At long last, Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted has arrived. As expected, there’s a whole new seasonal quest to follow through, as well as new armor sets, weapons, and a haunting atmosphere in every corner. Considering how much is there to unpack, from Solar 3.0 to yet another list of weapon ornaments, we’re diving into all things Destiny 2. This guide focuses on the Destiny 2 Bound Presence, which is needed for the seasonal quest.
How to Get Bound Presence in Destiny 2
While making progress through the Bound in Sorrow seasonal quest, you’ll be tasked to create Bound Presence. This material is related to the Nightmare Containment activity in Derelict Leviathan, which can be accessed from the Moon.
In order to get Bound Presence in Destiny 2, you have to spend 500 Vestiges of Dread at the end of Nightmare Containment Tier III. This is done by interacting with Nightmare Harvester, which is that ominous stick that is placed to begin containments each time.
Now, keep in mind that Bound Presence isn’t a guaranteed drop, so you may get lucky on your first try or just have to run the activity again. Hopefully, it’s the former, but just so you know.
How to Get to Nightmare Containment Tier III in Destiny 2
We already have a dedicated guide focused on how to get Vestiges of Dread, but in case you’re wondering about the Nightmare Containment activity, here’s the gist. You can land on Castellum directly and look for the activity in free roam (there are messages on screen all the time regarding its status, similarly to how public events work elsewhere), or you can opt to select Containment directly.
For this, head to the Moon and select Castellum on the bottom left. Click right above the launch button where it says Castellum 1580 to select Containment mode. In essence, it’s pretty much the same process, but it’s going to take you directly to the activity upon landing. Remember that if your Power Level isn’t enough, the game automatically raises it to 1570, so you don’t need to worry about it.

The Nightmare Containment activity starts at Tier I and has a few different objectives within a certain countdown. The tasks range from attacking objects, defeating minibosses or special enemies, and so on. If you and anyone else who’s taking part in the activity manage to get all the Shards of Dread (orbs usually dropped from minibosses during the activity) in time, you’ll see a message saying the containment was successful.
After a brief recess, Tier II will commence. Once Tier II is successfully completed, Tier III presents the final boss encounter. Defeat them and you’ll be able to interact with the Nightmare Harvester for a chance to get Bound Presence.

That is all there is to know about obtaining the Destiny 2 Bound Presence material. Have fun playing Nightmare Containment!
If you’re looking for more help, we have guides covering how to unlock the Solar 3.0 fragments and grenades, how to get the new Jotunn catalyst, how to farm Vestiges of Dread and Opulent Umbral Energy, all Exotics, new weapon Patterns, seasonal mods, and Season of the Haunted triumphs. In addition, we’re covering all patch notes, bugs and top issues, Bound in Sorrow quest steps, and Calus Bobbleheads. We’ve covered how to get Opulent Keys, Bound Presence in Containment, Crown of Sorrow H.E.L.M. upgrades, Iron Banner Seal Triumphs, and the Trespasser Catalyst. And lastly, we’ve written on how to find a Loyalist Commander for Battles Lines Triumph and the Cek’ik Boss.