With Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, the doors to the Throne World are finally open. Savatun introduces herself in the latest expansion with new gear, weapons, strikes, and many other activities to look forward to. Navigating this new era can be overwhelming, but don’t fret — we’re here to help. This guide explains the Destiny 2 Witch Queen season pass, including all Season of the Risen rewards, so you know what to look forward throughout the next few months.
In case you’re in need of more help, we have guides covering the brand new mods, how to unlock void grenades and your first Glaive, where to find The Enclave in Mars, all triumphs for Season of the Risen title, how to solve the rune puzzle, how to complete the seasonal quest Operation Elbrus, walkthroughs for The Investigation, Rising Tensions, and Queens and Worms quests, how to get the Le Monarque, Grand Overture, Outbreak Perfected, and Osteo Striga catalysts, and all current bugs and issues.
Season of the Risen Season Pass Rewards
The first Destiny 2 Witch Queen season pass is now available, and with it comes dozens of rewards to unlock in both the free and premium tiers. Including new currencies, armor, and weapons, you’re going to want to plan ahead as much as possible to make the most out of Season of the Risen.
You can find the Season of the Risen season pass rewards below:
Rank 1 to 10
- Free tier: 9 Upgrade Modules, 16,000 Glimmer, 50 Legendary Shards, Eververse Engram, 200 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: Grand Overture exotic weapon, Risen Umbral Energy, Ritual Glimmer Boost, 5 Enhancement Cores, Small Fireteam XP Boost and Small XP Boost, 10,000 Glimmer, Royal Dye shader, Destination Resource Bundle, Like a Moth to A… finisher.
Rank 11 to 20
- Free tier: 6 Upgrade Modules, 12,000 Glimmer, 2 Eververse Engrams, Exotic Engram, 250 Bright Dust, 5 Enhancement Cores.
- Paid tier: Catalyst Quest Boost Alpha, War Table Efficiency I, Hands of the Risen focused umbral engram, 25 Legendary Shards, 5 Enhancement Cores, Small XP Boost, 10,000 Glimmer, Lucent Shrieker Entrance transmat effect, Destination Resource Bundle, Legendary Shard Dismantle Bonus.
Rank 21 to 30
- Free tier: 4 Upgrade Modules, 2 Eververse Engrams, Legendary Engram, 300 Bright Dust, Thoughtless legendary weapon.
- Paid tier: 5 Enhancement Cores, Catalyst Quest Boost Omega, 10,000 Glimmer, Legs of the Risen focused umbral engram, Exotic Engram, Small Fireteam XP Boost, 800 Bright Dust Arms Masterwork Bonus, Destination Resource Bundle, Mind Shar exotic vehicle.
Rank 31 to 40
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, Grand Overture exotic weapon, 400 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: 25 Legendary Shards, 5 Enhancement Cores, War Table Efficiency II, 3 Upgrade Modules, Breastplate of the Risen focused umbral engram, Small XP Boost, 10,000 Glimmer, Legs Masterwork Bonus, Destination Resource Bundle, Mind’s Eye shader.
Destiny 2 Witch Queen Season Pass Rank 41 to 50
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, Piece of Mind legendary weapon, 500 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: 50 Legendary Shards, 5 Enhancement Cores, 12,000 Glimmer, Relic of the Risen focused umbral engram, Armor Scrounger, Small XP Boost, 3 Upgrade Modules, Class Masterwork Bonus, Destination Resource Bundle, Flayer Shell exotic ghost shell.
Rank 51 to 60
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, Exotic Cipher, 650 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: Piece of Mind Masterwork Bonus, Risen Umbral Energy, 5 Enhancement Cores, Exotic Engram, Helmet of the Risen focused umbral engram, Small Fireteam XP Boost, Tusked Allegiance Gloves legendary gauntlets, Chest Masterwork Bonus, Destination Resource Bundle, Tusked Allegiance Boots legendary leg armor.
Rank 61 to 70
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, Exotic Engram, 800 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: Thoughtless Masterwork Bonus, 3 Upgrade Modules, 3 Enhancement Prisms, class universal ornament, Exotic Engram, Small XP Boost, Tusked Allegiance legendary warlock bond, Helmet Masterwork Bonus, Destination Resource Bundle, 2 Risen Umbral Energies.
Rank 71 to 80
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, 1,000 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: Weapon Scrounger, Enhancement Prism, class universal ornament, Exotic Engram, 5 Raid Banners, Small XP Boost, Tusked Allegiance Robes legendary chest armor, 1,000 Bright Dust, Destination Resource Bundle, A Huge Crush emote.
Rank 81 to 90
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, 1,400 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: Advanced Weapon Scrounger, 30,000 Glimmer, class universal ornament, 3 Upgrade Modules, 2 Ascendant Shards, Small Fireteam XP Boost, Tusked Allegiance Hood legendary helmet, Exotic Engram, Destination Resource Bundle.
Rank 91 to 100
- Free tier: 2 Eververse Engrams, 2,000 Bright Dust.
- Paid tier: 2 class universal ornaments, 4 Risen Umbral Energies, 5 Raid Banners, Ascendant Shard, Destination Resource Bundle, 1,200 Bright Dust, Exotic Engram, A Funny Thing exotic emote, Red Allegiant exotic weapon ornament (Grand Overture.)
Best of luck hunting all the Destiny 2 Witch Queen season pass rewards!