
Destiny 2: Into the Light Will Unleash 12 of the Game's Best Weapons Ever

Beloved weapons from across Destiny 2's history is making a triumphant return.

The second of three developer livestreams for the upcoming Destiny 2: Into the Light aired Tuesday, introducing a new social space — the Hall of Champions — to Bungie's MMO shooter and listing some of the weapons and armor that players can earn leading up to The Final Shape expansion due out in June.

Devs describe Into the Light as free content that is a bit of a "greatest hits" to help Guardians gear up with powerful weaponry to fight the Witness. Here's a look at everything detailed in the March 26 livestream.

Destiny 2: Into the Light Livestream 2 Recap

  • New Hall of Champions social space described as "backstage of the Tower" near where decorations for Festival of the Lost and the Dawning are stored
  • Behind a few storage areas, the Hall of Champions is full of chests compared to Xur's Treasure Hoard at Eternity
  • Players earn the Trophies of Bravery currency from Onslaught and other activities
  • Players spend Trophies of Bravery to purchase Destiny 2 Year 1 Parade Armor 2.0 sets
  • Players can also spend Trophies on a special chest to unlock weapons from the Brave Arsenal billed as a "forbidden arsenal" reintroduced by Shaxx to help Guardians fight the Witness
  • Gift of the Thundergods is an option to reach the Powerful (not Pinnacle) level cap
  • Shaxx's Rank 17 reward is Superblack Key Alpha
  • Arcite 99-40 has Superblack Key Omega
  • Players who earn both can unlock the Superblack Shader
  • Arcite has quests for the 12 weapons in the Brave Arsenal that, once complete, allow the weapon to drop during activities, but the quests also grant a limited edition curated roll for each.
    • Blast Furnace
    • Edge Transit
    • Elsie’s Rifle (The Stranger’s Rifle)
    • Forbearance
    • Hammerhead
    • Hung Jury SR4
    • Luna’s Howl 
    • Midnight Coup
    • Mountaintop
    • Recluse
    • Falling Guillotine
    • Succession
  • Brave Arsenal weapons always drop every 10 levels of Onslaught, or every "set"
  • There's a low chance that these weapons might drop as Limited Edition Variants pre-equipped with shiny ornaments and two options in each primary perk column
  • Base weapons will be obtainable through The Final Shape, but the Limited Edition Variants are exclusive to Into the Light
  • Attunement allows you to "bend luck in your favorite" to make it more likely for a weapon to appear, and this can be activated after you've completed the quest for the weapon by visiting Shaxx hologram monuments
  • The Final Shape will add 100 Vault Slots
  • Luna's Howl gets a redesigned Magnificient Howl perk to incentivize precision kills
  • All Brave Arsenal Weapons get the Indomitability Original Trait:
    • Final blows grant grenade energy when playing a Light subclass or melee energy when playing a Darkness subclass.
  • Falling Guillotine can roll with Eager Edge
  • Last Stand is a brand-new weapon perk (the name is changing in the final version)
    • Weapon final blows grant bonus damage. Melee and grenade final blows grant a larger damage bonus that can stack.
  • Onslaught is the primary way to earn Brave Arsenal weaponry
  • The following three topics will be covered in the April 2 livestream:
    • Exotic mission content
    • Craftable weapons
    • A walkthrough the three new PvP maps

About the Author

Corey Plante

Corey Plante is a writer and editor currently freelancing while raising his future gamer daughter. A Day One Destiny Guardian, Corey is a Hunter main who loves tirelessly researching all the best Destiny 2 gear and drumming up theories. Corey has bylines at Kotaku, IGN, Vulture, Fanbyte, Inverse, MMORPG.net, and more.