How to Unlock All Yo-kai Watch Minions in FFXIV

Get your hands on every single Yo-kai Watch minion!

The Final Fantasy XIV x Yo-kai Watch collaboration introduces 17 minions for players to collect. These minions form the core part of the collaboration, and collecting them not only rewards you with new companions, but it also unlocks the ability to farm for Yo-kai Weapons later in the event.

With so many minions, it can be daunting to unlock them all. As a result, we’ve put together a guide for farming each and every one of these minions.

How to Get the Yo-kai Watch Minions in FFXIV

Once you’ve unlocked and started the Yo-kai Watch event, you can obtain Yo-kai minions by completing FATEs with a Gold or Silver rating in La Noscea, The Black Shroud, and Thanalan. Once you complete a FATE, you’ll receive a number of Yo-kai Medals depending on your performance.

To get the minions, head to the Golden Saucer and trade your medals to the Wandering Executive (X: 5.2, Y: 6.9). He’ll trade the first minion to you for just a single Yo-kai Medal, and subsequent minions for three Yo-kai Medals. You’ll need 49 medals in total for all 17 Yo-kai minions.

Screenshot via Fanbyte/Square Enix

All Yo-kai Minions in FFXIV

The minions are listed below and you can use the table to check off which ones you've collected already as you progress through the event.

FFXIV Jibanyan Minion.pngJibanyan
FFXIV Komasan Minion.pngKomasan 
FFXIV USApyon Minion.pngUSApyon
FFXIV Whisper Minion.pngWhisper
FFXIV Shogunyan Minion.pngShogunyan
FFXIV Hovernyan Minion.pngHovernyan
FFXIV Komajiro Minion.pngKomajiro
FFXIV Noko Minion.pngNoko
FFXIV Venoct Minion.pngVenoct
FFXIV Kyubi Minion.pngKyubi
FFXIV Robonyan F-Type Minion.pngRobonyan F-type
FFXIV Blizzaria Minion.pngBlizzaria
FFXIV Manjimutt Minion.pngManjimutt
FFXIV Lord Enma Minion.pngLord Enma
FFXIV Lord Ananta Minion.pngLord Ananta
FFXIV Zazel Minion.pngZazel
FFXIV Damona Minion.pngDamona
Screenshot via Fanbyte/Square Enix

You can also keep track of your Yo-kai minions in the Yo-kai Medallium compendium which can be accessed through the Minions sub menu. You can use this not only to see which minions you’ve obtained, but to track the Yo-kai Medals you currently have for each minion.

If you're having trouble getting medals quickly, check out our guide on how to get Yo-kai Medals fast

About the Author

Michael Hassall

After giving up a "real" job in Marketing in 2019, Michael started working as esports, gaming, and entertainment journalist and hasn't looked back. He lives in the UK, but wishes he lived in Eorzea, having spent 5,000 hours there. When not dutifully grinding Tomestones and being designated furniture crafter for his FC, he enjoys travel to warm places, cold drinks, light reading, and heavy metal.