FFXIV Relic Zodiac Weapon Guide: How to Start Your ARR Quest

Unearth this relic and begin your quest to build your Zodiac Weapon.

Everyone has to start somewhere on the road to Relic Weapons in FFXIV, and this lengthy Zodiac weapon quest begins here. This guide will cover the Relic Zodiac Weapons, the first in this line of weapons introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The journey has several phases. Each of which offers a new version of the weapon, eventually ending at the Zeta form. None of these weapons are best-in-slot anymore, so you’re purely doing this for your own satisfaction. You gotta get those glams!

A full list of every Relic Weapon quest for A Realm Reborn content can be found here: FFXIV Relic Weapon Guide: How to Get All Zodiac Weapons (A Realm Reborn)

A Relic Reborn – The First Relic Weapon

Gerolt will offer you a multi-part quest called “A Relic Reborn.” Welcome to the real first step, which will have you wandering across all of the ARR zones and dungeons multiple times. Steel yourselves, adventurers!

The first part is finding a broken version of your chosen Relic Weapon. The timeworn version of the weapon will be inside of a golden chest within the marked area of the map, depending on your Job. Each area is the home of one of the Tribes. The full list is below:

  • Bard: Artemis Bow – Natalan (X: 34, Y: 21), Coerthas Central Highlands
  • Black Mage: Stardust Rod – U’Ghamaro Mines (X: 23, Y: 10), Outer La Noscea
  • Dragoon: Gae Bolg – Natalan (X: 34, Y: 21), Coerthas Central Highlands
  • Monk: Sphairai – Zahar’ak (X: 32, Y: 18), Southern Thanalan
  • Ninja: Yoshimitsu – Sapsa Spawning Grounds (X: 16, Y: 17), Western La Noscea
  • Paladin: Curtana – Zahar’ak (X: 30, Y: 19), Southern Thanalan
  • Scholar: Omnilex – Sapsa Spawning Grounds (X: 16, Y: 17), Western La Noscea
  • Summoner: The Veil of Wiyu – Sylphlands (X: 25, Y:19), East Shroud
  • Warrior: Bravura – U’Ghamaro Mines (X: 23, Y: 10), Outer La Noscea
  • White Mage: Thyrus – U’Ghamaro Mines (X: 24.3, Y: 6.4), Outer La Noscea

The next step is to attach two Grade III Materia to a Class weapon. You need to acquire the Class Weapon or Materia yourself. The Class weapon can be crafted by a Level 50 Disciple of the Hand or purchased on the Market Board. Then either pay any Materia Melder 1,000 Gil per meld, or meld them yourself. For the latter process, you’ll need to have a Disciple of the Hand up to Level 19 and pick up the quest “Waking the Spirit” from F’hobhas in Central Thanalan (X: 23.5, Y: 13.9). Here are the specific melds you need to do:

  • Bard: Longarm’s Composite Bow – Heavens’ Eye Materia III (2)
  • Black Mage: Sanguine Scepter – Savage Might Materia III (2)
  • Dragoon: Champion’s Lance – Savage Aim Materia III (2)
  • Monk: Wilding Cesti – Savage Aim Materia III (2)
  • Paladin: Aeolian Scimitar – Battledance Materia III (2)
  • Scholar: Erudite’s Picatrix Of Healing – Quicktongue Materia III (2)
  • Summoner: Erudite’s Picatrix Of Casting – Savage Might Materia III (2)
  • Warrior: Barbarian’s Bardiche – Battledance Materia III (2)
  • White Mage: Madman’s Whispering Rod – Quicktongue Materia III (2)

Then, you’ll need to complete the trial A Relic Reborn: The Chimera in order to gain the Alumina Salts item. The next phase of this quest involves getting a specific book, Interview with a Padjal, from Rowena in Revenant’s Toll, but she requires the Amdapor Glyph first. You need to complete Amdapor Keep in order to get this item. It can be completed unsynced, so if you’re high-level, this should be easy. Take the Glyph to Rowena and bring the book back to Gerolt.

While you’re in Revenant’s Toll, you can also pre-purchase items needed for a later phase of this quest. Talk to Auriana in Mor Dhona (X:22.7, Y:6.6) and select the “Allagan Tomestones of Poetics (Special Arms)” menu option. Buy three Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil for 15 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics a pop, and three Thavnairian Mist for 20 Poetics each. This will save you a later teleport.

Now, Gerolt needs you to try the prototype version of the weapon. You’ll be murdering some Tribes to do so. The kills only count if the weapons are equipped, so keep that in mind. Here’s the full kill list:

  • Bard: Natalan – Natalan Bloodwings (8), Natalan Fogcallers (8), and Natalan Windtalons (8)
  • Black Mage: U’Ghamaro Mines – U’Ghamaro Quarrymen (8), U’Ghamaro Bedesmen (8), and U’Ghamaro Priests (8)
  • Dragoon: Natalan – Natalan Bloodwings (8), Natalan Fogcallers (8), and Natalan Swiftbeaks (8)
  • Monk: Zahar’ak – Zahar’ak Lancers (8), Zahar’ak Pugilists (8), and Zahar’ak Archers (8)
  • Ninja: Sapsa Spawning Grounds – Sapsa Shelfspine (8), Sapsa Shelfclaw (8), and Sapsa Shelftooth (8)
  • Paladin: Zahar’ak – Zahar’ak Lancers (8), Zahar’ak Pugilists (8), and Zahar’ak Thaumaturges (8)
  • Scholar: Sapsa Spawning Grounds – Sapsa Shelfspine (8), Sapsa Shelfclaw (8), and Sapsa Shelftooth (8)
  • Summoner: Sylphlands – Violet Sighs (8), Violet Screeches (8), and Violet Snarls (8)
  • Warrior: U’Ghamaro Mines – U’Ghamaro Quarrymen (8), U’Ghamaro Bedesmen (8), and U’Ghamaro Priests (8)
  • White Mage: U’Ghamaro Mines – U’Ghamaro Quarrymen (8), U’Ghamaro Bedesmen (8), and U’Ghamaro Priests (8)

Once that’s done, you have yet another trial to complete. This time, it’s A Relic Reborn: The Hydra. Similar to the previous kill quests, you need to finish the encounter while you have the prototype Relic Weapon equipped.

We’re almost there! You now have to complete The Bowl of Embers (Hard), The Howling Eye (Hard), and The Navel (Hard) in order to obtain an item from each. The items are White-Hot Ember, Howling Gale, and Hyperfused Ore. Then, you need to bring all of these items back to Gerolt.

The final ingredient Gerolt needs is the Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil. If you purchased it earlier, you can just turn it in now. If not, you need to head back to Revenant’s Toll, talk to Auriana in Mor Dhona (X:22.7, Y:6.6), and select the “Allagan Tomestones of Poetics (Special Arms)” menu option.

And with that, you have your very first Relic Weapon! Huzzah! The weapons for each Job are:

  • Bard: Artemis Bow
  • Black Mage: Stardust Rod
  • Dragoon: Gae Bolg
  • Monk: Sphairai
  • Ninja: Yoshimitsu
  • Paladin: Curtana + Holy Shield
  • Scholar: Omnilex
  • Summoner: The Veil of Wiyu
  • Warrior: Bravura
  • White Mage: Thyrus

Guides for the rest of the phases can be found below:

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