Destiny 2 Season of the Lost is here and we’re heading back to The Dreaming City. Acting as a prologue to The Witch Queen expansion, this season revolves around freeing Savathun from her worm god to save Osiris from her clutches. Along with a new seasonal activity, players can also obtain new armor, weapons, exotics, and in-game consumables. A new addition this season is Stasis Legendary weapons which can roll with unique perks tied specifically to this subclass. One of these firearms is the linear fusion rifle, Reed’s Regret. Tied to Trials of Osiris, this is perhaps the best legendary linear fusion rifle available. Here’s how to get your hands on this weapon and what perks you’ll want for it.
How to Get Reed’s Regret
You can only get Reed’s Regret from Trials of Osiris. This firearm will first need to be unlocked to add it to your Trials of Osiris loot pool. This is done by earning Trials of Osiris engrams via vendor rank-up packages or as an end-of-match reward once you obtain seven wins on a card. The latter will be the main way you earn Trials of Osiris engrams, since obtaining seven wins in a card (regardless if you went flawless or not) will allow you to start obtaining them after matches. So long as you win matches with the card that has seven wins, you’ll have a decent chance to earn one of these engrams.
After you get a Trials of Osiris engram, take it to the Cryptarch in The Tower. If you have all the Trials of Osiris loot already, this should decrypt into the Reed’s Regret. For those that don’t have most of this PVP game mode’s loot pool unlocked you may need to decrypt multiple engrams before the Reed Regret appears. After getting the gun one time, you can then focus your Trials of Osiris engrams at Saint-14 so you always get this linear fusion rifle. Finally, you can obtain the Adept variant Reed’s Regret as a flawless reward. However, this weapon is currently not the flawless reward, but almost certainly will be in future Trials of Osiris weekends.
Reed’s Regret God Rolls
Reed’s Regret PVE God Roll
- Arrowhead Brake
- Liquid Coils or Enhanced Battery
- Triple Tap
- Vorpal Weapon or Firing Line
If you’re looking to snag a god roll of Reed’s Regret, there’s actually a pretty nasty perk pool for boss-focused DPS. In the barrel slot, there are a number of good options, but I recommend Arrowhead Brake since it gives us a +30 to recoil and _10 to handling. This makes it far easier to hit our critical headshots consistently, which is key for this specific roll. As for the battery, I recommend either Liquid Coils or Enhanced Battery. The former will increase your damage output across the board, while the latter gives us more in the magazine. Enhanced is especially nice with Triple Tap we will get a few extra shots off.
Triple Tap is the primary perk of choice since it allows us to consistently deal a lot of damage to static targets or beefier foes like Champions. It also combos wonderfully with both Vorpal Weapon and Firing Line. Of the two, I recommend Firing Line if you want this solely for raid or endgame boss damage. This perk allows you to do a comical amount of damage to an enemy if you can trigger Firing Line. Inversely, solo players might want to hunt down Vorpal Weapon since it’ll be more useful in most scenarios.
Reed’s Regret PVP God Roll
- Corkscrew Rifling or Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Accelerated Coils
- Heating Up
- Rampage or Adagio
When it comes to PVP, you actually have a few solid options to choose from. For our barrel, we are looking for either Corkscrew Rifling or Hammer-Forged Rifling. Of the two, I definitely recommend Corkscrew Rifling as it gives us a nice boost to the range, handling, and stability. If you prefer range over everything, then you’ll want Hammer-Forged Rifling instead. In the battery, I strongly recommend getting Accelerated Coils since it reduces the charge time, allowing us to easily pick off an enemy before they dive into cover. Since a headshot will kill them regardless, the slightly reduced Impact won’t be that much of a detriment.
Here’s where things get a bit tricky, as there are some quality PVP perks that this can roll with. Narrowing it down, I really like either Quickdraw or Heating Up for this gun. Since you get 6 shots in the magazine whenever you grab the Heavy Ammo, we can kill quite a few Guardians before swapping to a primary. To help this, I suggest Heating Up as it will give us better accuracy, stability, and recoil control whenever we kill someone. With this ability triggered, we should have no issue taking down multiple foes. However, if you want a perk that won’t rely on killing then Quickdraw is for you. Finally, I recommend either Rampage or Adagio in the final slot to give us some extra damage. Adagio is especially nasty since it allows us to one-shot someone in the body if it’s active.