FFXIV Manderville Relic Weapon Guide: All Endwalker Steps and Quests for 2024

A fan-favorite character welcomes the Warrior of Light to obtain a family relic.

Crafting a Relic Weapon in Endwalker is far easier than any of the other expansions so far, and players are well on their way to crafting the new Manderville Relic Weapons with two steps released so far. Since the process is far easier this time around, players are unlocking the Relic Weapons fairly easily.

In case you still need a little help figuring out where to start, this guide will contain everything you need to know about crafting your very own Manderville Relic Weapon. The quest line is tied to the much beloved Hildibrand quests, so players who haven’t done it yet will spend quite a bit of time getting where they need to be to get to the Relic Weapon, but it will be a fun ride to get there if you watch all of the cutscenes and enjoy the story.

How to unlock Manderville Relic Weapons – All the Hildibrand quests

Like other previous Relic Weapons, the first hit is nearly free. The operative word is “nearly” though, as they’re not entirely free like the Eureka Relic weapons. Manderville Relic Weapons are all unlocked via a new questline and require a specific number of Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy.

First, you need to have finished the previous side quests in the Manderville quest line. These side quests come with many of the past FFXIV expansions. Below, you’ll find the starting quest for each series. 

Hildibrand (A Realm Reborn, 21 Quests) 

Further Hildibrand Adventures (Heavensward, 8 Quests)

Even Further Hildibrand Adventures (Stormblood, 9 Quests)

Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures (Endwalker, 10 Quests)

Once you finish these lengthy questlines, you can finally grab the first quest in the Manderville Relic questline. That quest is Make It a Manderville, which you can pick up from House Manderville Manservant at Radz-at-Han (X: 11.8, Y: 11.2). To grab this quest, you need to have a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic at Level 90 and have completed the Endwalker main scenario quest “Endwalker”. 

FFXIV Manderville Relic Dancer

Manderville Relic Weapons – Step one

When you accept the quest, it’ll require you to obtain three Manderium Meteorites. Don’t worry, these items are pretty easy to acquire. If you talk to Jubrunnah at Radz-at-Han (X:12.2, Y:10.9), you can trade one Manderium Meteorite for 500 Allagan Tomestones of Causality. That means you’ll need 1,500 Allagan Tomestones of Causality for each Manderville Relic Weapon. 

The full list of available weapons is below:

Amazing Manderville Weapons – Step two

Once you’re done with your first weapon, step two for that weapon is exactly the same as step one. Players will need to grind another 1,500 Causality tomes again to get the Complementary Chondrite, which you will need three of in order to complete the next step of the weapon. Once you have three in your inventory, go back to the same spot from step one and turn them in to get an Amazing Manderville Weapon.

For those doing more than one weapon, try not to cap out on Causality tomes before you’ve picked up more of the item, that way you’ll never waste tomestones. Play the content that will award Causality tomestones, like doing Duty Roulettes with level 90 characters or PvP in order to gain the items passively.

Majestic Manderville Weapons – Step three

You guessed it – the third step of the weapons is yet again a set of items that players will need to buy with Causality tomestones. Just like step two, the item you need, Amplifying Achondrite, will cost 500 Allagan Tomestones of Causality each. Players will need to farm up 1,500 tomestones to be able to afford all three. Once you’ve done that, head back to the House Manderville Manservant to craft your new glowing weapon.

Four characters with four Manderville Weapons out
Screenshot by Fanbyte via Square Enix

This step is where the weapons start to vary in their appearance. For example, the Dancer weapon is yellow and purple, and the Dragoon weapon is a bright blue. This is also the step where players are able to choose their stats for the weapon. These stats can be reset at any time by speaking to the House Manderville Alchemist in the same area as the Manservant. The weapon must be equipped in order to change the stats.

Mandervillous Weapons – Final step

The fourth and final step of the Manderville Weapon doesn't stray from the previous formula at all. After beginning the quest "Resonating with Perfection" given by Garolt at Radz-at-Han (X: 12.0, Y: 7.1), speak to Jubrunna and purchase three chunks of Cosmic Crystallite for 500 tomestones of Causality a piece to turn in to Gerolt.

FFXIV Samurai Manderville Weapon 6.55.jpg
Screenshot by Fanbyte via Square Enix

The Mandervillous stage gives the weapons a more futuristic look, sporting a glowing, hexagonal grid and changing colors between blue and pink. Like previous steps, the Mandervillous Weapons can have their stats changed.

What happens if I lose a Manderville Relic Weapon?

If you accidentally destroy a Relic Weapon, you should be able to pick up the base Manderville iteration from any Calamity Salvager. We don’t know yet, because we aren’t willing to destroy our weapons to test this for you, but that’s how past Relics have worked. You can find the Calamity Salvager NPC in any of the three starting cities:

  • Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X: 11.3, Y: 14.3)
  • Old Gridania (X: 10.0, Y: 8.4)
  • Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (X: 12.6, Y: 13.1)

If you lose the weapons from a later step in this process, you’ll likely have to start back at the beginning. 

About the Authors

Mills Webster

Mills is a lifelong fan of all things video games, especially the Final Fantasy franchise. After playing his favorite entry in the series, Final Fantasy VIII, for the first time in the distant year of 1999, Mills has completed nearly every Final Fantasy game since. He has played Final Fantasy XIV since 2016, where he's clocked almost 8,000 hours of playtime and serves as an in-game mentor.