Destiny 2 Vaulted Guide - Everything Being Vaulted For The Witch Queen

The next big milestone for Destiny 2 is just around the corner and with it, some content is being thrown into the DCV (Destiny Content Vault). Similar to what happened with Beyond Light, an entire destination is being removed which can be a bit frustrating for both veteran and returning players.

If you’re looking to either experience or grab everything before it vanishes, here’s what is being vaulted when Season 12 launches and The Witch Queen is released on February 22.

The Tangled Shore

Of everything being removed, this is by far the biggest piece of content going into the vault. On February 22, we will see the Tangled Shore and all activities tied to it going into the vault. This means all Public Events, Lost Sectors, Baron Hunts, Patrols, and quests tied to the Tangled Shore will be removed. Spider’s duty as a resource merchant will be given to Master Rahool in The Tower. Additionally, both The Hallowed Lair and Broodhold strikes will be unavailable and removed from the game.

Any consumables tied to this destination, including Etheric Spiral and Ghost Fragments, will be vaulted. The entirety of the Forsaken campaign is also being removed, so you will have until The Witch Queen launches to finish this expansion. Unfortunately, two of the best exotic quests — Harbinger and Presage and Tracing the Stars — are getting taken away. Their corresponding exotics (Dead Man’s Tale and Hawkmoon) will be in the Monument to Lost Lights at a later date. Bungie has not announced yet how players will earn seasonal exotics, including Aegis Scepter, in Year 5.

Destiny 2 Synthcord

Year 4 Seasonal Content

Unsurprisingly, all of the season content from Year 4 is also being removed. This includes the Expunge, Wrathborn Hunts, The Shattered Realm, and Override Offensives activities along with any currencies or vendors associated with them. Battlegrounds, however, will remain and be folded into a new playlist alongside Strikes called Vanguard Operations.

For the sake of time, here is a complete list of every consumable and item being removed on February 22. These will be taken directly out of your inventory, so you don’t need to worry about manually dismantling them.

  • Bell of Conquests
  • Cabal Gold
  • Cabal Runes
  • Challenger Medallions
  • Corrupted Data
  • Corrupted Key Code
  • Cryptolith Lure
  • Decrypted Data
  • Dreaming Token of Eriviks
  • Dreaming Token of Querim
  • Dreaming Token of Xavoth
  • Ether
  • Hammer of Proving
  • Imperial Access Code
  • Intercepted Distress Signal
  • Key Code
  • Lure Mutation Finder
  • Lure Mods: Prey Mods and Trophy Mods
  • Parallax Trajectory
  • Recon Data
  • Splicer Gauntlet
  • Strand of Nobility
  • The Unclaimed Lightbearer

Additionally, any Forsaken campaign quests, seasonal quests, and ritual weapon quests will be removed when you load into Destiny 2 for the first time following the update. The H.E.L.M. will be sticking around, but the different wings that opened up throughout Year 4 will be either altered or removed. We also know that both the Umbral Decoder and Prismatic Recaster are going away. This means you want to focus on any Umbral Engrams before the new expansion. You’ll also want to pay all those adorable baby Fallen one last visit since the Eliksni Quarter will not be available.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen launches on February 22 for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.