Season of the Wish is upon us in Destiny 2! With it comes a slew of new weapons to collect, but this time around it also means a whole heaping of reissued guns as well. One of those sets are some of the Season of the Undying, Vex-themed guns. Naturally that means everyone is itching to get their hands on the new best possible (non-sunset) roll. But early on it can be really hard to know what will perform the best. In this guide, we tell you how to obtain Adhortative and make some early god roll recommendations for the reissued Destiny 2 Pulse Rifle.
We’ve teamed up with Stardust, one of the people behind Clarity - D2 Research, a Destiny 2 project which provides highly trusted explanations of perks, mods, and more for websites like Destiny Item Manager (DIM),, Foundry, and more! With his extensive knowledge and experience studying weapons in depth for thousands of hours and keeping a close eye on the meta at all times at every level, he’s more than qualified to make these selections.
How to Obtain
Adhortative is available via Season of the Wish activities. You can specifically focus for it at the Spirit of Riven for four Wish Engrams and 3,000 Glimmer (assuming you've had one drop already) or you can instead opt for a random Undying weapon engram and hope its Adhortative for the reduced price of two Wish engrams and 3,000 Glimmer.
About Adhortative
Adhortative is a Legendary Solar Pulse Rifle of the Adaptive Frame archetype. This means it's well-rounded when it comes to starting stats.
It sports the Nano-Munitions Origin Trait which makes it so that being near allies slowly builds up a partial emergency ammo refill for the next time it runs out of ammo. The amount of emergency ammo increases with time spent near allies. Definitely something that's not optimal for solo players.
The weapon was originally sunset when Beyond Light launched which means it's been a few years since it's been viable in higher Power activities.
Adhortative PVE God Roll
Our recommended PVE god roll for this reissued Solar Pulse Rifle is below. Adhortative is flexible in that you can opt for a few different perks depending on whether you like enemy flinch, want Ember of Benevolence synergy, or are using Heal Clip or Incandescent. What's best highly depends on your build!
Best PVE Perks by Column Number
- Arrowhead Brake
- High-Caliber Rounds (enemy flinch) or Flared Magwell (when not running a reload perk)
- Heal Clip (for Ember of Benevolence synergy) or Loose Change (for use with Incandescent) or Shoot to Loot
- Golden Tricorn (especially with Heal Clip to double down on Solar synergies) or Incandescent
Adhortative PVP God Roll
When it comes to PVP, everything is pretty straightforward though there is some wiggle room when it comes to the final few perks. You could feasibly even get away with Deconstruct as an interesting selection depending on how well it does against Titan barricades.
Best PVP Perks by Column Number
- Arrowhead Brake
- Ricochet Rounds
- Heal Clip
- Golden Tricorn or Headseeker or Harmony (if you like the perk)