With Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, the doors to the Throne World are finally open. Savathun introduces herself in the latest expansion with new gear, weapons, strikes, and many other activities to look forward to. Navigating this new era can be overwhelming, but don’t fret — we’re here to help. This guide dives into The Witch Queen’s The Investigation, explaining how to start the quest and serving as a step-by-step walkthrough.
In case you’re in need of more help, we have guides covering the brand new mods, how to unlock void grenades and your first Glaive, season pass rewards, where to find The Enclave in Mars, all triumphs for Season of the Risen title, how to solve the rune puzzle, how to complete the seasonal quest Operation Elbrus, walkthroughs for Rising Tensions and Queens and Worms quests, how to get the Le Monarque, Grand Overture, Outbreak Perfected, and Osteo Striga catalysts, and all current bugs and issues.
How to Start The Investigation in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen
In case you’re wondering how to start The Investigation in Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, the steps are as follows:
- Play the campaign up to The Relic quest, obtained after crafting The Enigma
- Speak to Ikora on Mars
- She tasks you to complete The Investigation, and also gives you the seasonal artifact
- Interact with the quest banner that is to the right of Ikora to continue the campaign, which reads: “Complete ‘The Investigation’ mission, which can be launched from the Enclave”
- The Investigation appears in the Campaign screen — from here, all you have to do is launch it
If you happen to leave Savathun’s Throne World after completing The Enigma, returning may be confusing at first. The campaign screen displays The Enclave instead of The Investigation — but that’s to be expected, as you need to manually interact with the quest banner that is close to Ikora on Mars.

Throughout The Investigation, you get to explore more of this new realm and meet a new confidant.
The Investigation Walkthrough – Destiny 2 Witch Queen
The Investigation quest is a lengthy one that demands some platforming skills from your end. In brief, the quest steps are the following:
- Investigate Savathun’s Throne World
- Defeat the Lucent Hive
- Follow the Signal
- Rendezvous with the Contact
- Escape the Fortress
- Barrier Guards defeated (3 total)
- Combatants defeated (3 total)
- Rendezvous with the Contact
Progressing through The Witch Queen‘s The Investigation sounds simple enough, but it has its quirks. Begin by following the quest marker until you stumble upon one of the first enemy groups you will encounter throughout the quest.
The fight culminates with the presence of a Lightbearer Knight, so don’t forget to destroy its ghost so that it doesn’t respawn.

Then, you encounter a light beam to interact with. Doing so spawns floating platforms thanks to Deepsight, and your ghost automatically makes a comment about them. One key aspect of Deepsight is that you are likely to find statues along the way. If you get lost, they’re a great indicator of where to head over next, sometimes even pointing with their arms.

Hop on the tall platform and then double jump towards the statue on the other end. Follow that long platform sticking to the wall and continue forward while slowly rotating to the left.

At one point, you end up facing a corner that has these big red bushes — that’s where we’re heading. A door appears closed at first, but it opens automatically once you get close.
Let’s continue with the next steps to The Investigation. Once inside the room, you’re immediately greeted with a pitch-black corridor. Take the corner to the right and beware of any nearby Thralls. At one point, there is a room with tons of wires in the way. Jump across to the nearest platform to find a similar light to interact with, activating Deepsight once more.

The path is easy to follow from here. After you interact with the light, a platform appears in front of you as well as a statue that is pointing to the left on the other end. Follow that statue and move to the left. From there, expect a few more platforms that lead you upwards, jump across the gap in the middle, and that should do it.
Use the stairs to find a locked door. There are enemies inside, so take the corridor to the right and turn on the corner to defeat them and activate Deepsight again.

More statues to follow from here, but we’re getting close to the latter half of The Investigation’s quest steps. Prepare to fight against a couple of Cursed Thralls before stumbling upon a long corridor with statues on the side. Head all the way to the other end and exit through the door.

Expect a few more enemies in this rather beautiful backyard and then yet another corridor. This leads to the Florescent Canal — you can use your Sparrow here instead of walking.
The new step asks you to rendezvous with the contact. For this, once you arrive at the marked area, get close to the monument with spikes on it. This triggers a combat encounter — make sure to stay inside the circle until it’s done capturing. Afterward, escape through the previously locked gate.

After running away, follow the corridor to get to Quagmire, which is another zone in Savathun’s Throne World. Don’t worry, this is the last stretch in the quest.
Upon your arrival, you’ll see a Barrier Guard that appears to be fighting against an Abomination and some other minions. There are two more similar encounters to this.

Luckily, Barrier Guards aren’t too tough and the Abominations are happy to deal some damage and help you out indirectly. Defeat all three of them and get ready to face a Lightbearer Wizard. Remember to destroy its ghost after you’ve defeated it.
In addition, there are three combatants to defeat, but it’s likely that you can take them down just by attacking the Lightbearer Wizard. Hunt down any remaining enemy to open the gate.

Time to wrap up The Investigation in Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen. Loot the chest on your way out after defeating the Lightbearer Wizard, and hop onto your Sparrow again. Go next to the quest marker to find out who the contact is. Afterward, The Investigation finally comes to a close. Congratulations on making a new friend! I’m sure this merely marks the first of many visits in the future.