The Ogma PR6 is a real workhorse of a pulse rifle in Destiny 2. It may not be flashy, but it has a lot of utility. Plus, it just has a funny-sounding name, which is always nice. Here are our picks for the best rolls for it in PVE and PVP.
How to Get Ogma PR6 in Destiny 2
The Ogma PR6 is available from world drops and vendor rank-ups. It can also occasionally be purchased from Banshee-44.
Ogma PR6 God Rolls
Ogma PR6 PVE God Roll
- Arrowhead Brake
- Accurized Rounds
- Stats for All or Demolitionist
- One for All or Adrenaline Junkie
The Ogma PR6 isn’t the most exciting weapon in Destiny 2, but don’t overlook it. It has a small but useful perk pool for PVE, where it can play a number of different rolls. Stats for All/One for All is useful in everything from basic content to high-level activities, and is often superior to the more classic Outlaw/Rampage in the latter where killing even red bars can take too long to benefit from that combo. Demolitionist/Adrenaline Junkie is another great pairing. If you’re bringing the Ogma PR6 into a Grandmaster Nightfall — say, when there’s a Solar burn on and Unstoppable Champions in the mix — don’t sleep on Adaptive Munitions, which can help you crack those tough Match Game shields.
Ogma PR6 PVP God Roll
- Smallbore
- Accurized Rounds
- Perpetual Motion
- Wellspring
Unfortunately, the Ogma PR6 isn’t going to do a whole lot for you in Destiny 2 PVP. It’s lacking a lot of useful duelling perks, and doesn’t have a lot of kill-chaining potential either. Its range, too, leaves something to be desired. If you want to use a Solar pulse rifle in the Crucible, you’re better off sticking with the BXR-55 Battler.
That’s about it for the Ogma PR6. Be sure to check out our other god roll guides for Destiny 2.