How to Change Your Home's Appearance in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Home sweet home.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0 has launched earlier, so it’s time to remind all your abandoned villagers that you are still alive. Along with the Happy Home Paradise DLC, which launches later today, the free update introduces a wealth of new features and items for you to customize your island with.

Of course, the biggest draw is all the new ways you can build and perfect your island. One neat feature is the ability to finally change the actual appearance, color, and style of your home. A long-needed feature, you can now alter the look of your villager’s home to better fit your island’s theme.

How to Change Your Home’s Appearance

Upon appearing on your island, go to the Town Hall and withdraw 5,000 Bells if you don’t have any. Once you have the money weighing down your pockets, make your way to Tom Nook’s side of Town Hall and sit in the chair. Tom will rush over and ask what you need. Say you want to discuss your house and then select “I want to customize.” Being the shifty scam artist he is, Tom will tell you there’s a 5,000 fee before opening up the customization menu. From here, you will be presented with four options for your home’s exterior, along with design options for the roof, wall, doors, and mailbox.

Depending on which of the four homes you pick, the options for the rest of the customization choices will change. For example, picking the pagoda house will limit you to very specific roof options not available for the other homes. Because of this, I definitely recommend looking through every single option before you commit to a specific look. It will cost you Bells to alter your appearance again, so you’ll want to make sure you got the right look for your home. You can see what your home looks like at night by pressing the X button, or with the curtains drawn by hitting the Y button.

More Animal Crossing: New Horizons:

Once you have a home look that you enjoy, press the + button to confirm the appearance. This will place the order, which takes a full day to actually finish. So if you are like the rest of the Animal Crossing community and have mastered the art of time travel, change the date on your system a day forward to instantly apply your new home’s design.

Additionally, you can expand the storage capacity three times in your home. The catch is you’ll need to have fully upgraded your home before this is available, so get ready to spend literally millions of Bells. It’s not ideal but if you want to store more items, I really recommend fully upgrading your home. Once that’s done, go speak to Tom Nook and select the “Expand My Storage” option.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.