The Yo-kai Watch collaboration with Final Fantasy XIV brings dozens of minions, weapons, and mounts to the game, all themed after the hyper-popular Yo-kai Watch franchise. Amongst these items, a pair of ghostly steeds, the Whisper mounts, are some of the most sought after.
The Whisper-go mount is the first Yo-kai Watch mount players will obtain during the event. Styled after a kids ride, the Whisper-go has an upgraded version, called the Whisper A-go-go which glows and has a Jibanyan accessory. Here’s how to grab both of these mounts during the Yo-kai Watch x FFXIV event.
How to Get the Whisper-go Yo-kai Watch Mount in FFXIV

As mentioned above, the Whisper-go mount is the first Yo-kai Watch mount you’ll unlock during the crossover event. To unlock this mount, you’ll need to obtain 13 unique Yo-kai minions as part of the event.
To obtain Yo-kai minions, you need to beat FATEs in the set areas of the Yo-kai Watch event while wearing the Yo-kai Watch item. Once you’ve beaten the FATEs, you’ll earn a number of Yo-kai Medals depending on your performance. The first Yo-kai minion costs one Yo-kai medal, while the remaining 16 cost three. Yo-kai Medals can be exchanged for minions by talking to The Wandering Executive in the Gold Saucer (X: 5.2, Y: 6.9) for the duration of the event.

Once you’ve unlocked 13 Yo-kai minions, you can head to your Achievements menu, and search for the You Must Needs Befriend Them All I achievement you’ll have just received. Collect the Whisper-go Key reward from the Achievements menu, and activate it in your inventory to obtain the Whisper-go Mount.
How to Get the Whisper A-go-go Yo-kai Watch Mount in FFXIV

Getting the Whisper A-go-go mount is a little more challenging than the basic Whisper-go mount. To obtain the Whisper A-go-go mount, you’ll need to obtain 13 Yo-kai weapons. To do this, you’ll need to first obtain at least 13 Yo-kai minions.
With a Yo-kai minion active and the Yo-kai Watch item equipped, you can then earn Legendary Yo-kai Medals by completing FATEs in the designated areas. These can then be traded to The Wandering Executive in the Gold Saucer (X: 5.2, Y: 6.9) in exchange for Yo-kai weapons.

Once you’ve collected 13 of the weapons, you’ll receive the More Inventory Slots, Please I achievement. Search for this in the Achievement menu, and accept the Whisper A-go-go Key reward. Activate the key and you’ll receive the Whisper A-go-go Yo-kai Watch Mount.