The latest This Week In Destiny blog shared an update from Bungie’s newly assembled PVP Strike Team where they announced several changes coming to Destiny 2’s PVP sandbox in the mid-season patch and beyond. One of the big updates coming in Season 23 is Competitive weapon focusing.
As it stands right now, players can only earn one roll of the featured weapon per character per week upon completing three games in the Crucible’s Competitive playlist. Players can only get limited drops a week, and there wasn’t a good way for players to earn featured weapons like the Rose hand cannon up until Season 21 and currently, the Mercurial Overreach sniper rifle. It has become difficult for players to get their hands on a perfect roll with seasons lasting about three months too — even for those who play PVP on all three characters.
Moreover, with weapons changing every two seasons, it could mean that players with bad RNG could potentially miss out on getting an ideal roll of the featured Competitive weapon.
Competitive weapon focusing could be an incredible addition to the Crucible as it would give players more of a reason to participate in the Competitive playlist. How this will work and whether this change includes the upcoming Strand Aggressive Frame pulse rifle, which will be the featured Competitive weapon in Season 23, is yet to be seen, but the announcement of Competitive weapon focusing is a step in the right direction.
Bungie also revealed that in Season 23, it will reorganize the Crucible playlists and add a 3v3 Rotator Mode. The developer hopes to update rewards players can earn while having flawed Trials cards — cards with win streaks less than 7 wins. Lastly, it announced that there would be modes featuring the brand new Checkmate modifier like Dominion, 3v3 Clash, and Skirmish in the future.