Here's How Finishers Work in Destiny 2, Plus What They Look Like

We got a lot of information about the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion Shadowkeep at Gamescom today. Some of that information was about the new “finisher” mechanic coming to the game. More than simple eye candy, these moves will have a direct impact on Destiny 2‘s combat, giving Guardians a new tool in their fights against the Darkness.

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Destiny 2 Finishers

Finishers in Destiny 2

Finishers seem to function similarly to those in 2016’s Doom. As in that game, enemies will glow when sufficiently weakened, at which point the player can activate a finisher by pressing in the right stick. A quick canned animation will, as the name suggests, finish off the foe. Notably, finishers do not provide invulnerability, so players can’t simply rush in and chain them with impunity.

Some finishers are class specific. And we have gifs of all the ones we’ve found so far down below! But Titans, for instance, hurl a powerful punch at their unfortunate enemies, while Hunters employ acrobatic knife techniques. Players will receive three of these class-specific finishers when Shadowkeep launches.

But finishers aren’t just about killing enemies in showy ways. Using mods, Guardians can activate finishers to trigger different effects. For example, one mod allows Guardians to spawn Heavy Ammo for their fireteam upon performing a finisher — at the cost of half a super bar. Other mods will restore health, grant invisibility, and provide other advantages.

It seems like finishers will add an interesting new element to combat in Destiny 2. The fact that they pull the camera out to third person doesn’t hurt either, as it means we’ll get to see more of our fancy Armor 2.0-customized Guardian than ever before. We’ll have more about finishers and the other new features coming to Destiny 2 as Bungie releases more information in the run-up to the release of Shadowkeep on October 1.

Warlock Destiny Finisher – Palm of Wen Jie

This finisher shows off the calm, reserved side of the Warlock… with an explosive palm strike. We mean “explosive” literally in this case. The color of the strike (as with all finishers it seems) even change depending on what subclass you have equipped. Neat! Here you can see them using a purple void blast.

Titan Destiny Finisher – Focused Fist

Every Titan player knows it’s all about the punching. Bungie agrees. The starting Destiny finisher for this class is a tried and true wallop to the face. It’s not the flashiest finisher in the game, but damn if it doesn’t work. We give it bonus points for fitting the style of the character, too.

Hunter Destiny Finisher – Blade Carnival

It’s time for live knives. The basic Hunter finisher in Destiny 2 once again captures its user’s essence with some unnecessary flipping, before closing out with an overhead stab to the face. Maybe that jump is just a flourish. Or maybe it will help you dodge incoming Taken sniper fire… Probably not, though.

Whirlwind – Destiny Finisher (Eververse)

This spinning kick finisher is available in the Destiny in-game store, Eververse, for 800 Silver. You can also buy it as part of a bundle with two other Destiny finishers. On the bright side, it doesn’t seem to be locked to a certain class! Any Destiny character should be able to do it.

Savage Haymaker – Destiny Finisher (Eververse)

Titans don’t get all the fun with fisticuffs. This Destiny finisher appears to be open to every character class, just like the others in the Eververse. It also costs 800 Silver or can be purchased in a bundle for a discount on all three.

Golden Age Dropkick – Destiny Finisher (Eververse)

Another Destiny finisher, another kick. Although this one has a bit more bite to it than the flourishing Whirlwind. Golden Age Dropkick has your Guardian launch into the air, dropkick their opponent, and then make a perfect landing on their hands. The animation has a nice fluidity to it that we can appreciate!

About the Author

merritt k

merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.