
At Last, Players Can Change Their Character's Look in Destiny 2

Bungie announced that players will be able to customize their Guardian’s physical appearance in Destiny 2.

The inability to change a character's appearance has been a major point of contention since the days of Destiny 1. However, this will be a thing of the past since Bungie announced that players will be able to customize their Guardian’s physical appearance in Destiny 2

Whether a character is Exo, Awoken, or Human, they’re almost always hidden under armor, still, player’s haven’t had the chance to change their appearance. The January 18 This Week In Destiny post said that players can alter their character’s appearance without any limitation or additional cost. This function will allow players to change their Guardian’s body type, face, hair, and markings. Players cannot, however, be able to alter the Guardian’s origin from one to another, which means that a Human cannot become an Awoken or Exo. 

Destiny 2, character appearance

While Bungie has yet to give an official release date for this update, the developer mentioned that it will drop before The Final Shape expansion launches on June 4. Once the change is active, players will simply have to hover over their Guardian and click on the option displayed to change the character’s appearance.

When it comes to armor appearance, Bungie also announced a March update to modify the Synthweave bounty capacity. These are bounties sold by Ada-1 at the Tower that reward Synthweave for transmog. With this change, players can go beyond the 10 Synthweave capacity per season and customize the look of their armor to fit their aesthetic without feeling limited.

For the time being, the Season of the Wish is far from over with the new Riven’s Wishes arriving to Destiny 2 on January 30. That same day, the Glimmer cap will be doubled up to 500,000, allowing players to Masterwork their gear, focus engrams, and craft god roll weapons.

About the Author

Alejandro Josan

Alejandro Josan is a video game guide and review writer and has been covering Destiny 2 for Fanbyte since June 2023. He has covered Destiny 2 for sites such as Gamer Journalist and PC Invasion. In every game that features class selection, tanks have always been his class of choice, making him the ideal Titan Guardian. Tier lists, seasonal content, and weapon god rolls are his main focus, and you will find him grinding for Pinnacle Gear every week.