Personalities are a well known part of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There are jocks, cranky villagers, snooty villagers, and many more. You probably know this. What you may not know is that each villager also has their favorite hobbies. This is why you’re very likely to encounter Skye singing at any time of day or night. Our Animal Crossing Personalities and Hobbies guide will tell you everything you need to know about these two systems!
Updated on October 26, 2021 to include the 16 new villagers coming in Update 2.0.
Animal Crossing Personalities
There are eight different personalities in the game: Normal, Lazy, Sisterly, Snooty, Cranky, Jock, Peppy, and Smug. We’ll get into what each of those actually means in a second, but want to point out that the official New Horizons strategy guide does confirm that each personality type actually has two sub-types. These subtypes help determine their hobbies and voice pitch.
For example, Snooty A villagers are more likely to be into education and have a high pitched voice. Snooty B villagers, on the other hand, are into fashion and have a normal pitched voice. It also helps determine their dialogue options, but as a whole this isn’t too important so we largely won’t be separating villagers by their sub-types. If you do want to read more about personality sub-types, check out this Google Doc.
Normal is a personality equivalent to the male Lazy personality. In general, they are neutral and kind to everyone. It’s hard to make a Normal villager upset. You’ll frequently see them comment on how normal they are compared to everyone else. These villagers tend to be awake from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
As we just mentioned, Lazy villagers are the male equivalent of Normal villagers. As per their type, they’re frequently caught relaxing and are incredibly easygoing. They’re very friendly and will often express their affection towards food. These villagers tend to be awake from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. sleeping for much longer hours than most other villagers.
Also known as Uchi, the Sisterly personality is similar to the male Cranky personality. If you’ve encountered a Sisterly villager, this likely makes sense. While they’re not really angry or rude, they’re certainly blunt and sometimes rude. That said, they’re also capable of being very friendly and, well, sisterly. These villagers tend to be awake from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. Perfect for anyone who’s mostly plays in the evening.
Snooty villagers are closet to male Smug villagers. In past games, they were more similar to cranky villagers, but now their attitudes have been toned down. Now they’re primarily self-centered and perhaps a bit arrogant. Their houses are frequently among the most expensive looking though there are exceptions. These villagers tend to be awake from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Whether you consider them Cranky or Grumpy, these villagers are most like Sisterly villagers. They’re easily annoyed and are more likely to get into fights with other villagers. That said, two Cranky villagers get along just find, bonding over their irritability. You may find them to be a bit rude and certainly stubborn. These villagers tend to be awake from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
Jocks are bright like Peppy villagers, but focused on sports instead. They’re into sports and will talk about working out or being tired from physical exercise. They also follow the American stereotype of being less intelligent than other villagers. These villagers tend to be awake from 6:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Peppy villagers are super bright and friendly. You’ll notice that they’re always happy to see you though they may be a bit all over the place, changing topics frequently and being forgetful. These villagers tend to be awake from 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Animal Crossing Hobbies
Every Animal Crossing villager has a primary hobby which determines what they’re most likely to do. That does not mean they will not cross over into other hobby activities from time to time, however.
- Education: These villagers are fond of sitting down and reading a good book. Whether that’s from the inside of their house or outside under the trees.
- Fashion: You’ll find these villagers visiting the Able Sisters or walking around the island carrying a purse. They’ll also comment on the clothes you’re wearing from time to time.
- Fitness: This is one of the most obvious hobbies. These villagers can be found lifting weights or stretching throughout the island or even in their house.
- Music: Like we mentioned, those with the Music hobby like Skye will often just stop what they’re doing and sing. Normally they’ll sing their favorite song. If there’s music playing nearby, however, they’ll sing that instead.
- Nature: If you’ve ever seen villagers walking around and inspecting the various flowers on your island, they may have a Nature hobby. You can also see them carrying around sticks and picnic baskets. Sometimes they will take out a book about flowers while examining them so some may confuse this for the Education hobby. They will also set up shop by a river and fish or take out a net to try and catch a bug.
- Playing: This is the Naruto run hobby.
Animal Crossing Personality Chart
Certain villager types will not get along with one another. For example, Jocks are more likely to fight with Lazy villagers. The chart below will help you know what to expect. We very much recommend checking out this Animal Crossing Villager Compatibility Tool and making a copy of it in your own Google Drive. All you have to do is select your villagers from a drop down list and it’ll tell you who’s most likely to fight. That’s also where we’ve sourced the below table.
Normal | Lazy | Sisterly | Snooty | Cranky | Jock | Peppy | Smug | |
Normal | Get Along | Get Along | Neutral | Occasionally | Occasionally | Get Along | Get Along | Get Along |
Lazy | Get Along | Get Along | Get Along | Neutral | Occasionally | Conflict | Get Along | Get Along |
Sisterly | Neutral | Get Along | Neutral | Conflict | Conflict | Get Along | Get Along | Get Along |
Snooty | Occasionally | Neutral | Conflict | Neutral | Get Along | Conflict | Neutral | Neutral |
Cranky | Occasionally | Occasionally | Conflict | Get Along | Neutral | Get Along | Conflict | Conflict |
Jock | Get Along | Conflict | Get Along | Conflict | Get Along | Neutral | Get Along | Neutral |
Peppy | Get Along | Get Along | Get Along | Neutral | Conflict | Get Along | Neutral | Get Along |
Smug | Get Along | Get Along | Get Along | Neutral | Conflict | Neutral | Get Along | Get Along |
Animal Crossing Villager Personality and Hobbies Chart
And that’s everything you need to know! Now here’s the information for every available villager! Special thanks to the datamining efforts of Astro for making this information public.
New Villagers
There are 16 new villagers coming in Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0. Here’s everything we know about them so far.
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Sasha![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Ione![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Tiansheng![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Shino![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Marlo![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Petri![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Cephalobot![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Quinn![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Chabwick![]() | Lazy | Unknown |
Zoe![]() | Unknown | Unknown |
Ace![]() | Jock | Unknown |
Rio![]() | Peppy | Unknown |
Frett![]() | Cranky | Unknown |
Azalea![]() | Snooty | Unknown |
Roswell![]() | Lazy | Unknown |
Faith![]() | Normal | Unknown |
Launch Villagers
Now for the villagers you’ve come to know and lover over the past year and some.
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Drago![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Del![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Gayle![]() | Normal | Nature |
Alfonso![]() | Lazy | Play |
Boots![]() | Jock | Play |
Alli![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Sly![]() | Jock | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Anabelle![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Annalisa![]() | Normal | Nature |
Antonio![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Olaf![]() | Smug | Education |
Cyrano![]() | Cranky | Education |
Pango![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Snooty![]() | Snooty | Education |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Megan![]() | Normal | Nature |
Ursala![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Grizzly![]() | Cranky | Education |
Charlise![]() | Sisterly | Fitness |
Pinky![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Tutu![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Groucho![]() | Cranky | Music |
Ike![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Curt![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Beardo![]() | Smug | Education |
Chow![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Nate![]() | Lazy | Play |
Paula![]() | Sisterly | Fitness |
Klaus![]() | Smug | Education |
Teddy![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Jacques![]() | Smug | Music |
Lucha![]() | Smug | Fitness |
Piper![]() | Peppy | Play |
Anchovy![]() | Lazy | Play |
Jay![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Midge![]() | Normal | Education |
Admiral![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Jacob![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Jitters![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Peck![]() | Jock | Play |
Robin![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Sparro![]() | Jock | Play |
Twiggy![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Stu![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Rodeo![]() | Lazy | Fitness |
Vic![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Angus![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Coach![]() | Jock | Fitness |
T-Bone![]() | Cranky | Education |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Ankha![]() | Snooty | Nature |
Raymond![]() | Smug | Nature |
Bob![]() | Lazy | Play |
Felicity![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Lolly![]() | Normal | Music |
Punchy![]() | Lazy | Play |
Kabuki![]() | Cranky | Music |
Merry![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Rosie![]() | Peppy | Music |
Tangy![]() | Peppy | Music |
Katt![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Kid Cat![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Kiki![]() | Normal | Education |
Mitzi![]() | Normal | Education |
Olivia![]() | Snooty | Music |
Purrl![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Tom![]() | Cranky | Education |
Kitty![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Moe![]() | Lazy | Play |
Monique![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Rudy![]() | Jock | Play |
Stinky![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Tabby![]() | Peppy | Music |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Becky![]() | Snooty | Music |
Ken![]() | Smug | Education |
Knox![]() | Cranky | Education |
Plucky![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Ava![]() | Normal | Music |
Benedict![]() | Lazy | Play |
Broffina![]() | Snooty | Music |
Egbert![]() | Lazy | Play |
Goose![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Naomi![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Norma![]() | Normal | Nature |
Patty![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Tipper![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Judy![]() | Snooty | Music |
Stitches![]() | Lazy | Play |
Bluebear![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
June![]() | Normal | Nature |
Maple![]() | Normal | Education |
Cheri![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Pekoe![]() | Normal | Nature |
Olive![]() | Normal | Nature |
Poncho![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Tammy![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Barold![]() | Lazy | Play |
Chester![]() | Lazy | Play |
Kody![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Murphy![]() | Cranky | Education |
Pudge![]() | Lazy | Play |
Vladimir![]() | Cranky | Play |
Marty![]() | Lazy | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Beau![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Diana![]() | Snooty | Education |
Fauna![]() | Normal | Nature |
Deirdre![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Erik![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Bam![]() | Jock | Play |
Lopez![]() | Smug | Education |
Zell![]() | Smug | Music |
Bruce![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Fuchsia![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Chelsea![]() | Normal | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Lucky![]() | Lazy | Play |
Cherry![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Cookie![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Bones![]() | Lazy | Play |
Butch![]() | Cranky | Music |
Goldie![]() | Normal | Nature |
Portia![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Shep![]() | Smug | Education |
Bea![]() | Normal | Nature |
Benjamin![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Biskit![]() | Lazy | Play |
Daisy![]() | Normal | Education |
Mac![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Maddie![]() | Peppy | Jock |
Marcel![]() | Lazy | Play |
Walker![]() | Lazy | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Ketchup![]() | Peppy | Play |
Molly![]() | Normal | Nature |
Bill![]() | Jock | Play |
Drake![]() | Lazy | Play |
Gloria![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Pompom![]() | Peppy | Music |
Scoot![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Deena![]() | Normal | Education |
Derwin![]() | Lazy | Play |
Freckles![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Joey![]() | Lazy | Play |
Maelle![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Mallary![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Miranda![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Pate![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Quillson![]() | Smug | Music |
Weber![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Apollo![]() | Cranky | Music |
Celia![]() | Normal | Nature |
Amelia![]() | Snooty | Music |
Avery![]() | Cranky | Music |
Keaton![]() | Smug | Music |
Pierce![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Sterling![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Buzz![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Frank![]() | Cranky | Education |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Tia![]() | Normal | Nature |
Cyd![]() | Cranky | Music |
Ellie![]() | Normal | Nature |
Eloise![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Margie![]() | Normal | Education |
Opal![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Tucker![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Axel![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Big Top![]() | Lazy | Play |
Dizzy![]() | Lazy | Play |
Paolo![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Lily![]() | Normal | Education |
Ribbot![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Cousteau![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Diva![]() | Sisterly | Fitness |
Drift![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Henry![]() | Smug | Music |
Jeremiah![]() | Lazy | Play |
Puddles![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Tad![]() | Jock | Play |
Camofrog![]() | Cranky | Music |
Croque![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Frobert![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Gigi![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Huck![]() | Smug | Fitness |
Jambette![]() | Normal | Fashion |
Prince![]() | Lazy | Play |
Raddle![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Wart Jr.![]() | Cranky | Education |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Sherb![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Pashmina![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Chevre![]() | Normal | Education |
Kidd![]() | Smug | Education |
Nan![]() | Normal | Nature |
Billy![]() | Jock | Play |
Gruff![]() | Cranky | Music |
Velma![]() | Snooty | Education |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Boone![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Louie![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Al![]() | Lazy | Fitness |
Boyd![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Cesar![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Hans![]() | Smug | Fitness |
Peewee![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Rocket![]() | Sisterly | Fitness |
Violet![]() | Snooty | Fitness |
Rilla![]() | Peppy | Nature |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Apple![]() | Peppy | Play |
Flurry![]() | Normal | Nature |
Hamlet![]() | Jock | Play |
Graham![]() | Smug | Education |
Solei![]() | Snooty | Education |
Clay![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Hamphrey![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Rodney![]() | Smug | Music |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Bertha![]() | Normal | Education |
Bubbles![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Bitty![]() | Snooty | Education |
Harry![]() | Cranky | Education |
Hippeux![]() | Smug | Education |
Rocco![]() | Cranky | Education |
Biff![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Chai![]() | Peppy | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Julian![]() | Smug | Music |
Reneigh![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Roscoe![]() | Cranky | Music |
Annalise![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Cleo![]() | Snooty | Education |
Colton![]() | Smug | Nature |
Papi![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Elmer![]() | Lazy | Play |
Savannah![]() | Normal | Music |
Buck![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Clyde![]() | Lazy | Play |
Ed![]() | Smug | Nature |
Peaches![]() | Normal | Education |
Victoria![]() | Peppy | Fitness |
Winnie![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Carrie![]() | Normal | Nature |
Rooney![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Sylvia![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Astrid![]() | Snooty | Music |
Kitt![]() | Normal | Education |
Marcie![]() | Normal | Nature |
Mathilda![]() | Snooty | Fitness |
Walt![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Eugene![]() | Smug | Music |
Alice![]() | Normal | Education |
Lyman![]() | Jock | Play |
Melba![]() | Normal | Education |
Ozzie![]() | Lazy | Play |
Sydney![]() | Normal | Music |
Yuka![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Canberra![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Gonzo![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Leopold![]() | Smug | Education |
Lionel![]() | Smug | Music |
Bud![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Elvis![]() | Cranky | Education |
Mott![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Rex![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Rory![]() | Jock | Music |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Deli![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Nana![]() | Normal | Education |
Shari![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Elise![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Flip![]() | Jock | Music |
Monty![]() | Cranky | Education |
Simon![]() | Lazy | Play |
Tammi![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Dora![]() | Normal | Education |
Bella![]() | Peppy | Music |
Bettina![]() | Normal | Education |
Bree![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Penelope![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Rod![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Samson![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Anicotti![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Broccolo![]() | Lazy | Play |
Candi![]() | Peppy | Play |
Chadder![]() | Smug | Fitness |
Greta![]() | Snooty | Education |
Limberg![]() | Cranky | Education |
Moose![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Rizzo![]() | Cranky | Education |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Marina![]() | Normal | Music |
Zucker![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Octavian![]() | Cranky | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Blanche![]() | Snooty | Nature |
Flora![]() | Peppy | Play |
Phoebe![]() | Sisterly | Fitness |
Cranston![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Gladys![]() | Normal | Education |
Julia![]() | Snooty | Education |
Phil![]() | Smug | Music |
Queenie![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Sandy![]() | Normal | Nature |
Sprocket![]() | Jock | Music |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Roald![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Sprinkle![]() | Peppy | Play |
Aurora![]() | Normal | Education |
Friga![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Gwen![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Hopper![]() | Cranky | Music |
Boomer![]() | Lazy | Fitness |
Cube![]() | Lazy | Play |
Flo![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Iggly![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Puck![]() | Lazy | Fitness |
Tex![]() | Smug | Music |
Wade![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Gala![]() | Normal | Education |
Hugh![]() | Lazy | Play |
Agnes![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Curly![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Kevin![]() | Jock | Play |
Lucy![]() | Normal | Music |
Boris![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Chops![]() | Smug | Education |
Cobb![]() | Jock | Education |
Maggie![]() | Normal | Nature |
Pancetti![]() | Snooty | Music |
Peggy![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Rasher![]() | Cranky | Music |
Spork![]() | Lazy | Play |
Truffles![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Coco![]() | Normal | Education |
Ruby![]() | Peppy | Nature |
Bunnie![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Chrissy![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Cole![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Francine![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Genji![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Mira![]() | Sisterly | Fitness |
Tiffany![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Bonbon![]() | Peppy | Play |
Carmen![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Claude![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Doc![]() | Lazy | Education |
Dotty![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Gabi![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Hopkins![]() | Lazy | Nature |
O’Hare![]() | Smug | Nature |
Snake![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Gaston![]() | Cranky | Education |
Pippy![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Toby![]() | Smug | Music |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Merengue![]() | Normal | Nature |
Hornsby![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Tank![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Renee![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Rhonda![]() | Normal | Music |
Spike![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Dom![]() | Jock | Play |
Muffy![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Pietro![]() | Smug | Music |
Baabara![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Curlos![]() | Smug | Nature |
Eunice![]() | Normal | Fashion |
Frita![]() | Sisterly | Music |
Stella![]() | Normal | Nature |
Timbra![]() | Snooty | Education |
Willow![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Cashmere![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Vesta![]() | Normal | Fashion |
Wendy![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Etoile![]() | Normal | Music |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Marshal![]() | Smug | Music |
Poppy![]() | Normal | Education |
Caroline![]() | Normal | Music |
Filbert![]() | Lazy | Nature |
Hazel![]() | Sisterly | Play |
Mint![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Static![]() | Cranky | Music |
Agent S![]() | Peppy | Fitness |
Blaire![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Cally![]() | Normal | Nature |
Nibbles![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Peanut![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Pecan![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Sally![]() | Normal | Music |
Sylvana![]() | Normal | Nature |
Tasha![]() | Snooty | Fitness |
Ricky![]() | Cranky | Education |
Sheldon![]() | Jock | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Bangle![]() | Peppy | Fashion |
Bianca![]() | Peppy | Play |
Claudia![]() | Snooty | Music |
Rolf![]() | Cranky | Fitness |
Leonardo![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Rowan![]() | Jock | Fitness |
Tybalt![]() | Jock | Play |
Villager | Personality | Favorite Hobby |
Audie![]() | Peppy | Fitness |
Whitney![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Freya![]() | Snooty | Fashion |
Skye![]() | Normal | Music |
Chief![]() | Cranky | Music |
Fang![]() | Cranky | Education |
Wolfgang![]() | Cranky | Education |
Lobo![]() | Cranky | Education |
Dobie![]() | Cranky | Nature |
Kyle![]() | Smug | Music |
Vivian![]() | Snooty | Education |