Love is in the air during the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ event. Dubbed “Wedding Season,” players will venture out to Harv’s Island to take photos during the entire month for Cyrus and Reese. Doing so will earn you a bunch of wedding-themed items and a couple of DIYs you can use to decorate your own island. These are great since a lot of islands like to have adorable wedding areas for photos or for villagers to visit when they are wandering around. However, getting the Wedding Season furniture is a bit of a slog since it’s tied to the new in-game currency, Heart Crystals.
How to Get Heart Crystals
Heart Crystals are the in-game currency tied to the wedding event and are earned by completing photos for Reese and Cyrus. She will award you them after you take the photo and show her the one you want to use for her official anniversary picture. You can earn up to 11 Heart Crystals from her a day, for a total of 77 a week. The amount of crystals you earn seems to be tied to your decorating and how well you meet her request for the day. Items you place don’t actually have to be organized in any way, as I just spammed my area with cute wedding pieces and Reese was satisfied with my decorating prowess.
This event runs throughout the entire month and you can use time travel to speed through the different ceremonies for the duo. This isn’t needed, but if you just have to finish your wedding decor on your island the option is available.
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Where to Spend Heart Crystals
Now that you have Heart Crystals where do you spend them? Once you get the crystals from Reese, talk to her hubby Cyrus to open up the wedding item shop. Items will range in cost from the low price of 3 Heart Crystals to a hefty 40 for the wedding organ. Items will be unlocked as you progress through the event, so don’t expect to have everything available on day one.
It will take at least a week of constant visiting for all of the wedding items to be on sale, so be patient if you aren’t into using time travel. You can only order eight pieces from Cyrus at a time, so plan accordingly if you want everything. It will take a day for the item to be delivered in the mail. Once you load up Animal Crossing: New Horizons you will find it in your mailbox and can place it anywhere your heart desires.
Remember, this event lasts until June 30, so you have plenty of time to gather a ton of Heart Crystals and get the items needed. Just make sure to spent all your crystals before the Wedding Season is over.