Destiny 2 Witch Queen Glaive Guide - How to Get Your First Glaive

A moth to a Glaive.

Savathun is finally here, which can only mean that Destiny 2’s highly anticipated expansion has been released. The Witch Queen has players finally confront one of the franchise’s most popular villains in her own throne world. Not only is this DLC introducing a new story, but there’s also a ton of new weapons, armor, exotics, consumables, and activities for players to participate in. The Witch Queen also marks the release of the Void 3.0 update, which drastically reworks the void subclass and weapon crafting, allowing you to make your weapon of choice.

One exciting addition is the Glaive, a brand new weapon archetype that combines the power of melee weapons with projectile firearms like Fusion Rifles. Offering more flexibility than most Special weapons, players can earn both legendary and exotic-tier glaives in the new expansion. Thankfully, you will be able to get your hands on one fairly early on in The Witch Queen‘s campaign.

How to Unlock the Glaive – Destiny 2 The Witch Queen

In order to unlock your first Destiny 2 Witch Queen Glaive, the steps are as follows:

  • Complete The Arrival, which is the introductory quest
  • Talk to Ikora Rey and pick up The Relic quest
  • Investigate the Relic in the Enclave on Mars, which is on the opposite end of Ikora’s location
  • After the cutscene, press the Approach Relic prompt to open a new menu
  • Choose Shape, select The Enigma, and follow the steps
  • Select Adaptive Glaive, choose your four perks and then click on the Glaive’s icon on the far right to Finalize Shape
  • Congrats on obtaining your first Glaive: The Enigma

You’ll likely spend a long while tinkering with the weapon afterward. Bear in mind that you need to unequip a weapon to reshape it, in case you were wondering why it won’t let you do it.

There are tons of customization options to unlock and choose from. You can find the Intrinsics list and the first two Perk slots below.


While you get one for free by default, you can upgrade the Handling, Range, Reload Speed, or Shield Duration of The Enigma. Each Intrinsic requires weapon level 3, as well as 20 Resonant Alloy, 40,000 Glimmer, and 12 Enhancement Cores.

Destiny 2 Witch Queen Unlock Glaive 4

Perks – First Slot

All the perks on the first slot of this Glaive have a cost of 75 Neutral Element each.

  • Ballistic Tunning: Greatly increases range and decreases shield duration
  • Low-Impedance Windings: Increases shield duration, slightly increases reload speed, and decreases range
  • Tempered Truss Rod (requires weapon level 2): Greatly increases handling speed while slightly decreasing reload speed and range
  • Supercooled Accelerator (requires weapon level 3): Increases range while slightly decreasing reload speed and handling speed
  • Auxiliary Reserves (requires weapon level 4): Greatly increases shield duration and decreases reload speed
  • Supercooled Accelerator (requires weapon level 5): Increases reload speed, slightly increases handling speed, and decreases shield duration

In case you’re in need of more help, we have guides covering the brand new mods, how to unlock void grenades, season pass rewards, where to find The Enclave in Mars, all triumphs for Season of the Risen title, how to solve the rune puzzle, how to complete the seasonal quest Operation Elbrus, walkthroughs for The Investigation, Rising Tensions, and Queens and Worms quests, how to get the Le Monarque, Grand Overture, Outbreak Perfected, and Osteo Striga catalysts, and all current bugs and issues.

Perks – Second Slot

All the perks on the second slot have a cost of 75 Neutral Element each.

  • Extended Mag: Greatly increases magazine size while greatly decreasing reload speed
  • Alloy Magazine: Faster reloads when the magazine is empty
  • Appended Mag (requires weapon level 2): Increases magazine size
  • Accurized Rounds (requires weapon level 3): Increases range
  • Swap Mag (requires weapon level 4): Increases the weapon’s ready and stow speed
  • Light Mag (requires weapon level 5): Increases reload speed and slightly increases range

Have fun with your first Glaive in Destiny 2‘s The Witch Queen!

About the Author

Diego Arguello

Featured contributor at Fanbyte focusing primarily on guides. Always procrastinating on Twitter.