Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a build crafting system, Lightfall also introduces our second Darkness subclass, Strand. Of course, one of the biggest draws is the new raid, Root of Nightmares. Taking place on the Witness’ pyramid ship, players will battle their way through hordes of Cabal enemies to face off against formerly imprisoned, Nezarec. Similar to King’s Fall and Vow of the Disciple, players can also complete a small puzzle throughout the raid to unlock a guaranteed red border weapon after you kill the final boss. Here’s how to get the Deepsight chest in the Root of Nightmares raid:
How to Get the Deepsight Chest
To get the Deepsight chest in Root of Nightmares, you will need to connect three Light or Dark nodes scattered throughout the raid. To start, as you make your way through the opening moments of the raid, do not descend the large staircase on the right toward the Cabal enemies. Instead, look to your left and you should see three, large Dark (orange) and Light (white) nodes in some combination (shown above). Either take a screenshot or write down the order (left to right) before proceeding down the staircase. These will be the connections you need to make, so if the order is Light, Light, Dark, the first and second connections will be Light while the third connection is Dark.
Connection One – Root of Nightmares Deepsight Chest
The first orb you will need to shoot is located right before the first encounter. As you progress through the ship you’ll eventually reach a room with a large doorway with a bright, white light shining through it. Instead of going through this door, head right down towards the large plant. You will find a small doorway that leads to a set of stairs descending into the basement below. Now approach either the large ball of Light or Darkness (depending on the first node in the sequence at the start) and shoot it. You will get either the Flux of Darkness or Field of Light buff for 20 seconds. Now follow the line of energy emanating from the node towards the orb. Shoot the orb to make it either Light or Dark. If done correctly the text “Your actions take root…” will appear in the bottom left corner.
Connection Two – Root of Nightmares Deepsight Chest
Continue through the raid until you finish the second encounter. As you make your way through the jumping puzzle, you will eventually launch yourself across a gap to a platform with some Cabal enemies on it. Once you clear out all the enemies you should see this large structure (shown above) to your left. There is a doorway in the bottom left corner of the building which will lead you to another connection room. Keep in mind, the wipe mechanic can still kill you in this building so make sure to refresh your Darkness Refuge buff. If you’re struggling to jump the gap, try equipping a sword or Strand’s grapple ability.
Connection Three – Root of Nightmares Deepsight Chest
The third and final connection is actually pretty easy to miss if you don’t know where to look. After the third encounter, make your way toward the final arena. Right before reaching Nezarec, you’ll run across a large, colorful plant. At the end of the plant, you will want to look down and to the right.
Below, you’ll see some floating rubble that you can hop onto. Once on the rubble, look up (shown above) to find a small doorway that you can jump up into. Inside will be the final connection that you need to make. If you connected all three nodes with the right sequence the text “A great harvest awaits…” in the bottom left corner will appear. Now all you need to do is kill Nezarec and you will be rewarded a random, Deepsight variant of any weapon in the raid. This drop is tied to your account not your classes, so you can only do it once a week. If you are running the raid for the first time each week, I strongly recommend completing this puzzle since it takes basically no effort.