Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is here and it’s time to elevate your fashion game. Along with new weapons, a 6 player activity, armor, story missions, and season pass, the heavily requested armor transmogrification feature is finally arriving. In this season, players will team up with the Fallen Captain Mithrax to stop the Vex from plunging Earth into total darkness. Of course, the main thing you care about is getting all that sweet, sweet loot. Season 14 introduces a bunch of new weapons along with some old favorites for players to hunt down. One gun that is quickly gaining popularity is the 720 RPM auto rifle, Chroma Rush.
How to Get Chroma Rush
Thankfully, farming for Chroma Rush is pretty simple, if a bit time-consuming. This is a seasonal weapon, meaning it can drop from completing the Override activity, opening Splicer Reputation packages, completing Weekly Challenges, and decrypting certain focused Umbral Engrams. Similar to last season, players can complete specific Triumphs to unlock Focuses in the Prismatic Recaster. Doing so will let you spend Decrypted Data to turn a normal Umbral Engram into one that has a higher chance to drop the weapon you want. Specifically for Chroma Rush, the Splicer Armory or Splicer Captain’s Armory are the two focuses you want to unlock. The former gives you a weapon from the seasonal pool, while the latter narrows down your choices between Chroma Rush and Ignition Code.
Chroma Rush God Rolls
Chroma Rush PVE God Roll
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Tactical Mag or Appended Mag
- Feeding Frenzy or Subsistence
- Rampage or Kill Clip
There are a lot of good perks available for the Chroma Rush, which can make narrowing down the objectively “best” combination tricky. With that said, here are some superb perks that you should keep an eye out for when you are farming this weapon. In the first slot, I recommend going for Corkscrew Rifiilng to boost your Range, Stability, and Handling. In the second slot, you’ll want either Tactical Mag or Appended Mag to increase your weapon’s magazine size. If you’re specifically going for a Feeding Frenzy roll then look for Appended since you won’t need to worry about increasing your reload speed.
In the first primary perk slot, I like either Feeding Frenzy or Subsistence. Feeding Frenzy is a terrific perk that synergizes beautifully with both Rampage and Kill Clip. However, if you don’t want to reload as much then Subsistence is the perk you want. With the recent buff to the perk, Subsistence is one of the best PVE perks in the entire game. Our second slot should be either Rampage or Kill Clip, but I don’t recommend Subsistence with Kill Clip since they are a bit contradictory in function.
Chroma Rush PVP God Roll
- Hammer-Forged Rifiling or Corkscrew Rifling
- Accurized Rounds
- Dynamic Sway Reduction
- Rampage or Thresh
Similar to the PVE roll, there are a lot of good perk options for PVP players. However, given the current meta, we will need to squeeze out as much range as possible for this gun to be truly competitive. To do that, you’ll want either Hammer-Forged Rifiling or Corkscrew Rifling in the first slot and Accurized Rounds in the second. Both of these will increase our range, allowing us to contest or poke at some people guarding lanes. While this isn’t going to suddenly counter Dead Man’s Tale, it will certainly help in that 30-40 meter range.
For primary perks, I’m looking at Dynamic Sway Reduction to control some of the kick. Since Chroma Rush has such a big magazine, we will get a lot out of this perk when we are trying to track fast-moving targets. Our second slot should either be Rampage or Thresh depending on what you’re looking for. Thresh can be great in Survival-focused activities where getting your Super first can make all the difference. Inversely, Rampage is great for 6v6 modes where you can just stack damage. There’s also an argument to be made for Tap the Trigger, but I found that the gun is easy enough to control with Dynamic Sway Reduction.