With Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, the doors to the Throne World are finally open. Savatun introduces herself in the latest expansion with new gear, weapons, strikes, and many other activities. Navigating this new era can be overwhelming, but don’t fret — we’re here to help. This guide explains all Destiny 2 Witch Queen bugs, including the confirmed top issues and glitches announced by developer Bungie thus far.
In case you’re in need of more help, we have guides covering the brand new mods, how to unlock void grenades and your first Glaive, season pass rewards, where to find The Enclave in Mars, all triumphs for Season of the Risen title, how to solve the rune puzzle, how to complete the seasonal quest Operation Elbrus, walkthroughs for The Investigation, Rising Tensions, and Queens and Worms quests, as well as how to get the Le Monarque, Grand Overture, Outbreak Perfected, and Osteo Striga catalysts.
Destiny 2 Witch Queen Bugs – Top Issues and Glitches to Date
Ahead of the release of The Witch Queen, Bungie has shared a list of top issues being investigated. It’s more than likely that there are more in the horizon, as it won’t take long for players to find new bugs, so make sure to double check this guide throughout the next few days for any new developments.
Last updated at 12:34 p.m. PT/3:34 p.m. ET on May 10, 2022
The list of Destiny 2 Witch Queen bugs is as follows:
- Bungie is investigating reports of low performance for PC players.
- Integrated graphics card may encounter gameplay performance issues if the card itself doesn’t meet the minimum PC specs.
- Having crashes on your Xbox console? Bungie is investigating those.
- If you’re receiving BOAR errors while playing the PS4 version of the game, it’s recommended to double check that you have successfully downloaded the necessary Compatibility Files prior entering the game.
- Speaking of the PS4 version, if you’re experiencing crashes instead, disable HDR.
Cross Play
- When attempting to import friends from other platforms for Bungie Friends, some platforms display an error and can’t import friends.
- Changing the setting “Others can communicate w/voice, text, or invites” doesn’t take effect until the game has been restarted.
- Guardian Games reward packages will remain in Eva’s inventory after players light their torches and claim the associated reward, and will not indicate that the reward has already been claimed.
- If a vaulted Seal and Title were acquired on a character that gets deleted, the Seal might not be able to be equipped again.
- Words in text chat may display vertically. This can be resolved by restarting Destiny 2.
- Attempting to cast a nova pulse too soon after entering Nova Warp will cause the cast to fail.
- Casting nova pulse with low Nova Warp super energy may cause players to be removed from their super prior to the ability damage being dealt.
- Enabling Cross Play is required for players looking to enter Trials of Osiris. Players who have Cross Play disabled cannot enter Trials of Osiris.
- Bungie is investigating an increase in MARMOT errors.
- Legendary PsiOps Battlegrounds doesn’t show that matchmaking is OFF.
- The Primeval’s shield may not drop immediately after defeating Envoys in Gambit.
Quests and Triumphs
- The Witch Queen Campaign mission progress may not properly increase for all fireteam members upon step completion.
- The final two pages of the Mnemosyne lore book do not successfully unlock for players.
- The Competitive Catalyst quest is dropping for players who already earned the Heir Apparent Catalyst in a previous Guardian Games. This quest can be safely dismantled.
- The No Time To Explain time portal will continue to shoot at defeated enemies.
- The Dead Messenger Catalyst can go to the Postmaster if players have a full inventory.
- The Renewal Grasps’ damage buff may not function within a Duskfield Grenade’s area of effect.
Weapons and Items
- Anti-barrier bows don’t shoot through Hydra shields.
Bungie is keeping track of any upcoming reports in the Help Forum over at the site, and sharing any issues that arise via the Top Issues article. Luckily, none of the aforementioned Destiny 2 Witch Queen bugs are game-breaking, but they can affect the experience severely depending on the activity you’re running and your current equipment.
Considering both the new expansion and Season of the Risen are releasing, it doesn’t come as a surprise to see issues ahead of time. At the very least we know what to expect, so plan ahead accordingly. In the meantime, best of luck on your quest to defeat Savathun.