Destiny 2 Deadeye Title Guide – All Required Triumphs for Gilded Triumph

Just like Cayde.

If keeping up with the latest endgame content in Destiny 2 is a problem you can’t seem to overcome, we have some good news for you. As part of the Season of the Lost update, Bungie has added an all-new Deadeye title to the game. Since it is a Gilded Triumph, you can earn it once and keep it, but you’ll earn extra gildings for completing it once again. The challenge? Utilize the vast array of weapons Destiny has to offer. In this guide we’ll list all of those and help you get there quickly.

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Deadeye Required Triumphs

Brace yourself because there are 31 different triumphs you must collect for the Deadeye Seal. One thing we are yet to determine is how much of it resets each season. This seems like a whole heck of a lot to do in just three months and to keep doing it going forward.

Seasonal Triumphs

Thus far, there are only two triumphs that obviously reset each season.

  • Ritual of the Season: In Ritual playlist activities, rapidly defeat opponents with weapons matching the archetype of the current Seasonal Legendary weapon 50 times. Defeating Guardians grants more progress.
  • Season’s Greetings: Get 500 final blows with this Season’s Legendary quest weapon.

One-Time Triumphs

Here are your relatively easy one time tasks.

  • Weapon Flair: Get 100 precision final blows and rapidly defeat combatants at point-blank range while using any weapon in Gambit five times.
  • Weapon Focus: In Nightfall strikes, accumulate 100 weapon final blows and 50 precision weapon final blows without dying.
  • Three Birds, Three Stones: In Crucible, defeat opponents with a Kinetic weapon, an Energy weapon, and a Power weapon five times.
  • Weapon Archivist: Unlock 200 weapon entries in your collection by acquiring weapons for the first time.
  • Dark Age Arsenal: Win a Gambit match with a Gambit weapon equipped in every slot.
  • Munitions Variety Pack: Defeat 500 combatants with Kinetic final blows, 250 combatants with Energy final blows, and 100 combatants with Power weapon final blows.
  • Sweet Spotter: Defeat combatants with precision weapon damage by targeting their weak points.
    • 25 Cabal Legionaries
    • 5 Cabal Incendiors
    • 25 Vex Goblins
    • 3 Vex Wyverns
    • 25 Fallen Vandals
    • 10 Fallen Captains
    • 3 Hive Ogres
    • 5 Hive Wizards
    • 5 Scorn Ravagers
    • 5 Taken Hobgoblins

Aptitude Triumphs

These ones are a grind if you haven’t been playing Destiny 2 for long, but for many are already completed.

  • Auto Rifle Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Auto Rifles.
  • Pulse Rifle Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Pulse Rifles.
  • Scout Rifle Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Scout Rifles.
  • Hand Cannon Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Hand Cannons.
  • Submachine Gun Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Submachine Guns.
  • Bow Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Bows.
  • Sidearm Aptitude: Defeat 1000 combatants with Sidearms.
  • Sniper Rifle Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Sniper Rifle.
  • Fusion Rifle Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Fusion Rifle.
  • Grenade Launcher Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Grenade Launchers.
  • Linear Fusion Rifle Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Linear Fusion Rifles.
  • Machine Gun Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Machine Guns.
  • Rocket Launcher Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Rocket Launchers.
  • Sword Aptitude: Defeat 500 combatants with Swords.

Mastery Triumphs

If you don’t play Crucible often, or at all, these are going to be your hardest challenges. They’re not incredibly difficult, but they will take time and effort.

  • Auto Rifle Mastery: With any Auto Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “Assault Specialist.”
    • Assault Specialist: In a single match, defeat seven opponents with an Auto Rifle.
  • Pulse Rifle Mastery: With any Pulse Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “Lethal Cadence.”
    • Lethal Cadence: In a single match, defeat seven opponents with a Pulse Rifle.
  • Scout Rifle Mastery: With any Scout Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “Field Scout.”
    • Field Scout: In a single match, defeat five opponents with a Scout Rifle at long range.
  • Hand Cannon Mastery: With any Hand Cannon Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians, and land 25 precision final blows in the Crucible and earn the medal “Hawkeye.”
    • Hawkeye: In a single match, defeat two opponents with precision Hand Cannon final blows.
  • Bow Mastery: With any Bow, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible, land 25 long-range precision final blows, and earn the medal “My Bowfriend’s Back.”
    • Field Scout: In a single match, land three precision final blows with a Bow.
  • Sidearm Mastery: With any Sidearm, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “One for Each of You.”
    • One for Each of You: Deliver a final blow with a Sidearm within five seconds of landing a final blow with any other weapon.
  • Submachine Gun Mastery: With any Submachine Gun, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “Sub Machinist.”
    • Sub Machinist: In a single life, defeat two opponents with Submachine Gun final blows.
  • Shotgun Mastery: With any Shotgun, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “Close Encounters.”
    • Close Encounters: Defeat two opponents at close range with a Shotgun without switching weapons or reloading.
  • Sniper Rifle Mastery: With any Sniper Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible, land 25 precision final blows, and earn the medal “Mission Control.”
    • Mission Control: Defeat two opponents with long range, precision Sniper Rifle final blows without switching weapons or reloading.
  • Fusion Rifle Mastery: With any Fusion Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible, land 25 precision final blows, and earn the medal “Cold Fusion.”
    • Mission Control: In a single life, defeat two opponents with Fusion Rifle final blows.
  • Trace Rifle Mastery: With any Trace Rifle, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible.
  • Grenade Launcher Mastery: With any Grenade Launcher, defeat 100 Guardians in the Crucible and earn the medal “Calculated Trajectory.”
    • Calculated Trajectory: In a single life, defeat three opponents with Grenade Launcher final blows.

And that’s it! Best of luck grinding out the title this season and the next.

About the Author

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.