Destiny 2 Berenger's Memory Guide – How to Get Berenger's Memory & the God Roll

When it comes to Heavy weapons, grenade launchers have always been a wildly popular choice in Destiny 2. Their ability to output a ton of damage and flexible perk set makes them quite practical if you need to attack a faraway target. Unfortunately, one of the most popular grenade launchers – Love and Death – is not receiving a Power increase this fall. This means it’s time for players top start farming for a new launcher that can fill their Heavy slot. The easiest one to farm is Berenger’s Memory, which is tied to Season of Arrivals umbral engrams.

Here’s how to get the Berenger’s Memory and what perks you’ll want to farm for.

How to Get Berenger’s Memory

Similarly to the Ikelos_SMG, this grenade launcher was introduced last week and is tied to the new Exodus-Focused Umbral Engrams. These engrams will unlock as your progress through the Exodus: Preparation questline that’s given out by Zavala. For each Weekly Bounty, you complete on Mars, Mercury, Titan, and Io you’ll be rewarded one of these engrams. Completing the quest will unlock this engram along with the CQC-Focused and the Assassin-Focused Umbral Engram.

You will want to start turning your Umbral Engrams into the Assassin-Focused ones as these will offer either the Berenger’s Memory or Ikelos_SR. These cost 100 Altered Energy apiece, but the loot pool is drastically reduced giving you a much more consistent farming method. However, if you are short on energy, you can always just decrypt the Umbral Engrams without focusing them. This is an ineloquent method that will greatly reduce your chances of obtaining a Berenger’s Memory. Otherwise, this gun does not drop from any other activity in Destiny 2.

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Berenger’s Memory God Roll

  • Smart Drift Control
  • Spike Grenades
  • Clown Cartridge or Field Prep
  • Auto-Loading Holster

Since grenade launchers are really terrible in PVP, we will be focusing solely on the PVE roll. For the first slot, we’re picking Smart Drift Control since it gives us a nice boost to Velocity, Handling, Recoil, and Stability. This is the ideal choice for a grenade launcher as it ensures you can fire as fast as possible without missing a shot. Spike Grenades are a must-have for any PVE grenade launcher. This increases your damage upon direct hits, making this weapon far more lethal. While you can pick other barrel options, Spike Grenades is a perk you should not deny yourself.

Our first core perk can either be Clown Cartridge or Field Prep. The former fantastic since it gives you a chance to gain additional rounds in your magazine. Inversely, Field Prep gives us a faster reload time, allowing you to increase your DPS (damage-per-second) by a considerable amount. That being said, I personally prefer Clown Cartridge since we are also looking for Auto-Loading Holster. Being able to fire a full clip of ammo, swap to your sniper to shoot a boss, and then swap back to a fully loaded Berenger’s Memory is wonderful. It gives you more flexibility and less downtime during boss damage phases.

Despite lacking the coveted Full Court grenade launcher perk, Berenger’s Memory is still a terrific option for anyone looking for a solid, explosive heavy weapon.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.