How to Enhance an Adept Weapon's Perks in Destiny 2

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a build crafting system, Lightfall also introduces our second Darkness subclass, Strand. One of the biggest changes that just went live is the ability to get enhanced perks on Adept weapons. This is perfect for those who want to min/max their weapons or gain the advantage of Adept Mods which normally cannot go on crafted firearms. Here’s how to get enhanced perks on your Adept weapons in Destiny 2:

Destiny 2 Adept Weapon Enhance

How to Get Enhanced Perks on Adept Weapons

The first thing is any Adept weapon you want to add enhanced perks on needs to have its pattern completed. Meaning, if I want to enhance my Rufus’s Fury you need to have collected five Deepsight variants of this gun. You will also need to earn an Adept version of this gun, which is done by completing the rotating, weekly challenges in the Root of Nightmares raid. Keep in mind, the only perks that matter on your Adept weapons are the last two, as the rest can be changed during the process. So don’t worry about the magazine, barrel, or masterwork. However, at the time of writing this, the masterwork section appears to be bugged and cannot be altered. We know from a previous blog post this will be able to choose your masterwork so don’t worry about this for now. The only parts on the Adept gun you cannot alter are the two primary perks.

Now go into your inventory, inspect the Adept weapon, and move your cursor over the new socket to the right of where you’d place a mod. You’ll be given the option to Enhance a weapon for 12 Spoils of COnquest, 10,000 Glimmer, 27 Legendary Shards, and 20 Enhancement Cores. Once you pay this fee, you’ll then have to increase this Adept weapon to Level 11. After hitting this level you will pay even more materials, including an Ascendant Alloy, and then be required to reach Level 17 with that gun. After hitting 17, you will pay one final fee of materials to fully enhance this gun.

After hitting level 17 and paying the necessary cost, make your wave to the Enclave in Savathun’s Throne World and approach the crafting table. You can now swap out your normal perks for the enhanced version of these. This will not cost any additional materials and players can socket a Memento of their choice into the gun. Other aspects of the firearm such as the magazine and barrel can also be adjusted. Remember, if you’re farming for Adept weapons only the last two perks matter. These are static and can’t be changed outside of making those perks enhanced variants.

Currently, only Root of Nightmares Adept weapons can be enhanced. Other activities like Trials of Osiris and Grandmaster Nightfalls cannot receive enhanced perks.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.