All Repressed Memory Locations in Duality Dungeon - Destiny 2

It's like Inception, just with 100% more space rhinos.

Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted is here, and it’s the spookiest addition yet. With the return of Emperor Calus’ mighty Leviathan, players are tasked with venturing into this massive ship to deduce what has happened to this corrupted vessel. Along with the new Nightmare Containment activity, players can earn new weapons, armor, and cosmetics for your Guardian.

One of the coolest additions is the new Duality dungeon, which has players entering Calus’ mind to try and uncover his secrets. Broken up across three major encounters and one small puzzle, this dungeon also has 12 collectibles hidden throughout. Called “Repressed Memories,” these look like floating broken floating capsules that will play a bit of dialogue from Calus when you interact with them. Getting all 12 will complete the Mind Heist triumph, which increases your drop rate for the new Heartshadow exotic sword. If you are looking to snag all 12, here is where you can find them on your journey!

Repressed Memory Locations

Repressed Memory 1

Your first Repressed Memory will be in the massive room you arrive in after shooting the first bell in the nightmare realm. When you arrive, kill all the Cabal combing down the stairs and then begin climbing up to the rafters above. Before you shoot across the room to the other bell, look to your right. You should see a platform with a door that’s half-open. Head into this door to find the floating Repressed Memory.

Repressed Memory 2

The second Repressed Memory is right after you shoot across from the balcony in the large room to the bell behind the grate. When you arrive, look down to your left. There will be a platform hidden in the shadows (where my arrow is pointing above), so go over to it. Keep in mind there are several platforms on the right side, so go to the one just under the platform where the Cabal enemy spawned. Once you’re on the platform, jump to the next one and enter the door to your right — at the end of the hall will be the Repressed Memory.

Repressed Memory 3

Continue through the jumping section until you reach an area where you are descending some platforms in the “real world.” You will eventually need to shoot a bell across the room behind a grate. When you warp to the nightmare realm, you’ll find a room with a bunch of thin banisters and some Cabal enemies on the right. Kill the Cabal and then look left — you should see a small platform along the far wall. Jump to it, turn 180 degrees, and jump to the platform across from this one to find the third Repressed Memory. I recommend throwing on a sword for this so you can easily clear the gap!

Repressed Memory 4

Keep going until you reach the large room (shown above) with a bunch of lit braziers and columns. Before you jump down via the hole in the center, climb up to the arch that wraps around the back wall. There are a few different ways to get up here depending on what class you’re running. I made my way up using the door frame on the right. Once you’re on the arch, you’ll see the Repressed Memory between two of the columns on the right.

Repressed Memory 5

This Repressed Memory is right after you finish the first encounter, so do not jump down the hole right away. Instead, go to the back left corner in the lower portion of the room — it will be the one with the dog symbol in front of the door. In the room where the Colossus spawns, you can find the memory in the back right corner near some boxes.

Repressed Memory 6

Your next memory will be in the room where you need to throw two levers to make a bunch of platforms come out of the wall. You will need to activate both the lower lever and the one on the catwalk above where you enter. Once both are thrown, head back down to where the lower lever is and climb up the path in the photo above. You will need to jump around a column to the last platform, which can be a bit tricky and take a few tries. Once you’re on the platform behind the column, enter the vent to find the hidden memory.

Repressed Memory 7

Continue through the jumping sections until you reach a large hallway full of light — this will be right by where a bunch of Cabal and a Colossus spawns. Instead of jumping across to the lower catwalk, look straight down instead. You will see a few small platforms you can climb down. Descend until you reach the lower floor and enter the alcove to find another Repressed Memory.

Repressed Memory 8

Upon entering the large room with all the statues you need to spin, shoot the bell in the center. Now make your way to the outer platform on the left to find the Repressed Memory hiding behind the column.

Repressed Memory 9

The next Repressed Memory is right after you complete the second encounter, so do not drop down to get your loot. Instead, look at the large opening where all of the light is pouring out and climb up the platforms shown above. Where my fireteam member is standing is where the ninth Repressed Memory is located. These platforms are small, so I recommend going one at a time to ensure you don’t knock one another off.

Repressed Memory 10

You will find the next Repressed Memory underneath the massive (prison cell?) covered in a white sheet. Jump down onto the purple crystal floor and you should see the memory directly under this large box. There’s also a hidden chest underneath here as well, so make sure to grab that!

Repressed Memory 11

Keep going through this area until you shoot a bell and are warped to the nightmare world. You will see a room full of very thin walkways and tall columns. Make your way to the right side of the room, where you’ll see a large opening with a staircase going up. The Repressed Memory will be at the top of the staircase. This is another pretty big jump, so take your time or equip a sword to ensure you can clear the gap without dying.

Repressed Memory 12

The final Repressed Memory is right before you drop down into the boss room. In the massive open room, continue along the platforms until you reach one with an ominous red glow coming from it. Instead of jumping down, climb up the platform to the right of the door and then go into the alcove just above the door to find the last memory.

Once you nab this, you will complete the Mind Heist triumph! Make sure to turn this in right away so you can get an increased drop rate for Heartshadow. It’s still not guaranteed, but every little bit of help is appreciated!

If you’re looking for more help, we have guides covering how to unlock the Solar 3.0 fragments and grenades, how to get the new Jotunn catalyst, how to farm Vestiges of Dread and Opulent Umbral Energy, all Exotics, new weapon Patternsseasonal mods, and Season of the Haunted triumphs. In addition, we’re covering all patch notesbugs and top issuesBound in Sorrow quest steps, and Calus Bobbleheads. We’ve covered how to get Opulent KeysBound Presence in Containment, Crown of Sorrow H.E.L.M. upgradesIron Banner Seal Triumphs, and the Trespasser Catalyst. And lastly, we’ve written on how to find a Loyalist Commander for Battles Lines Triumph and the Cek’ik Boss.

About the Authors

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.