The Season of the Deep is here in Destiny 2, and it brings with it several new aspects for the Strand power introduced in Lightfall. Each class gets one new aspect: Warlocks have The Wanderer, Hunters get Threaded Specter, and Titans have Flechette Storm. Like the Stasis aspects that were added to the game after Beyond Light, you’ll have to unlock these new aspects through a short questline. Here’s how to do it.
First, you have to have completed the Unfinished Business quest in Neomuna to access the quest that unlocks the new Strand aspects. Once you have, visit Nimbus to collect the “Parting the Veil” quest. The first step is to defeat Cabal in Neomuna to find Vex tracking data. After you’ve collected ten of the Vex data items, head to Maya’s Retreat. You can get there by taking the southeast exit from Liming Harbor.
Follow the path up into the cave as you would if you were doing the Neomuna strike. You’ll find a Vex structure surrounded by three Harpies. Defeat the waves of Vex that spawn to deshield each Harpy in turn. Once you’re done, interact with the Vex structure. Next, you’ll be heading to the Irkalla Complex. To get there, take the western exit from the Zephyr Concourse and pass through the Esi Terminal area. If you’re having trouble finding the way, highlight the quest marker on your map and the game should lead you there with waypoints.
At the Irkalla Complex, you’ll find another Vex structure. You know the drill — defeat the Vex and take out the unshielded Harpies, then collect the data. This will unlock the Parting the Veil mission nearby. It’s a pretty straightforward mission that’s kind of a reprise of the final Lightfall campaign mission. Make your way down to the area where you fought Calus and defeat the Tormentor, and that’s about it. Once you’re done, meditate at the Pouka pond to unlock your new Strand aspect.
What do you think of the new Strand aspects? Let us know in the comments down below. We’re pretty excited about the Hunter’s ability to misdirect foes, but the Warlock and Titan ones are pretty neat too.