If you finally have some disposable income in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you may be eager to start giving gifts to your friendly neighborhood villagers. But what are the best items to give them? Whether you’re simply trying not to give them something they hate, or trying to maximize your hidden friendship meter, our Animal Crossing Villager Gifts guide will help you get familiar with the process.
We’ve added the six new Sanrio villagers and 16 new Update 2.0 villagers. Get gifting!
More Animal Crossing:
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villager Tier List – Best Villagers of Each Species
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons Farming Guide – All New Crops
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ordinances Guide – What is Best?
Animal Crossing Gift Tips
An important part of maintaining your friendship with the villagers on your island is giving them gifts. If this value ever reaches zero, they’ll start asking if they should move out. Every villager starts at 25 points, so it may take a few days for them to leave once they first move in.
The most efficient way to improve friendship is by gifting furniture. Villagers are not super picky about what you give them when it comes to housing items, however the same can’t be said for clothing.
Here’s how the points break down:
- Garbage: -2 points
- Flowers, Insects, Tools, Music, Umbrellas (non-frog villagers), Clothing of Preferred Style: +2 points
- Furniture: +3 points
- Umbrellas (frog-villagers), Non-preferred Clothing, Anything Else: +1 point
- Wrapped Gift: +1 point
You always earn an additional point if you wrap the gift as well so make sure to do that just before handing it over. Don’t wrap them all at once or you may accidentally give it to the wrong person. You can also earn up to three bonus points depending on how good of a friend you are with that villager.
Keep in mind that you can only give one gift per day and you must be good enough friends with a villager before you can give them anything. Talk to them every day if you can’t yet give them anything.
It’s completely up to you whether or not you want to give furniture to your villagers. Many avoid doing so because it can ruin the initial design of their house. Instead, many experienced players turn to clothing which is why we’ve prepared all of those details below.
What Do Each of the Clothing Tags Mean?
Every villager has preferred colors and style of clothes. Colors are pretty easy to understand outside of Colorful, so we’ve skipped all of those. It can be a bit harder to decipher what each style actually means. What qualifies as Gorgeous? Here’s a quick rundown of those:
Colorful – These villagers also like clothes that are, well, colorful. Whether the clothes have lots of different colors or just very vibrant ones, they’ll be satisfied. Think the Starry Tank which is white with red, green, blue, and yellow stars.
Elegant – Those will the elegant style like fancy looking clothes. From dresses, to suits and dress pants. Fancy glasses, hats, and the like will satisfy these villagers.
Gorgeous – Regardless of the game’s assigned gender, fans of the gorgeous style will enjoy dresses, fancy hats, hair pins, and other similar items.
Cool – Some villagers like to look cool when they dress up. This is obviously a bit subjective, but think along the lines of the biker jackets. These villagers like to look hip too. Give them shades, caps, and layered clothes.
Simple – This is the base trait for many villagers. In short, they like plain clothes. Nothing too flashy or strange.
Cute – Cute is pretty self-explanatory. Give these villagers frilly dresses, adorable accessories, some super comfortable plush sweaters, and items like that.
Active – These villagers like to be ready to work out. Sporty shades, baseball caps, and lots of other items from sports or meant for running.
Animal Crossing Best Villager Gifts
Here are all of the preferences each villager has. We recommend using CTRL + F to jump to the villager you’re looking for. They’re grouped by species type.
Special thanks to NookPlaza for being a great resource for this information. If you want specific clothing recommendations, they have a tool that offers that.
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Drago | Orange, Red | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Roswell | Beige, Brown | Simple, Elegant |
Del | Blue, White | Cool, Simple |
Gayle | Pink, White | Cute |
Alfonso | Red, Blue | Simple |
Boots | Colorful, Purple | Gorgeous, Active |
Alli | Yellow, Brown | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Sly | Brown, Green | Cool, Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Anabelle | Green, Blue | Cute, Simple |
Annalisa | Red, Pink | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Antonio | Light Blue, Blue | Simple |
Zoe | Pink, White | Cute, Simple |
Olaf | Red, Black | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Cyrano | Yellow, Beige | Cool, Active |
Pango | Orange, Purple | Elegant, Cool |
Snooty | Green, Yellow | Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Megan | Yellow, Light Blue | Cute, Simple |
Ursala | Red, Orange | Simple, Cute |
Grizzly | Red, Black | Cool, Simple |
Charlise | Red, Orange | Active, Cute |
Pinky | Red, Pink | Cute, Simple |
Tutu | Pink, Red | Cute, Simple |
Groucho | Black, Gray | Cool, Simple |
Ike | Green, Blue | Cool |
Curt | Blue, White | Cool |
Beardo | Brown, Blue | Elegant |
Chow | Black, White | Cool, Gorgeous |
Nate | White, Green | Simple |
Paula | Orange, Green | Cute, Active |
Klaus | Gray, White | Simple |
Teddy | Yellow, Orange | Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Jacques | Green, Black | Cool, Simple |
Lucha | Black, Gray | Active, Cool |
Piper | Black, White | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Anchovy | Colorful, Orange | Simple |
Jay | Blue, Light Blue | Active |
Midge | Pink | Cute, Simple |
Ace | Aqua, Green | Active, Cute |
Admiral | Black, Blue | Cool |
Jacob | Green, Red | Simple |
Jitters | Yellow, Orange | Active |
Peck | Beige, Red | Simple, Active |
Robin | Light Blue, Purple | Elegant, Cool |
Sparro | Green, Gray | Active, Simple |
Twiggy | Pink, Blue | Simple, Cute |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Stu | Brown, Beige | Simple |
Rodeo | Black, Red | Simple, Cool |
Vic | Light Blue, Blue | Cool, Active |
Angus | Red, Black | Cool |
Coach | Blue, Red | Active |
T-Bone | Blue, Black | Cool, Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Ankha | Colorful, Brown | Gorgeous, Simple |
Raymond | Black, Gray | Elegant, Cool |
Bob | Colorful, Red | Simple, Cute |
Felicity | Yellow, Orange | Cute |
Lolly | Gray, Pink | Simple |
Punchy | Blue, Light Blue | Simple |
Kabuki | Purple, Red | Simple |
Merry | Pink, Light Blue | Cute |
Rosie | Pink, Red | Cute |
Tangy | Green, Yellow | Simple, Cute |
Katt | Purple, Black | Cool |
Kid Cat | Red | Active, Simple |
Kiki | Brown, Beige | Simple |
Mitzi | Brown, Beige | Simple |
Olivia | White, Black | Cool, Elegant |
Purrl | Gray, Blue | Cool, Elegant |
Tom | Black, Gray | Cool, Simple |
Kitty | Green, Gray | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Moe | Black, Gray | Active, Simple |
Monique | Purple, Pink | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Rudy | Yellow, Beige | Active, Simple |
Stinky | Red, Blue | Active, Simple |
Tabby | Black, Gray | Active, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Becky | Purple, Pink | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Ken | Purple, Blue | Cool, Simple |
Knox | Brown, Red | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Plucky | Light Blue, Yellow | Cool, Simple |
Ava | Red, Gray | Elegant, Cute |
Benedict | Blue, Purple | Simple |
Broffina | Black, Red | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Egbert | Beige, Brown | Simple |
Goose | Blue, White | Simple, Active |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Naomi | Colorful, Purple | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Norma | White, Light Blue | Cute, Simple |
Patty | Orange, Red | Simple, Cute |
Tipper | Colorful, Pink | Gorgeous, Cute |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Judy | Pink, White | Cute, Elegant |
Marty | Brown, Yellow | Cute, Elegant |
Stitches | Colorful, White | Simple, Cute |
Bluebear | White, Blue | Simple, Cute |
June | White, Red | Simple, Cute |
Maple | Beige, Green | Simple, Cute |
Cheri | Yellow, Light Blue | Simple, Cute |
Pekoe | Red, Beige | Elegant, Cute |
Olive | Brown, Yellow | Simple |
Poncho | Orange, Yellow | Simple |
Tammy | Red, Purple | Cool, Active |
Barold | Yellow, Black | Simple, Cool |
Chester | Yellow, Green | Simple |
Kody | Colorful, White | Active, Simple |
Murphy | Blue, White | Simple, Cool |
Pudge | Green, Blue | Simple |
Vladimir | Yellow, Colorful | Simple, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Beau | Beige, Orange | Simple, Cute |
Diana | Purple, Pink | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Chelsea | Pink, White | Cute, Gorgeous |
Fauna | Beige, White | Simple, Cute |
Shino | Red, Black | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Deirdre | Orange | Simple |
Erik | Beige, Red | Simple |
Bam | Green, Brown | Active, Simple |
Lopez | Gray | Gorgeous |
Zell | Purple, Gray | Cool, Gorgeous |
Bruce | Black, Red | Cool, Simple |
Fuchsia | Pink | Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Lucky | Beige, White | Simple |
Cherry | Black, Purple | Cool, Elegant |
Frett | Gray, Brown | Cool, Active |
Cookie | Green, Light Blue | Cute |
Bones | Beige, Brown | Simple, Cute |
Butch | Blue, Gray | Cool, Simple |
Goldie | Yellow, Orange | Simple, Cute |
Portia | Purple, Black | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Shep | Light Blue, Blue | Simple, Cool |
Bea | Light Blue, Green | Simple, Cool |
Benjamin | Red, White | Simple |
Biskit | Purple, Colorful | Gorgeous, Simple |
Daisy | Colorful, Blue | Simple, Cute |
Mac | Red, Black | Active, Cool |
Maddie | Purple, Pink | Simple, Cute |
Marcel | Green, Blue | Simple, Cool |
Walker | Orange, Red | Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Ketchup | Light Blue, White | Cute |
Molly | Yellow, Pink | Cute, Simple |
Bill | Blue, Purple | Active |
Drake | Brown, Red | Cool, Simple |
Gloria | Black, Gray | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Pompom | Pink, Light Blue | Cute, Simple |
Scoot | Beige, Blue | Active, Simple |
Deena | Colorful, Blue | Simple, Cute |
Derwin | Yellow, Beige | Simple, Elegant |
Freckles | Green, Colorful | Simple, Cute |
Joey | Green, Blue | Simple |
Maelle | Pink, White | Cool, Simple |
Mallary | Blue, White | Cool, Gorgeous |
Miranda | Blue, Purple | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Pate | Yellow, White | Simple, Cute |
Quillson | Beige, Orange | Elegant, Cool |
Weber | Blue, Black | Cool, Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Apollo | Black | Cool, Simple |
Quinn | Black, White | Cool, Elegant |
Celia | Pink, Green | Elegant, Cute |
Amelia | Black, White | Cool, Elegant |
Avery | Orange, Brown | Simple, Gorgeous |
Keaton | Blue, White | Gorgeous, Cool |
Pierce | Orange, Yellow | Elegant, Active |
Sterling | Blue, Red | Simple, Elegant |
Buzz | Yellow, Red | Simple, Active |
Frank | Brown, Yellow | Gorgeous, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Tia | Black, White | Cute, Elegant |
Cyd | Black, Yellow | Cool, Active |
Chai | Blue, Aqua | Cute, Elegant |
Ellie | Gray, Pink | Simple, Cute |
Eloise | Green, Orange | Elegant, Simple |
Margie | Pink, Red | Elegant, Cute |
Opal | Black, Orange | Elegant, Cool |
Tucker | Yellow, Orange | Active, Simple |
Axel | Green, White | Active, Simple |
Big Top | Green | Simple, Active |
Dizzy | Yellow, Blue | Simple |
Paolo | Gray, Light Blue | Simple, Elegant |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Lily | White, Yellow | Cute, Simple |
Ribbot | Blue, Light Blue | Simple, Active |
Cousteau | Green, Red | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Diva | Purple, Light Blue | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Drift | Orange, Red | Simple, Active |
Henry | Light Blue, Blue | Cool, Simple |
Jeremiah | Orange, Yellow | Simple |
Puddles | Green, Pink | Cute, Gorgeous |
Tad | Yellow, Colorful | Active, Simple |
Camofrog | Blue, White | Cool, Active |
Croque | Red, Orange | Elegant, Cool |
Frobert | Blue, Colorful | Active, Simple |
Gigi | Black, White | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Huck | Green, Yellow | Simple, Cool |
Jambette | Brown | Cool |
Prince | Yellow, White | Simple, Active |
Raddle | White, Gray | Elegant, Simple |
Wart Jr. | Blue, Purple | Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Sherb | Gray, Blue | Simple, Cute |
Pashmina | Red, Colorful | Cool, Elegant |
Chevre | Red, Pink | Cute, Elegant |
Kidd | Gray, White | Elegant, Cool |
Nan | Orange, Yellow | Simple, Elegant |
Billy | Blue, Purple | Simple, Active |
Gruff | Purple, Black | Cool, Gorgeous |
Velma | Light Blue, Purple | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Boone | Colorful, Red | Elegant, Cool |
Rilla | Red, Blue | Cute, Elegant |
Louie | Gray, Red | Active, Simple |
Al | Red, White | Active |
Boyd | Red, Black | Simple, Cool |
Cesar | Blue, Light Blue | Cool, Elegant |
Hans | Gray, Blue | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Peewee | Orange, Blue | Active, Cool |
Rocket | Pink, Red | Active, Cool |
Violet | Purple, Pink | Gorgeous, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Apple | Colorful, Red | Cute, Simple |
Marlo | Black, Brown | Cool, Gorgeous |
Flurry | Red, Pink | Elegant, Cute |
Hamlet | Purple, Blue | Simple, Active |
Graham | Green, Orange | Simple, Cool |
Solei | Red, Yellow | Cool, Gorgeous |
Clay | Beige, Brown | Elegant, Simple |
Hamphrey | Gray, Beige | Cool, Simple |
Rodney | Pink, Colorful | Gorgeous, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Bertha | Pink, White | Cute, Elegant |
Bubbles | Purple, Pink | Active, Cute |
Bitty | Pink, Orange | Cute, Elegant |
Harry | Green, Orange | Cool, Simple |
Hippeux | Brown, Green | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Rocco | Yellow, Black | Simple, Cool |
Biff | Black, Blue | Gorgeous, Active |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Julian | Purple, Blue | Gorgeous, Cool |
Reneigh | Black, Purple | Cool, Gorgeous |
Roscoe | Black, Gray | Cool, Gorgeous |
Annalise | Blue, Purple | Elegant, Active |
Cleo | Light Blue, White | Cute, Elegant |
Colton | Blue, Red | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Papi | Orange, Light Blue | Simple |
Elmer | Blue, White | Simple, Cool |
Savannah | Light Blue, Blue | Cool, Simple |
Buck | Gray, Brown | Active, Simple |
Clyde | Green, White | Simple, Cute |
Ed | Black, Gray | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Peaches | Colorful, Light Blue | Cute, Simple |
Victoria | Yellow, Orange | Active, Simple |
Winnie | White, Gray | Cool, Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Carrie | Red, Colorful | Cute |
Rooney | Gray, Black | Active |
Sylvia | Yellow, Green | Simple, Gorgeous |
Astrid | Black, Colorful | Cool, Active |
Kitt | Purple, Red | Elegant, Simple |
Marcie | Pink, Beige | Cute, Elegant |
Mathilda | White, Red | Cool, Gorgeous |
Walt | Black, Gray | Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Eugene | Black, Gray | Cool, Gorgeous |
Faith | Red, White | Elegant, Cute |
Alice | Red, Pink | Cute |
Lyman | Light Blue, Yellow | Simple, Active |
Melba | White, Green | Cute |
Ozzie | Yellow, Orange | Simple, Cute |
Sydney | Beige, Yellow | Cute, Simple |
Yuka | Orange, Yellow | Cool, Elegant |
Canberra | Green, Light Blue | Active, Cool |
Gonzo | Black, Green | Simple, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Leopold | Purple, Green | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Lionel | Green, Gray | Gorgeous, Active |
Bud | Green, Yellow | Active, Simple |
Elvis | Red, Black | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Mott | Blue, Green | Active, Elegant |
Rex | Blue, Light Blue | Simple, Cute |
Rory | Blue, Red | Simple, Active |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Deli | Purple, Brown | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Nana | Pink, White | Cute |
Shari | Light Blue, Yellow | Cute, Active |
Tiansheng | Green, Yellow | Cool, Elegant |
Elise | Purple, Red | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Flip | Blue, Yellow | Active, Simple |
Monty | Yellow, Gray | Cool |
Simon | Red, Colorful | Simple, Active |
Tammi | Purple, Green | Cute, Active |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Dora | Blue, Light Blue | Simple, Elegant |
Petri | White, Gray | Simple, Cool |
Bella | Black, Purple | Cool, Active |
Bettina | White, Red | Simple, Elegant |
Bree | Black, Blue | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Penelope | Pink, Red | Cute, Gorgeous |
Rod | Blue, Light Blue | Active, Cool |
Samson | Red, Yellow | Simple, Active |
Anicotti | Red, Pink | Simple, Elegant |
Broccolo | Colorful, Yellow | Simple, Cute |
Candi | Light Blue, Yellow | Simple, Cute |
Chadder | Black, Gray | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Greta | Pink, Purple | Elegant, Simple |
Limberg | Green, Blue | Simple, Cool |
Moose | Purple, Red | Cool, Gorgeous |
Rizzo | Black, Gray | Simple, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Marina | Pink, Red | Cute |
Zucker | Blue, Yellow | Simple, Cute |
Octavian | Black, White | Cool, Simple |
Cephalobot | Black, White | Simple, Active |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Blanche | Black, Brown | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Flora | Colorful, Pink | Cute, Active |
Rio | Orange, Green | Cool, Cute |
Phoebe | Black, Red | Gorgeous, Cool |
Cranston | Beige, Brown | Simple, Cool |
Gladys | Green, Pink | Elegant, Cute |
Julia | Purple, Red | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Phil | Green, Red | Elegant, Cool |
Queenie | Black, Gray | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Sandy | Light Blue, White | Simple, Cool |
Sprocket | Orange, Green | Simple, Active |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Roald | Red, Yellow | Active, Simple |
Chabwick | Yellow, Gray | Cute, Active |
Sprinkle | Light Blue, White | Cute, Elegant |
Aurora | Pink, Red | Cute, Elegant |
Friga | Pink, Black | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Gwen | Green, White | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Hopper | Yellow, Red | Cool, Simple |
Boomer | Brown, Beige | Simple, Cool |
Cube | Yellow, Colorful | Simple, Cute |
Flo | Red, Purple | Cool, Gorgeous |
Iggly | Red, Blue | Active, Simple |
Puck | Blue, Red | Active, Simple |
Tex | Black, Gray | Cool, Elegant |
Wade | Light Blue, Blue | Simple, Gorgeous |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Gala | Pink, White | Cute, Elegant |
Hugh | Beige, Yellow | Simple, Active |
Agnes | Pink, White | Simple, Elegant |
Curly | Yellow, Colorful | Simple, Active |
Kevin | Black, Red | Active, Simple |
Lucy | Pink, Red | Cute, Elegant |
Boris | Purple, Black | Cool, Gorgeous |
Chops | Red, Green | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Cobb | White, Blue | Simple, Active |
Maggie | Green, Yellow | Cute, Elegant |
Pancetti | Red, Yellow | Cute, Gorgeous |
Peggy | Blue, Red | Cute, Active |
Rasher | Blue, Black | Cool, Simple |
Spork | Green, Colorful | Simple, Active |
Truffles | Green, Red | Cute, Gorgeous |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Coco | Beige, Green | Simple, Cute |
Sasha | Blue, White | Simple, Cute |
Toby | Green, Red | Cute, Elegant |
Ruby | Light Blue, Pink | Cute, Active |
Bunnie | Green, Pink | Cute |
Chrissy | Pink, White | Cute |
Cole | Orange, Colorful | Simple, Cute |
Francine | Blue, Black | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Genji | Green, Purple | Elegant, Simple |
Mira | Red, Yellow | Active, Cool |
Tiffany | Black, Red | Gorgeous, Cool |
Bonbon | Light Blue, Yellow | Cute, Elegant |
Carmen | Green, Beige | Elegant, Cute |
Claude | Black, Colorful | Simple |
Doc | Gray, Beige | Simple, Elegant |
Dotty | Blue, Black | Simple, Cute |
Gabi | Brown, Red | Cute, Gorgeous |
Hopkins | Blue, Yellow | Simple, Active |
O’Hare | Blue, Light Blue | Active, Cool |
Snake | Black, Blue | Active, Simple |
Gaston | Brown, Orange | Simple, Gorgeous |
Pippy | Green, Brown | Cute, Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Merengue | White, Red | Cute, Simple |
Hornsby | Green, Brown | Simple |
Azalea | Purple, Pink | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Tank | Red, Green | Active, Simple |
Renee | Purple, Yellow | Cool, Active |
Rhonda | Purple, Black | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Spike | Black, Gray | Cool, Gorgeous |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Dom | Red, Colorful | Active, Cute |
Etoile | Aqua, Pink | Cute, Gorgeous |
Muffy | Black, Purple | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Pietro | Colorful, Red | Gorgeous, Simple |
Baabara | Purple, Blue | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Curlos | Red, Green | Active, Gorgeous |
Eunice | Beige, Orange | Simple, Elegant |
Frita | Yellow, Red | Active, Cute |
Stella | Yellow, Beige | Simple |
Timbra | Green, Brown | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Willow | White, Pink | Cute, Gorgeous |
Cashmere | Purple, Beige | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Vesta | Orange, Red | Simple, Cute |
Wendy | Red, Green | Cool, Gorgeous |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Marshal | Light Blue, Blue | Elegant, Cool |
Ione | White, Black | Cool, Cute |
Poppy | Green, Yellow | Cute, Elegant |
Caroline | Colorful, White | Cute, Gorgeous |
Filbert | Blue, White | Simple, Cute |
Hazel | Red, Yellow | Active, Cute |
Mint | Pink, Purple | Gorgeous, Cute |
Static | Black, Yellow | Cool, Active |
Agent S | Blue, Black | Active, Simple |
Blaire | Orange, Brown | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Cally | Red, Green | Cute, Elegant |
Nibbles | Red, Yellow | Cute, Active |
Peanut | Red, Colorful | Cute |
Pecan | Purple, Beige | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Sally | White, Beige | Simple, Elegant |
Sylvana | Green, Purple | Cute, Simple |
Tasha | Beige, Gray | Elegant, Gorgeous |
Ricky | Blue, Red | Cool, Simple |
Sheldon | Green, Yellow | Active, Cool |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Bangle | Yellow, Green | Gorgeous, Cute |
Bianca | Pink, Orange | Cute |
Claudia | Purple, White | Gorgeous, Elegant |
Rolf | Blue, Black | Cool, Active |
Leonardo | Red, Black | Active, Gorgeous |
Rowan | Light Blue, Gray | Active, Simple |
Tybalt | Blue, Purple | Active, Simple |
Villager | Favorite Colors | Favorite Style |
Audie | Green, White | Cute, Active |
Whitney | Blue, Light Blue | Elegant, Cool |
Freya | Green, Blue | Elegant, Cool |
Skye | Blue, White | Cute |
Chief | White, Gray | Cool, Simple |
Fang | White, Light Blue | Simple, Cool |
Wolfgang | Black, Green | Cool, Active |
Lobo | Black, Beige | Cool, Active |
Dobie | Brown, Beige | Simple, Cool |
Kyle | Black, White | Gorgeous, Cool |
Vivian | Gray, Purple | Gorgeous, Elegant |