.0 fragments and grenades, how to get the new Jotunn catalyst, how to farm Vestiges of Dread and Opulent Umbral Energy, all Exotics, new weapon Patterns, seasonal mods, and Season of the Haunted triumphs. In addition, we’re covering all patch notes, bugs and top issues, Bound in Sorrow quest steps, and Calus Bobbleheads. We’ve covered how to get Opulent Keys, Bound Presence in Containment, Crown of Sorrow H.E.L.M. upgrades, Iron Banner Seal Triumphs, and the Trespasser Catalyst. And lastly, we’ve written on how to find a Loyalist Commander for Battles Lines Triumph and the Cek’ik Boss.