Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph Seasonal Mods Guide - Best & Worst

With the launch of a new Destiny 2 season comes a new Seasonal Artifact, and in turn a new set of seasonal mods to play around with. The artifact this time around is the Seraph Cipher, which you obtain by completing the first part of the seasonal story mission. Let’s take a look at the mods on offer.

Best Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph Mods

The Retrofit mods are interesting. These seasonal mods grant the equivalent of a small stat bonus when equipped. You might ask what the point of these is — well, they mean that you can essentially have two different stat boosts on a single piece of armor, or even +15 to a single stat. If you’ve been playing Destiny 2 for long enough you likely have some high-stat armors already, but they provide a little more flexibility and will definitely help newer players get that all-important 100 Resilience.

Lucent Finisher is huge for Grandmaster Nightfalls and certain raids. Being able to drop Heavy ammo for your teammates is a fantastic effect, and unlike the normal finisher mods, it doesn’t even drain your super energy.

Solo Operative looks like a godsend for anyone trying to solo Destiny 2 content. A straight-up damage buff with no need to proc it? I’ll be having that, then.

Energy Diffusion Substrate provides an across the board boost to damage resistance. Might not be super noticeable, but it’s a chest mod with an energy cost of 1 and it’s stackable, which is nice.

Weakened Clear is going to singlehandedly ensure that Witherhoard continues to be a mandatory pick in raids and high-level Nightfalls despite its recent nerf. The fact that it reloads stowed weapons will make it an absolute banger for solo players too — fire Witherhoard to weaken a boss, switch to an auto-loading weapon, unload, switch back to Witherhoard, repeat.

Advance Scout is extremely cheap and might see play in Grandmaster Nightfalls, where taking down a Champion during their stun period requires focused fire.

Low-Entropy Superconductor & Lord Kelvin’s Basilisk are boons to Stasis players in particular. At only one energy each, they give Stasis subclasses a way to deal with both Overload and Unstoppable Champions. Stasis seems like it’s going to be very powerful in endgame activities this season.

Worst Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph Mods

Overload Rounds are back, again. Having to focus fire on an Overload Champion to disrupt them is awful, especially when they keep teleporting everywhere. At least we have a few different options for stunning Overload Champions this time around.

In-Flight Compensator seems like a weird kind of band-aid on the airborne effectiveness changes. If it really helps, it might see use in PVP, but it’ll likely just remind people of how much they still hate the changes to aerial combat.

Passive Aggressive Guard is extremely expensive and only helps with damage against nearby enemies while wielding a Glaive. In low-level activities this won’t matter much, and in high-level activities it’s a waste of a slot.

All in all, a lot of pretty great mods this season. In particular, there’s a lot here for solo players — if you didn’t solo dungeons back when Classy Restoration was around and you’ve been meaning to, Season of the Seraph might be the time to give it a shot.

Destiny 2 Seraph Cipher Mods

Want a list of everything available this season? Here you go!

Column 1

  • Unstoppable Hand Cannon
  • Overload Scout Rifle
  • Piercing Bowstring (Anti-Barrier Bow)
  • Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifle
  • Overload Rounds (Overload Auto Rifle and SMG)

Column 2

  • Grenade Launcher Holster
  • Legacy Ambush
  • In-Flight Compensator
  • Bow Dexterity
  • Mobile Retrofit

Column 3

  • Hand Cannon Targeting
  • Pulse Rifle Loader
  • Energy Diffusion Substrate
  • Sharp Shooting
  • Resilient Retrofit

Column 4

  • Unstoppable Grenade Launcher
  • Counter Charge
  • Advance Scout
  • Lord Kelvin’s Basilisk
  • Low Entropy Superconductor

Column 5

  • Passive Aggressive Guard
  • Weakened Clear
  • Monochromatic Maestro
  • Solo Operative
  • Lucent Finisher

About the Author

merritt k

merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.