Destiny 2 The Gift of Appreciation Quest - Forensic Nightmare Walkthrough

Is for me?

With Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, the doors to the Throne World are finally open. Savathun introduces herself in the latest expansion with new gear, weapons, strikes, and many other activities to look forward to. Navigating this new era can be overwhelming, but don’t fret — we’re here to help. This guide explains the steps for Destiny 2 The Gift of Appreciation so that you can get your hands on the Forensic Nightmare weapon.

In case you’re in need of more help, we have guides covering the brand new mods, how to unlock void grenades and your first Glaiveseason pass rewards, where to find The Enclave in Mars, all triumphs for Season of the Risen title, how to solve the rune puzzle, walkthroughs for The InvestigationRising Tensions, and Queens and Worms quests, how to get the Le MonarqueGrand OvertureOutbreak Perfected, and Osteo Striga catalysts, and all current bugs and issues.

Forensic Nightmare Submachine Gun

  • Precision Frame: This weapon’s recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
  • Psychohack: Sustained damage from this weapon lowers the target’s damage output for a short duration.
  • RPM: 600
  • Magazine: 27

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The Gift of Appreciation Quest Steps – Likely Suspect Unlock

The steps to unlocking The Gift of Appreciation quest in The Witch Queen are as follows:

  • Progress through The Witch Queen campaign until you’ve completed The Ghosts quest.
  • Head over to talk to Fynch in the Throne World and start the Trust Goes Both Ways quest.
  • Once you complete the mission, Fynch gives you The Gift of Appreciation.

Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Ways 1

The quest has five steps in total, so let’s go through them.

Step 1: Defeat Scorn in the Miasma

You begin the Destiny 2 The Gift of Appreciation quest by taking down Scorn to obtain 10 Umbral Helmets.

This one is rather straightforward as it drops from almost any enemy you come across at the Miasma, which is the northern region in the Throne World.

I had more luck with regular grunts rather than Chieftains, for example — but since they’re almost always patrolling in groups, this step won’t take long.

Step 3: Locate All Region Chests

This step is similar to the first step of Trust Goes Both Ways, as you have to locate Region Chests around the Throne World. (This doesn’t involve Faction Chests.) If you haven’t yet, I recommend installing the Treasure Hunter mod on your Ghost in order to detect any nearby chests.

Since we’ve already gotten three of the Region Chests during Trust Goes Both Ways, the step starts with three out of nine chests completed already. Let’s go over the rest.

You can find the fourth chest in the Miasma. Head west of the Metamorphosis Lost Sector to find some ruins.

Right across them is a puddle with a Scorn torch and one of those big chest-like structures next to it. Right past this is the inside of a cave, where you can find the chest.

For the fifth chest, don’t leave the Miasma just yet. Head over to the northeastern corner of the area — if you look at the map, you can notice a slight curve to the right. That’s the entrance to the cave we’re heading in.

All you need to do is continue down the trail, which leads directly to the chest on the other end of the cave.

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Let’s head back to the Quagmire for an easy chest. In the southwestern corner of the map, or southeast of Fynch’s location, there are several similar structures with open doors. The one you’re looking for is found on the right side, exactly where the map ends.

See the slopes next to the structure? We’re using those to gain some altitude, as we have to climb high enough to jump on the structure’s rooftop.

Once there, look for the chest on the northern edge of the roof.

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Let’s continue with this Destiny 2 The Gift of Appreciation step in the Throne World’s Florescent Canal. Head over to the southeastern side of the area, where you can find a couple of small towers.

In between the towers, there is a short path that leads to a bottomless pit. But if you look ahead, the chest is waiting on a short ledge. Make a double jump to get there.

Let’s continue with the last two chests. Head to the center of the Florescent Canal, where there are two massive towers that act as fountains. The one we need is the tower on the northern end (so, to the left of the Court of Thorns’ entrance if you’re looking at the map).

Now, use the water stream as a reference — we’re heading right behind it on the lower end of the tower, as there’s a door that leads to a room with the chest inside.

Onto the last one. If you look at the Court of Thorns’ entrance on the map, there is a small rectangle up north that is aiming to the right — that’s where we’re heading.

The tower we want to climb is the one on the farther end (the rectangle on the map) that has a bridge that leads to it. In order to get up there, you can use the tower on the opposite side, as there is a ground elevation that allows you to double jump.

Make another double jump to grab the chest from the top of the tower.

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That is all for this step in the Destiny 2 The Gift of Appreciation quest, but don’t leave the Florescent Canal just yet!

Step 3: Defeat Lucent Brood and Complete a Public Event in the Florescent Canal

As the title says, it’s time to kick some Lucent Brood ass. In other words, kill a total of 100 enemies you come across around the Florescent Canal.

Then, it’s a matter of waiting for a Public Event to happen. It took quite a few minutes on my end but it eventually came through.

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That is all — only two more steps to go.

Step 4: Place the Umbral Helmets and Defeat the Hive Lightbearers

Remember those Umbral Helmets you picked up at the beginning of the quest? Take them over to the Queen’s Bailey, which is north of the Florescent Canal.

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Follow the quest marker on the map and, once you’ve arrived at the altar, interact with it to place the helmets. Then, prepare to go against three Lightbearers: A Knight, a Wizard, and a Hunter.

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If you’ve played the campaign, you’re probably used to fighting these already. For reference, my Power level was 1513 and I only died a couple of times while focusing on the Wizard first and foremost. If you don’t have your Super ready, I recommend killing a couple of grunts on your way to the Queen’s Bailey to charge it.

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Step 5: Return to Fynch

All that’s left is to return to Fynch and cash in the quest to obtain your Likely Suspect Fusion Rifle. Doing this also unlocks The Gift of Appreciation, which is another one of Fynch’s quests. Congrats! Completing this gives you the Destiny 2 Undercover Alliance Triumph for completing Fynch’s side quests.

About the Author

Diego Arguello

Featured contributor at Fanbyte focusing primarily on guides. Always procrastinating on Twitter.