All Neomuna Action Figure Locations in Destiny 2 Lightfall

Like in prior Destiny 2 expansions, there are lots of secrets to find in Lightfall. If you want to get the Virtual Fighter title and seal, you’ll have to explore Neomuna and find a number of action figures throughout the patrol zone. Here’s where to find all of the Neomuna action figures in Destiny 2 Lightfall.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Neomuna Action Figures — Week 1

Figure 1

As of the first week of Lightfall, two action figures are available to find in Neomuna. Here’s how to find both.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

You’ll find the first Neomuna action figure in the Ahimsa Park area. Enter Ahimsa Park from Striders’ Gate then look for a large building with a rounded roof. Jump onto the balcony and drop drop inside of it. You’ll find a set of stairs with a small gap beneath them nestled into a rock. Crawl under the stairs and you’ll find the Neomuna action figure there.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Figure 2

The second Neomuna action figure in week one can be found in the Irkalla Complex. To get there, start in the Zephyr Concourse. Head west to get to the Esi Terminal, then turn left and head towards the open door. Go inside, move down the corridor, then go through an open door on the right. Leap down the balconies and go through the portal, which will take you to Irkalla Complex.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Go through the hole blown open in the wall and turn left, using the piled-up crates in the corner to climb onto the wall. Jump onto each of the three cannons on the wall and look in the direction they’re pointing. You should see a Pyramid fragment far off in the sky from each one — you might need a sniper rifle for this. Shoot each fragment, and the action figure should spawn at the end of the cannon you’re standing on.

Neomuna Action Figures — Week 2

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Neomuna Action Figure 3

The third Neomuna action figure is in Zephyr Concourse. Head there from Striders’ Gate and head to the left to arrive at small bar with a datapad on the counter by the bottles. Activate the datapad to draw in a number of “patrons” — Cabal enemies you’ll have to defeat as they appear. Note that you must stay behind the bar. If you leave, it’ll reset the process. Once you defeat enough Patrons, you’ll eventually face a “Rampaging Patron.” Defeat it and the Neomuna action figure will spawn on the bar.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Figure 4

The fourth figure is in Maya’s Retreat. To get there, spawn into Liming Harbor and then head east through the canyon. Progress through the area until you reach the large bridge. Turn left and Grapple or otherwise jump up into the cave areas you trained Strand in during the campaign. You’ll find two large braziers.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Interact with these to light them, then return to the bridge and climb it towards a large cave. Defeat the Vex enemies within and you’ll find the final brazier in the back. Activate it and the fourth Neomuna action figure will appear near to it.

Neomuna Action Figures — Week 3

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Action Figure 5

The fifth action figure is located in Esi Terminal. To get there, go to the Zephyr Concourse area then take the western exit. Once you arrive, turn left then right down a slope. At the bottom, turn left to enter a bar, then cross it and look around at the back for a sink you can interact with.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Activating the sink will create Darkness blooms (“dishes”) around the area, as well as a Cabal “chef.” Your goal here is to grab the blooms and dunk them into the highlighted sink while avoiding the invulnerable Cabal enemies. If you’re having a hard time dodging them, note that they can be frozen and suspended. Once you’re done, the figure will spawn in the sink.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Lightfall Action Figure 6

This action figure can be found in Liming Harbor. From the fast travel point, head forward and then turn left under the docked ship and enter the structure in front of you. You’ll see a large desk.

Destiny 2 Neomuna Action Figures

Interacting with it will give you an “Intruders inbound!” message and begin spawning Vex enemies. Defeat all of them without leaving the desk, and the action figure will spawn atop it.

Destiny 2 Lightfall Action Figures

Neomuna Action Figures — Week 4

Action Figure 7

The first action figure this week is found all the way at the end of the Typhon Imperator. Head to Ahimsa Park then enter the Typhon Imperator and proceed through the portal. (You may have to take the long way around if the bridge doesn’t extend.) From here, you should find yourself in one of the arenas from the Lightfall campaign.

Destiny 2 Lightfall Action Figures

To your right, you’ll see a small beacon on a shelf. Activating it will spawn a series of Vex cubes around the area, which you’ll have to collect. Do it fast enough, and the action figure will spawn between two sets of wires by the force field blocking the exit.

Destiny Neomuna

Lightfall Action Figure 8

The second action figure for week four is found in the Radiosonde. Fast travel to Liming Harbor and make your way towards the end of the Radiosonde area. You want to keep on going until the reach a room with pipes moving nanofluids on the ceiling and a terminal in the center. Activating the terminal will begin the puzzle.

Turn around and you’ll see eight circular plates with bars pointed at different angles. Above the plates, a series of lines will flash. Count up the number of lines and shoot the plate corresponding with that number as if the bar on each plate was the hour hand on a clock. So for instance, if the number of lines is nine, shoot the plate with the bar pointing left.

Destiny Lightfall Clock Puzzle

It’s a little tricky, but once you shoot all eight in the correct sequence (which appeared to be randomized each time) the figure will spawn on the terminal behind you.

Action Figure 9

To find the last Lightfall action figure, head to the room where you place the figures once collected. You can interact with one of the arcade machines to enter a shooting range where you have to take out explosive canisters. Shooting triangular targets will give you more time. When you’re done, you’ll return to the room and the figure will appear on a machine. Note that if someone else has already done the challenge in your instance, the figure may simply appear on the machine without you having to do it.

Where to Place the Neomuna Figures

Spawn into Striders’ Gate and look down and to your right. You’ll see a yellow building which you can enter through a door. Inside, you’ll be able to place the Neomuna action figures.

About the Author

merritt k

merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.