Hey there, Crucible fans! In Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph, there’s an all-new PVP-centric seal and title to chase down. None of it looks too difficult if you’re a frequent player, but you’re going to have to dib your toe into the Competitive 3v3 playlist if you want the Glorious title.
Glorious Title Required Triumphs
Some of this seal’s triumphs are retroactive like Forever Valorous, Prestigious, and Gold Medalist. If you’ve already ranked up a bunch and earned some rare medals, you’re set. The rest, however, may or may not be. Decathlete certainly isn’t as I currently have zero progress. Some of the Competitive 3v3 triumphs may be, but I haven’t played that in years so I couldn’t say.
- Forever Valorous – Earn ten Crucible ranks across all seasons.
- Prestigious – Reset your Crucible rank three times across all seasons.
- Decathlete – Complete ten matches of different gametypes. Each unique gametype increments progress.
- Gold Medalist – Acquire three medals in the Crucible Gold Tier category.
- Placement Series Matches – Complete your seven Placement Series matches in the Competitive playlist.
- Division Promotion – Successfully complete a Promotion Series and get promoted to a higher Division.
- Division Debut – Complete 100 matches in the Competitive 3v3 playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins.
- Climbing the Ladder – Achieve Platinum Division in any Season.
- Get Those Reps – Earn 200 points by completing objectives in the Competitive 3v3 playlist.
There are a few things worth noting here. For Division Debut, you probably don’t need to complete 100 matches. The game says you need 100 points to finish this, but doesn’t specify how many points are awarded per match or per victory.
Depending on where you place, Division Promotion may also be very challenging.
Crucible Gold Tier Medals
For Gold Medalist, these are the challenges you’re looking to complete. Keep in mind that you only need three of them. I already have eight unlocked so this autocompleted for me. It’s worth noting that you do not need to have three unique medals, just three medals total. While I happen to also have three unique medals, the game appears to be counting my six Power Overwhelming medals.
- Seventh Column – Rapidly defeat seven opposing Guardians.
- Undefeated – Complete a match in which you are never defeated by an opponent.
- Annihilation – Land final blows on the entire enemy team before any of them respawn.
- We Ran Out of Medals – In a single life, defeat 20 opposing Guardians.
- Ghost in the Night – Land final blows on seven opponents without taking any damage from any source.
- The Crown is Mine – Defeat an opponent who is on a streak of 20 or more.
- Not. One. Inch. – Breakthrough: Win a match in which your opponent never scores and never gains any capture progress on the Breaker.
- Power Overwhelming – Control: As a team, defeat all opposing Guardians at least once during a single Power Play.
- Perfect Game – Countdown: Win a Countdown match in which your opponent never scores and never sets a charge.
- Angles of Death – Elimination: Win a match in which no one on your team is Eliminated and no opponent is revived.
- Total Mayhem – Mayhem: As a team, land ten Super final blows without anyone on your team being defeated.
- Territorial Instinct – Lockdown: Win a match without surrendering any capture progress.
- Saladin’s Run – Complete a Rift match with two or more carries and a 100% capture rate.
- The Sum of all Tears – Rumble: Win a match with a score greater than or equal to the sum of all opponents’ scores.
- Invincible – Showdown: Win a match in which no one on your team is defeated.
- A Crown of Crests – Supremacy: Complete a match with the most crests created and a 100% secure rate.
- Untouchable – Survival: Win a match where no one on your team is defeated across all arounds.
- Pristine Guard – Win a match in which none of the zones your team owns are neutralized by the opposing team.