How to Get the Whisper-go and Whisper A-go-go Yo-kai Watch Mounts in FFXIV

This ghostly pair of Whisper mounts can be yours!

The Yo-kai Watch collaboration with Final Fantasy XIV brings dozens of minions, weapons, and mounts to the game, all themed after the hyper-popular Yo-kai Watch franchise. Amongst these items, a pair of ghostly steeds, the Whisper mounts, are some of the most sought after.

The Whisper-go mount is the first Yo-kai Watch mount players will obtain during the event. Styled after a kids ride, the Whisper-go has an upgraded version, called the Whisper A-go-go which glows and has a Jibanyan accessory. Here’s how to grab both of these mounts during the Yo-kai Watch x FFXIV event.

How to Get the Whisper-go Yo-kai Watch Mount in FFXIV

Screenshot via Fanbyte/Square Enix

As mentioned above, the Whisper-go mount is the first Yo-kai Watch mount you’ll unlock during the crossover event. To unlock this mount, you’ll need to obtain 13 unique Yo-kai minions as part of the event. 

To obtain Yo-kai minions, you need to beat FATEs in the set areas of the Yo-kai Watch event while wearing the Yo-kai Watch item. Once you’ve beaten the FATEs, you’ll earn a number of Yo-kai Medals depending on your performance. The first Yo-kai minion costs one Yo-kai medal, while the remaining 16 cost three. Yo-kai Medals can be exchanged for minions by talking to The Wandering Executive in the Gold Saucer (X: 5.2, Y: 6.9) for the duration of the event.

Screenshot via Fanbyte/Square Enix

Once you’ve unlocked 13 Yo-kai minions, you can head to your Achievements menu, and search for the You Must Needs Befriend Them All I achievement you’ll have just received. Collect the Whisper-go Key reward from the Achievements menu, and activate it in your inventory to obtain the Whisper-go Mount.

How to Get the Whisper A-go-go Yo-kai Watch Mount in FFXIV

Screenshot via Fanbyte/Square Enix

Getting the Whisper A-go-go mount is a little more challenging than the basic Whisper-go mount. To obtain the Whisper A-go-go mount, you’ll need to obtain 13 Yo-kai weapons. To do this, you’ll need to first obtain at least 13 Yo-kai minions.

With a Yo-kai minion active and the Yo-kai Watch item equipped, you can then earn Legendary Yo-kai Medals by completing FATEs in the designated areas. These can then be traded to The Wandering Executive in the Gold Saucer (X: 5.2, Y: 6.9) in exchange for Yo-kai weapons. 

Screenshot via Fanbyte/Square Enix

Once you’ve collected 13 of the weapons, you’ll receive the More Inventory Slots, Please I achievement. Search for this in the Achievement menu, and accept the Whisper A-go-go Key reward. Activate the key and you’ll receive the Whisper A-go-go Yo-kai Watch Mount.

About the Author

Michael Hassall

After giving up a "real" job in Marketing in 2019, Michael started working as esports, gaming, and entertainment journalist and hasn't looked back. He lives in the UK, but wishes he lived in Eorzea, having spent 5,000 hours there. When not dutifully grinding Tomestones and being designated furniture crafter for his FC, he enjoys travel to warm places, cold drinks, light reading, and heavy metal.