After much Fractaline farming, the Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy is finally upon us. This chunk of new content marks the return of Trials of Osiris, a replacement for Trials of the Nine, which itself was a replacement for the original Trials of Osiris in the first Destiny. It’s a confusing lineage, I know, but the short version is that Destiny players finally have endgame PVP to look forward to — plus Pinnacle Gear to acquire from it. PVE minded players won’t be left in the cold, though, as the Seraph Towers and Seraph Bunkers rear their ugly heads. But when does Destiny 2 Season of the Worth begin? When is its end date? Let’s take a look at those, as well as the rewards you can expect this season, in our latest guide.
More Destiny 2:
- The Cabal Go Full ‘Operation British’ in Destiny 2’s Season of the Worthy
- Destiny 2 Artifact Guide – Season of the Worthy Warmind Khanjali Mods
- Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy Calendar Guide – Roadmap, Exotic Quest Dates
How Much Does a Destiny 2 Season Pass Cost?
Any given Season Pass costs 1000 Silver. That’s about $10. However, every purchase of Shadowkeep comes with the currently active Season Pass. In addition, the Collector’s Edition and Digital Deluxe Editions of Shadowkeep come with all four Season Passes in Year 3. That includes Season of the Worthy (the third season since the last major expansion).
Are Season Passes Cross Save Compatible?
Yes! Unlike the expansions, if you have a Season Pass on PC, you also have the rights to it on Xbox and PS4. This goes both ways, if you’re a console player, too.
When Does the Season of the Worthy End?
Season of the Worthy runs from March 10, 2020. It doesn’t technically have a set end date, and probably won’t until the season itself starts next week, but we’ll be sure to update this guide when we have a hard end date. Until then, we can make a solid estimate. Every season since the launch of Shadowkeep has lasted about three months. That would put the Season of the Worthy end date on June 9, 2020.
How Do I Earn Season Pass XP?
The Destiny 2 Season Pass will have 100 ranks each 10 week season, with both a Free and Premium track. Progress is earned from plain old XP — so you don’t have to switch up your playstyle to earn the rewards. Complete the usual Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit bounties, and the seasonal activity — a.k.a. the Seraph Tower — for efficient gains. But even things like Lost Sectors and Public Events will work! You can also earn XP via Eris on the Moon or from any of the other planetary vendors. Your first five levels each week get double XP, too.
Season of the Worthy Season Pass Rewards
As a reminder, Bungie has changed how it handles seasonal content. While content will now rotate in and out of the title with each season, the developer promises weapons and armor will return at a later date. If you missed the Vex Offensive weapons, for example, they will return at some point down the line. Going forward, Bungie says it will make Legendaries and Exotics available after they’re gone and “it won’t take longer than six months either.”
Another change is that all Eververse Bright Engrams are rewarded as part of the Season Pass. You no longer get them with every level up, but through Season Pass levels. This season you get your first one at level seven, and are rewarded every five levels thereafter, including once you pass level 100.
The Season of the Worthy Season Pass rewards include:
- Exotic Auto Rifle: Tommy’s Matchbook
- Exotic quests, seasonal armor sets, and ornaments
- A new finisher, one Exotic emote, ornament (for Tommy’s Matchbook), ship, and Sparrow each
- New emblem, shaders, and transmat effect
- Unspecified seasonal bonuses (like extra XP gains for you and your party members)
- Bright Dust (to purchase items from the Eververse)
- The usual exotic engrams, enhancement cores, ascendant shards, seasonal gear, and planetary material bundles
Destiny Season of the Worthy Pass Highlights
Bungie is being a bit more tight-lipped about what’s coming this season than before. But we’ll be sure to provide a breakdown of the best rewards on the Season Pass once we gain access to them ourselves on March 10! Until then, here are some very vague points of note.
- Rank 6: Dawn Chaser Emblem
- Rank 9: Gunmetal Merigold Shader
- Rank 10: The Kellbreaker Finisher
- Rank 50: Exotic ship
- Rank 64: Universal gloves ornament
- Rank 67: Universal boots ornament
- Rank 77: Universal class item ornament
- Rank 87: Universal chest ornament
- Rank 90: Exotic Sparrow
- Rank 97: Universal helmet ornament
- Rank 99: Exotic emote
- Rank 100: Exotic ornament for Tommy’s Matchbook
Season of the Worthy New Activities
This season brings with it another new PVE activity right off the bat, in the form of Seraph Towers. These appear to be added to the existing in-game world — similar to the Blind Well or Escalation Protocol. That’s fitting, given that this season is all about helping the Warmind Rasputin, but we don’t know much more about it than that.
On the other hand, we know quite a lot about Trials of Osiris. The three-on-three PVP activity is a hardcore game type that pits fireteams against one another… with the ability to revive fallen allies. The first team to wipe out the other completely wins! And you get Pinnacle rewards for winning consecutive matches: making this an endgame activity. Winning seven games in a row will give you even greater rewards, and grant you special access to the Lighthouse. Although it’s not totally clear what that means in Destiny 2, given that the Lighthouse is a publicly available zone this time.
PVE players will later get access to something called “Seraph Bunkers.” These are marked as “Legendary Lost Sectors” on the Season of the Worthy roadmap, but it’s unclear what they actual entail. Once again, we’ll update you with more information as it becomes available.
In the meantime, you can see icons for all the Season Pass rewards for yourself over on the Season of the Worthy page on Bungie’s website. It does not, however, specify what the rewards are. If you want to see specifics, you will need to log into Destiny 2. Or just keep an eye out for our next update! Either way, take care this season, Guardians.