Destiny 2 Twilight Oath God Roll Guide - PVE, PVP, & How to Get

How does the new and improved Twilight Oath stack up with updated perks and a new Origin Trait?

Season of the Wish is upon us in Destiny 2! With it comes a slew of new weapons to collect, but this time around it also means a whole heaping of reissued guns as well. There is, of course, the Season of the Undying, Vex-themed guns like Twilight Oath which have been un-sunset so you can use them once again. The other interesting addition is the Dreaming City guns which were already reissued back in Season of the Splicer. While they may not be completely new, Bungie has changed the perk pool and given them the new Advanced Reflex Origin Trait. In this guide, we tell you how to obtain Twilight Oath and make some early god roll recommendations for the reissued Destiny 2 Sniper Rifle.

We’ve teamed up with Stardust, one of the people behind Clarity - D2 Research, a Destiny 2 project which provides highly trusted explanations of perks, mods, and more for websites like Destiny Item Manager (DIM),, Foundry, and more! With his extensive knowledge and experience studying weapons in depth for thousands of hours and keeping a close eye on the meta at all times at every level, he’s more than qualified to make these selections.

How to Obtain

Twilight Oath is available in Dreaming City activities. That means it can drop from Blind Well, Ascendant Challenges, or just anywhere in the Dreaming City.

About Twilight Oath

Twilight Oath is a Legendary Solar Sniper Rifle of the Rapid-Fire Frame archetype. This means it has deeper ammo reserves and slightly faster reload speeds when the magazine is completely empty.

It sports the new Advanced Reflexes Origin Trait which makes it so whenever you take damage from a target, if you quickly aim down the sights with this weapon, you'll gain bonus mobility and handling.

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Twilight Oath PVE God Roll

Our recommended PVE god roll for Twilight Oath is really straightforward with the only potential change coming in the final column, and only if you're using it specifically for sustained damage.

Best PVE Perks by Column Number

  1. Arrowhead Brake
  2. Tactical Mag
  3. Envious Assassin
  4. Vorpal Weapon or Precision Instrument (only for sustained damage)

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Twilight Oath PVP God Roll

When it comes to PVP, go all in on Handling and prioritize Range from there. Snapshot is the most obvious choice for the final column, but Incandescent can unironically be pretty helpful for knowing where nearby enemies are after you down their teammate.

Best PVP Perks by Column Number

  1. Fluted Barrel
  2. Extended Mag (AE help) or Accurized Rounds (AA falloff help)
  3. Opening Shot
  4. Snapshot or Incandescent

About the Authors

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.


Stardust is one of the people behind Clarity - D2 Research, a Destiny 2 project which provides highly trusted explanations of perks, mods, and more for websites like Destiny Item Manager (DIM),, Foundry, and more!