The weekend is here, and Xur along with it in Destiny 2. This week's offerings are relatively weak, but the Severance Enclosure Exotic, and a couple of craftable weapons are certainly worth grabbing. This weekend, Xur can be found at the Watcher’s Grave on Nessus. As always he is offering a range of Exotic armor pieces with random stat rolls, an Exotic weapon, a handful of Legendary weapons with random rolls, and a set of Legendary armor from a previous season. Overall, this week’s selection is not the best, but there are definitely some highlights you do not want to miss out on.
Probably Xur’s best offerings this week are the Titan Exotic Severance Enclosure and the craftable weapons Judgement of Kelgorath, and IKELOS_SR_v1.0.3. Severance Enclosure is of particular note due to the buff it received at the start of this Season, so pick it up if you haven’t got it already. The stat roll on Severance Enclosure is a little better than average, with a total of 63 and an even spread between strength, resistance, discipline, and mobility. An ideal roll would probably have higher strength, and Lower mobility and discipline, so players who are invested in using Severance Enclosure may want to try using Exotic engrams to focus it at Rahool in hopes of a more ideal roll.
Judgement of Kelgorath and IKELOS_SR_v1.0.3 are craftable Solar weapons from Season of the Seraph. Xur’s Judgement of Kelgorath rolls with Close to Melee, which is desirable on any melee glaive build, but other than that, the individual rolls on the two craftable weapons are not particularly special. The main reason for picking up the craftable weapons is to use Deepsight Harmonizers in order to obtain their crafting recipes. Once crafted, players can select desired perks at the Enclave.
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Xur is also offering the Exotic Grenade Launcher Fighting Lion which, while not the best Exotic at the moment, can be used effectively, especially in PVP.
The rest of what Xur has to offer is not fantastic, most of the Legendary weapons have perk rolls that do not work, or that clash with each other. The Legendary armor runs into a similar problem — most of the stat rolls are relatively high but they do not synchronize especially well with the classes they are for. Warlock and Titan armor rolls specifically suffer from high Mobility rolls. On top of this, the Legendary armor set in question is Dead Orbit's Anti-Extinction armor that shares models with the Wildwood sets — which are easily obtainable at any time from the Devrim Kay at the EDZ.
Those let down by the lackluster fashion that Xur is offering this week and want something to look forward to, might be interested in the final results of this year’s Festival of the Lost armor sets. For more Destiny 2 updates, check out our breakdown of the Riven’s Wishes activity, which begins next week.