Wicked Implement Catalyst Guide - Deep Dives in Destiny 2

The seasonal questline for Season of the Deep may be over, but Destiny 2 hasn’t run out of secrets just yet! Three unique Exotic fish lead to the Deep Dive secret Exotic mission, and that detour rewards players with the Wicked Implement, an Exotic Stasis scout rifle. We also have a guide on how to get the Wicked Implement if you need it. Now, players with Wicked Implement can acquire the Exotic catalyst from Deep Dives.

Here’s how you get the catalyst, tips on leveling it up, and what it does for the Wicked Implement.

How to get the Wicked Implement catalyst

To acquire the catalyst, you need to do a Deep Dive with the caveat of completing every Pressure Trial successfully, ensuring a Tier 7 reward chest. There have been reports of players getting the catalyst with a Tier 5 reward chest, which only involves completing two out of three of the Pressure Trials, but it’s not guaranteed. I would advise going for Tier 7 from the get-go. If you want a guide on how to complete Pressure Trials, you can find that here.

Before you start the Deep Dive, make sure you have a Deep Dive Key because you will need it to open the chest that drops the catalyst. With every Pressure Trial, the Deep Dive also gets progressively harder. The time constraint creates another obstacle for finishing the objectives. 

I do not recommend attempting this solo and instead go with a matchmade team. Having one person use Gjallarhorn and the other two on any other rocket launcher works wonders for the final Pressure Trial, making quick work of the enemies because each second matters. During the boss fight, you can take the fight as slow without time constraints.

Once you defeat the boss, open the Tier 7 reward chest to get the Wicked Implement Exotic catalyst.

How to level up the Wicked Implement catalyst

wicked implement catalyst

You need 700 enemy kills with the Wicked Implement to complete the catalyst. (This doesn’t seem to benefit from the catalyst boost in the season pass, so your best bet is to use the gun a whole bunch.)

You could take down waves of enemies at the opening of the Shuro Chi encounter in the Last Wish raid or the Grasp of Avarice dungeon to quickly unlock the catalyst ability. The Golgoroth encounter in the King’s Fall raid is a good option, too, with tons of ads. Alternatively, you can participate in public events like the Blind Well or Altars of Sorrow if that’s easier.

What the Exotic catalyst does

The Wicked Implement catalyst gradually overflows the magazine after collecting Stasis Shards. On its own, this works great with the Exotic since the base weapon creates Stasis Shards on precision final blows when Creeping Attrition trait is active.

This catalyst has some serious potential with the Stasis subclass! Each class has an aspect that allows them to create Stasis Shards: Grim Harvest for Hunters, Tectonic Harvest for Titans, and Glacial Harvest for Warlocks. Combining those with fragments like Whisper of Conduction, Whisper of Rime, Whisper of Hunger, and the Elemental Charge mod, players can ensure constant uptime for an overflowed magazine — which in turn would help them get more Stasis Shards for their builds and armor charges. 

About the Author

Sahil Bajaj

Sahil Bajaj is a Narrative Designer and Game Writer who is currently working as a freelancer. He's worked with companies like Sweet Baby Inc, Veritable Joy and the 4 Winds Entertainment. He plays all Destiny 2 classes equally and is Guardian Rank 11.