10 Rarest Minions in FFXIV And How To Obtain Them

These tiny, lovely minions are sometimes difficult to obtain. We’ll tell you how.

We’re fully in the swing of downtime in Final Fantasy XIV. Patch 6.3 has been out for some time now, and players are looking for things to do. Perhaps it is time to dive back into Island Sanctuary or fight it out in Crystalline Conflict. Alternatively, maybe you’re in love with the tiny minions that can accompany you on your journeys in Eorzea.

This list includes the ten rarest minions in the game. Starting with the full list of mounts available at FFXIV Collect, we’ve removed minions that can’t be obtained via in-game effort, like the Online Store minions or the additional minions that come with soundtracks and art books. We’ve also removed any minions related to seasonal events that you can no longer obtain. What’s left is a mix of recent additions to FFXIV and a host of achievement-related tiny friends.

Wind-Up Philos and Wind-Up Aidoneus

If you’re collecting minions that reflect the Ancients, both of these minions should be on your list. Wind-Up Philos and Wind-Up Aidoneus are unique in that they don’t come from the Pandaemonium raid. Their rarity is largely down to their recent addition in Patch 6.3 and because they’re related to Treasure Dungeons, which are nowhere near the most-accessed content in FFXIV.

Both minions are potential rewards from one of the newest Treasure Dungeons, The Shifting Gymnasium Agonon. You can only access it through the Timeworn Ophiotauroskin Map item. The dungeon itself requires you to have a Disciple of War or Magic at Level 90, and doesn’t always activate when using the Timeworn Ophiotauroskin Map.

Once you Decipher the Timeworn Ophiotauroskin Map item, you’ll receive a Treasure Map key item. The Treasure Map will point to the general area where the treasure is located. If you use the Dig action in the right area, a treasure chest will spawn. Occasionally, the treasure chest will also spawn a portal. This is what you need in order to access The Shifting Gymnasium Agonon. Either minion has a chance of dropping from any treasure chest in the instance.

FFXIV Suzusaurus Minion


Speaking of content that most players don’t access, this tiny dinosaur minion requires players to dive into something that’ll be new to most. The Suzusaurus is a potential drop from Subaquatic Voyages. This system requires players to be a part of a Free Company, and for that Free Company to own a house.

Once this is done, you can get the recipe for the Company Submersible from the schematic board in the company workshop. Gather the items needed, select the plan, and then you can craft and register your submersible. The distance your submersible can travel is dependent on the parts used to construct it.

Once your submersible is ready, it’s time to send it out on a voyage. For the Suzusaurus minion, you need to send your submersible into the Sirensong Sea. The sector you want to search is Bloodbreak, which is Rank 104. It’s a long road to get there, and that’s before you even need to go into the Free Company requirement. Good luck.

FFXIV Bantam Train Minion

Bantam Train

This clockwork train seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to obtain. The Bantam Train is actually a crafted item. It requires a Level 90 Armorer who has learned the Master Armorer X recipes. The recipes come from the book of the same name, which you can purchase from any Scrip Exchange for 1,200 White Crafters’ Scrip.

The recipe for the Bantam Train requires two Ilmenite Ingots, two Rutilated Quartz, four Dynamis Crystals, and one Ominous Plating. It’s that last item that’s the barrier here. Ominous Plating is a potential reward from Subaquatic Voyages, just like the Suzusaurus above. It’s one of the items that appears when you search the Sirensong Sea 5 sector of Sirensong Sea. Luckily, you only need one.

Alternatively, you can purchase one via the Market Board, but be aware that’ll cost you close a million gil at the moment.

FFXIV Shalloweye Minion


This is the first achievement-related minion on our list! The Shalloweye is a reward for completing the achievement, “A Load of Verminion II,” which involves the Gold Saucer’s Lord of Verminion mini-game. To unlock the mini-game, you simply need to have at least three minions and travel the Minion Square on the second floor of the Gold Saucer.

The achievement requires you to win 50 matches in the LoVM: Player Battle (RP) Duty Roulette. If you’re feeling like you can triumph over 50 players, head over to the Gold Saucer and try your hand at Lord of Verminion!

FFXIV Much-Coveted Mora Minion

Much-coveted Mora

This odd fish comes fishing, of course. Ocean Fishing in particular. The Much-coveted Mora is a reward from getting a cumulative score of 1,000,000 in ocean fishing, also known as the “On A Boat IV” achievement.

To unlock Ocean Fishing, you need to first complete the initial Fishing quest, “Way of the Fisher,” from N’nmulika in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 7.9, Y: 14.2). Complete that quest and the following one, “My First Fishing Rod.” Then you can head over to the Ferry Docks, near the Arcanist’s Guild Aetheryte in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks. Talk to Fhilsnoe in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 7.8, Y: 14.5) and pick up the quest “All the Fish in the Sea”.

Every two hours, you can talk to Dryskthota in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 3.0 Y: 12.7) to register for the next voyage. 1,000,000 will take some time, but it certainly won’t be a hard journey.

FFXIV Golden Beaver Minion

Golden Beaver

The shiny rodent is another Treasure Dungeon reward. You can pick up the Golden Beaver from an older Treasure Dungeon, The Shifting Oubliettes Of Lyhe Ghiah. You can only access it through the Timeworn Zonureskin Map item. The dungeon itself requires you to have a Disciple of War or Magic at Level 80, and doesn’t always activate when using the Timeworn Zonureskin Map.

Once you Decipher the Timeworn Zonureskin Map item, you’ll receive a Treasure Map key item. The Treasure Map will point to the general area where the treasure is located. If you use the Dig action in the right area, a treasure chest will spawn. Occasionally, the treasure chest will also spawn a portal. This is what you need in order to access The Shifting Oubliettes Of Lyhe Ghiah. The Golden Beaver is a rare reward from any treasure chest in the instance.

FFXIV Penguin Prince Minion

Penguin Prince

The Penguin Prince is another achievement-focused minion, though this one is different than the Shalloweye above. It’s a reward for completing the achievement, “The Road of Verminion I,” which requires you to win four Lord of Verminion tournaments with double-digit victories. Yeah, this one is going to be a struggle, based a bit on luck and a bit on skill.

Similar to Victor and Triceratops mounts above, the Centurio Tiger is a mount you can only get from the Hunt achievements. Its summoning item is the Centurio Tiger Horn, a reward from completing the “You Got Game” achievement. Once again, that’s an achievement combining two others: “Bring Your A Game V,” which requires you to kill 3,000 Rank-A marks, and “Bring Your S Game V,” which requires you to kill 2,000 Rank-S marks. The trick here is you should be able to do this while farming the other Hunt achievements.

FFXIV Copycat Bulb Minion

Copycat Bulb

Acquiring this minion is slightly odd. The Copycat Bulb is a minion that only drops one place, from the Golden Bunny Pagos Lockbox in Eureka Pagos. First, you need to unlock Eureka Pagos, which is the second region in the Eureka. Then you need to complete either of the Bunny FATES in the region:

  • Down the Rabbit Hole – Frozen Lake (X: 18.2, Y: 26.9)
  • Curiouser and Curiouser – Brushtip Gap (X: 21.1, Y: 21.4)

Completing either FATE with a Gold rank will see you followed by a small bunny. Use the new action from the bunny to find the treasure. Assuming you get a Gold chest, you’ll have a chance to obtain the Copycat Bulb minion.

FFXIV Sand Fox Minion

Corgi, Pterosquirrel, Anteater, Sand Fox

All four of these minions are rare, but they’re all rare for the same reason. They each cost 400 Faux Leaves, from the shop owner Faux Commander in Idyllshire (X: 5.7, Y: 6.1). Of course, the issue here is the Faux Commander and Faux Leaves are related to completing Unreal Trials.

To unlock Faux Hollows and gain access to the Faux Commander, you’ll need to reach level 80 and finish Shadowbringers MSQ (ending with the quest “Shadowbringers”). In addition to finishing up the Patch 5.0 storyline, you must complete the quest “Keeping Up with the Aliapohs” in Idyllshire (X: 7.0, Y: 5.8).

After cleaning up those loose ends, look for the Painfully Ishgardian Man in Idyllshire (X: 6.9, Y: 5.9). He tasks you with the quest “Fantastic Mr. Faux” which is a quick chore to finish up to unlock both Faux Hollows and Unreal Trials. With the prerequisites complete, the Faux Commander now hangs out in Idyllshire, ready to play his game of luck. You can win up to 100 Faux Leaves each week, so it’ll take a while to collect all four minions.

FFXIV Wind-Up Cagnazzo Minion

Wind-up Cagnazzo

We’re ending with an easy one. Wind-Up Cagnazzo is rare simply because it’s new. It drops from the Lapis Manalis dungeon, from the final treasure coffer after you beat Cagnazzo himself. So you just have to hope you win the roll.

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