One of the big changes for Destiny 2’s new Season of the Chosen is the replacement of weekly vendor bounties. Instead, your quests tab has a new hub for new Seasonal Challenges. For the first ten weeks of each season, Bungie will be adding new weekly quests via this new system in an effort to make up for the lost XP and Bright Dust rewards. In this guide, we’ll be looking at the Destiny 2 Season 13, Week 8 challenges and offering some tips for fast completion.
How Do These New Challenges Work?
The new weekly challenges work about how you’d expect them to. Each week, Bungie will be adding more though there won’t be a specific number of challenges each time. You have until the end of the season to complete them, so no worries if you’re not keeping up with the progression as you go. In fact, waiting makes it a bit easier to complete the whole thing faster as you can earn progress across multiple challenges at once.
Completion Tips
- Go for the Trials of Osiris challenge when there’s a good three-win weapon. More people typically participate when there’s a gun worth chasing, making it a little easier to find a more balanced match.
- Don’t kill your Primeval right away, more Envoys will spawn throughout the battle.
Nightfall Proving Grounds
Defeat combatants using a Linear Fusion Rifle or Sidearm in the Nightfall: The Ordeal version of the Proving Grounds strike.
Rewards: XP
A pretty easy challenge, all that’s required is you kill enemies with either a linear fusion rifle or sidearm. Assuming you’re like everyone else and deleted your linear fusion rifles, Arbalest will be your best choice. Not only does it take Special ammo, but it can typically kill any red bar enemy in a single shot. Additionally, I recommend doing the Adept tier so you won’t encounter any Champions and can blow through this Nightfall in under 10 minutes.
Legendary Lost Sector Variety Attack
Defeat combatants in Legendary Lost Sectors using Sniper Rifles, Submachine Guns, Rocket Launchers, or Bows.
Rewards: Double XP
For this challenge, you’ll want to use a combination of a submachine gun and a sniper rifle. This allows you to use Overload and Anti-Barrier mods, which will make Legendary Lost Sectors much easier. Since you want to kill enemies with these weapons, I recommend using Izanagi’s Burden for your sniper. This weapon can easily decimate Champions while keeping you at a safe distance. As for the Lost Sectors, I recommend either Perdition or Bunker E15. Both have a ton of low-tier mobs and will only have Champions tied to the weapons above. If you’re Power Level is a little lower, you can always do this with a friend!
Lenses in Focus
Go to the Prismatic Recaster and discover how to unlock 10 more lenses.
Rewards: XP
This challenge is probably going to be completed for anyone who has been playing a lot this season. To complete this, you will need to have unlocked 10 separate lenses at any of the tiers. Most of these can be easily completed by just grinding weapon kills or completing seasonal quests. I wouldn’t worry too much about this one, since you will naturally complete this challenge by playing and using weapons such as submachine guns, sidearms, bows, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers.
Clearing the Inner Circle
Defeat 40 Primeval Envoys in Gambit
Rewards: Quadruple XP, Bright Dust
Bungie, please stop making me play Gambit. Please. I am more excited for the Trials of Osiris challenge than trying to kill 40 Primeval Envoys. To complete this challenge, you’ll need to slaughter the Taken Wizards that spawn alongside the boss once you deposit 100 motes. The catch is, you won’t want to burn your Primeval too quickly because more Envoys will spawn throughout this fight. So once you summon the boss, kill the Primevals, do a little damage, and then wait for the next wave of enemies to appear. Yes, you’ll probably lose but it will make this challenge go by just a little quicker.
Trial by Firing Squad
Win 7 Rounds of Trials of Osiris
Rewards: Quadruple XP, Bright Dust, Trials of Osiris Weapon
Keep in mind this says Rounds, not Matches. For some, this will be a simple task that won’t require a lot of work. However, Trials of Osiris can be an intimidating mess of a PvP mode thanks to the rather disparaging skill gaps between users. If you are someone who doesn’t play PvP often, I recommend checking with us every week until a hot ticket item is in the three wins slot. This is because players will often throw rounds just to make progress towards the End Game bounty. So if you see a top-tier item like a piece of the new armor set or a weapon such as Igenous Hammer, get a group together and head into Trials. There’s a pretty good chance you’ll meet a team that just blows themselves up, giving you five free rounds.
Decisive Strike
Acquire the Panacea ornament for the Salvager’s Salvo Grenade Launcher.
Rewards: Double XP
To complete this step you will need to first earn the Salvager’s Salvo grenade launcher. This quest is handed out by Banshee-44 in the Tower and is remarkably straightforward. Upon obtaining this weapon, you can then get the Vanguard Salvager quest from Zavala which rewards the Panacea ornament upon completion. Of the three ornaments for this weapon, Panacea is by far the simplest to obtain. The best weapon for getting your grenade launcher kills is the Salvager’s Salvo, so load into the Strike playlist and focus on blowing up groups of enemies. Make sure to put the Chain Reaction perk on to ensure you can kill multiple enemies at once!