Choosing a name for your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make as a villager, second only to selecting an island in the first place. It’s not something that can ever be changed, no matter how many dozens (or hundreds) of hours you spend there, but if you’re anything like us, you might be drawing a blank as to what you should actually call your island.
Should you go classy, or funny? Should you keep using the name you’ve used for previous Animal Crossing games? How is anyone expected to come up with something fun that also fits into just 10 characters? Will you be able to design a cool flag around the name you’ve come up with? How will your friends react when they come to visit, or see your island name on the Arriving panel at Dodo Airlines? There’s a lot of moving parts here, so it’s important to take your time and come up with something that is truly representative of who you are, the kind of island you want to build, and what your new community is going to stand for.
Or don’t! Who cares! Certainly not us, that’s why we’ve come up with 100 completely free, never-before-seen (maybe) Animal Crossing: New Horizons island names that you can use at your leisure, none of which have ever been used before (by anyone here at Fanbyte, anyway (I guess (I haven’t asked))). Whether you don’t care much about what your island is called, or if you just need some inspiration to jump-start your own imagination, let the names below be your guide to a beautiful, sunny future.
All of the names below are guaranteed* to fit within Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ 10-character island name limit, but may not make it past whatever filter Nintendo has in place to check for bad words. We’ve limited the number of crude words on the list in order to minimize potential complications — if you discover that any of the words below don’t work, let us know on Twitter and we’ll update the list. Be nice about it though, we’re sensitive.

100 Free Animal Crossing: New Horizons Island Names
- Fart World
- Dongerland
- Smells Bad
- Mondo Cool
- Amigara
- Neo Tokyo
- Tokyo-3
- Hobbiton
- The Shire
- Elf Zone
- Bug Eaters
- NCC-1701
- Oblivion
- Morrowind
- Skyrim
- Gay Skyrim
- Lesbos
- Craigbos
- Angel Isle
- Atlantis
- Atlanta
- Azkaban
- Myst
- Riven
- Myst 3
- R’lyeh [Editor’s note: fuck an H.P. Lovecraft though]
- Isla Sorna
- Delfino
- Oak Island
- Yoshi’s
- Planet X
- Mshrmkngdm
- Green Hill
- Dankopolis
- Anime Isle
- Outworld
- Edenia
- Just Cats
- Cage World
- Slimenia
- Goku World
- Da Swamp
- Krakoa
- Zebes
- SR388
- Jim Island
- Gym Island
- Temptation
- Turnipstan
- Sea Dakota
- Dumpsite
- Landfill
- Fake Japan
- Real Japan
- Sharkville
- Farkville
- R Atheism
- SMMFDHSDCS (stands for “Shigeru Miyamoto Is My Friend’s Dad and He Said Destiny Is Coming to Switch”)
- Tessa Isle
- Buc-ee’s
- Douglas
- Cherryton
- Orangina
- Peach Butt
- Tatooine
- Death Star
- Guantanamo
- Hyrule
- Lorule
- Only Clams
- Oink City
- US Acres
- uwuvania
- England 2
- Nip City
- Duckberg
- Beach City
- O-Town
- Camp Lazlo
- H.F.I.L.
- boat show
- Coachella
- Deepweb
- Butt Ave.
- Isle Shrek
- Ooo
- Lemongrab
- K.K. City
- Negaverse
- Mega Drive
- Dark Souls
- Juice Zone
- Ohio Sorry
- Vape Hotel