How to Complete the Freebooter II Challenge in Destiny 2

If you’re going for the Scallywag seasonal title and seal in Destiny 2 Season of Plunder, then you’ll need to complete a number of the game’s seasonal challenges. That’s because some of these challenges are tied to Repute, a currency used to unlock upgrades at the Star Chart and you’ll need to unlock all of these upgrades to get the title and seal. One of the final seasonal challenges for Destiny 2 Season of Plunder is called Freebooter II.

This challenge, a followup to Freebooter I in week four, tasks you with spending 150 Umbral Energy focusing engrams at the Star Chart and opening 15 chests in Expedition and Ketchcrash activities. Here I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the Umbral Energy requirement is retroactive — if you’ve been focusing armor and weapons throughout the season, you might already be done with it. The bad news is that the chest requirement is not retroactive.

This means that, yes, even if you’ve completed every Destiny 2 seasonal challenge up to this point, even if you thought you were done with Ketchcrash and Expeditions, you’re going to have to run them a bunch more to wrap up Freebooter II, grab that Repute, and unlock the last upgrade at the Star Chart. Why did Bungie design it this way? My only guess is that forcing players to re-complete the same activities they’ve been running all season again at the end boosts engagement and looks good on metrics.

Anyway, you might be wondering if there’s a way to make this requirement a little less onerous. And there is, kind of. Running normal Ketchcrash and Expedition activities will only grant you one chest per completion, meaning you’ll have to run fifteen of them. However, Master Ketchcrash will progress the counter by two each time, so you can get away with “only” doing seven of them, plus one regular activity.

Again, I don’t get the reasoning here, but that’s how it is. Fifteen completions seems excessive to me, and if Master Ketchcrash gave, say, three chests instead of two then it would be worth just burning through that five times to complete the challenge. But as it is, most people are probably going to have to do this one the long way. Either it’s a miscalculation, Bungie wants people replaying the ritual activities near the end of the season, or it’s one last roadblock to make Scallywag more difficult to achieve. Regardless, I’m not crazy about it.

About the Author

merritt k

merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.