Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Leak — New Expansion, Collector's Edition

We're heading back to the moon!

It looks like the next Destiny 2 expansion is going to back us back to the moon. Dataminers on r/raidsecrets have discovered information in the newest update for the PC version of the game. It indicates the Fall 2019 expansion for Destiny 2 will be titled Shadowkeep, and that it takes place in a location that was pivotal in the first game. It’s the moon! There are wizards. You get the idea…

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Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Expansion — Collector’s Edition

We don’t know much about the Destiny 2 expansion yet, as it hasn’t even been officially announced. But we do know from the above image that it will be released as a physical collector’s edition. There is some precedent for special editions of Destiny 2 expansions. The last major Destiny 2 expansion, Forsaken, had a special bundle available at GameStop that included the game, icons, and a Cayde statue.

“The next chapter in the Destiny experience arrives this fall as terrifying shadows descend upon a forgotten moon,” the leaked image explains. “Return to the lunar surface. Journey deep into a mysterious enemy citadel. Become a slayer of nightmares.”

The word “return,” along with the obvious image of Earth in the background, imply that this is indeed good ol’ Luna — rather than some other, mystery Destiny moon. That may seem obvious, but you never can tell with this series! Destiny 2 does include another playable satellite in the form of Io, one of the moons of Jupiter. And the returning location does give us oodles of stuff to theorize about regarding Destiny lore and potential enemy encounters.

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Details

This also isn’t the first time Destiny has brought back a previous location. The Destiny 2: Warmind expansion let players return to a fully realized and completely new version of Mars. More recently, Destiny 2 has introduced old locations from the first game whole cloth — with level design unchanged from the previous game. Those are usually one-offs, however, and tied to time-limited events. Rather than just a shot of nostalgia, we would expect  a paid expansion like Shadowkeep to offer all-new areas and activities.

What else will Shadowkeep bring? We’ll likely see Hive as the main enemy, given their occupation of the moon in the first Destiny. The language in the leak also sounds very spooky, which usually means the bug-like menace is involved. And given that Shadowkeep will likely be the last expansion for Destiny 2 before a numbered sequel, we expect that Bungie is going to go big. This announcement, meanwhile, comes hot on the heals of Destiny 2‘s Season of Opulence. The new, smaller expansion includes a brand-new raid, more PVE activities, and a whole lot of Cabal (the slug-like warrior faction of Destiny).

We’ll have more details on Thursday, when Bungie is expected to officially announce the expansion during its pre-E3 livestream. Until then, be sure to check out our ongoing coverage of the brand-new Destiny 2 Season of Opulence. Take care, Guardians!

About the Author

merritt k

merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.